Our day at the Atlanta Zoo!
We took part in the free zoo pass offered by our local public library. It was super easy! You rent a video, watch it, return it and get 4 free tickets to the zoo! You have one week to use your pass, so we decided we wanted to check out the Atlanta zoo over New Year's weekend.
It wasn't the best of days to visit the zoo. It wasn't the temperature so much as the WIND! I've always said this, I really dislike the wind! A breeze I can live with, but we are talking 20-30 mph winds this day. Anyway, we made do!


The girls! I think Emelia looks especially silly, but Sean pulled her socks out over her pants to help keep her warm.

Peek a boo!

The bird house was really cool!

You can feed them for $1.

These guys are always my favorite.

That is obviously just a statue of a giraffe, but Miss Millie thought it was real.

Wait, so I can get on this thing? Right after I took this picture, Emelia fell and hit the pavement. She left part of her face on the pavement. Poor girl.

Autumn settled into the idea of the Zoo, but she wasn't really having a good time (with the wind!), until we hit the kangaroo area and the petting zoo.

Every since Autumn learned about kangaroo's at school, she's been talking about them a lot!

Petting zoo!

I'm not sure exactly what Sean was doing, maybe trying to convince Emelia to pet it. She wouldn't.
Overall, I thought the Atlanta zoo was kind of boring. Honestly, I don't know if we just hit it at a bad time with all that wind, maybe the animals were hiding from it? I am not sure, but even the little poky Anchorage zoo was more fun than this one, at least to me. Considering we didn't pay, I'd say it was worth the trip.
Sean is home now, in case you were wondering!
The Jordan's.
It wasn't the best of days to visit the zoo. It wasn't the temperature so much as the WIND! I've always said this, I really dislike the wind! A breeze I can live with, but we are talking 20-30 mph winds this day. Anyway, we made do!
The girls! I think Emelia looks especially silly, but Sean pulled her socks out over her pants to help keep her warm.
Peek a boo!
The bird house was really cool!
You can feed them for $1.
These guys are always my favorite.
That is obviously just a statue of a giraffe, but Miss Millie thought it was real.
Wait, so I can get on this thing? Right after I took this picture, Emelia fell and hit the pavement. She left part of her face on the pavement. Poor girl.
Autumn settled into the idea of the Zoo, but she wasn't really having a good time (with the wind!), until we hit the kangaroo area and the petting zoo.
Every since Autumn learned about kangaroo's at school, she's been talking about them a lot!
Petting zoo!
I'm not sure exactly what Sean was doing, maybe trying to convince Emelia to pet it. She wouldn't.
Overall, I thought the Atlanta zoo was kind of boring. Honestly, I don't know if we just hit it at a bad time with all that wind, maybe the animals were hiding from it? I am not sure, but even the little poky Anchorage zoo was more fun than this one, at least to me. Considering we didn't pay, I'd say it was worth the trip.
Sean is home now, in case you were wondering!
The Jordan's.