Bad Raccoon.
Last night, around 6 pm, Millie fell asleep on the floor.
I'm grateful that I made her take her medicine when I did because I noticed she was tired and about to fall asleep despite her claim,

"I'm not tired mom. I'm not about to fall asleep."
She said that about two minutes before I snapped the photo.
About ten pm, I headed to bed.
I had been in bed a few minutes when I heard a, "tap, tap, tap."
It sounded like the cat food bowl to me.
I flipped the light on and see that pesky raccoon.
I threw the deadbolt and I guess I scared the crap out the raccoon because he threw the cat food bowl and food went everywhere.
I ran and grabbed my camera and took a few photos and a video to show the girls.

He even looked on the table for food (I have put the cat food up there a few times when I've noticed ants coming up on the porch).
What a bad raccoon.
I guess that
#1 he cleaned up his mess.
#2 he didn't get into my garden.
This morning, Millie woke up at 6 am.
That is very unusual for her.
She typically wakes at 7 or 730 am.
She came in my room with the skeleton key Alice gave her and told me she was searching for the secret door.
At 6 am!!!!
Oh my.
She sounded chipper at least.
Her rash is still bothering her.
We lounged around a good bit of the morning and then headed to Subaru for the oil change.
When I arrived and got checked in, I told the "specialist" that we were expecting the shuttle.
She said, "we don't run a shuttle on Saturday."
Well the person that made my appointment told me they reserved the shuttle for us.
"I don't know who would have told you that, we do not run a shuttle on Saturday."
I was mad!!!
I walked off and went looking for the little play room for the girls, but they got rid of it.
Sat down where the TV's were at and couldn't find the remote to change the trash that was showing on the TV.
The girls looked disappointed.
I told them we would go to the Market and get treats.
The longer I sat there, the angrier I got about it.
I could have easily scheduled a weekday appointment so that we could have used the shuttle service.
I walked up to the service counter and asked to speak to a service manager, NOW.
Not one minute later that snarky "specialist" walks over and says, "We are going to give you a loaner."
That is acceptable.
They gave me a Forester.
Wow, that thing was a piece of garbage.
It was so dirty inside.

The girls were NOT happy about it!!
Autumn said she hated it!!
It made me laugh.
I didn't care though,
we didn't have to wait for an hour and a half at the dealership and we were only driving two minutes down the road to the Fresh Market.
We did our FM shopping and then grabbed some medicine for Max from the pet store.
I'm concerned Max has fin rot.
We are putting a few drops in his water over the next 7 days, change his water out and resume treatment if his fins do not look better.
Sarah Joy (Taylor) sent me a surprise in the mail.

A water bottle that helps you keep track of your water consumption throughout the day.
I've been a bit bad about drinking all the water I need to.
With how hot it has been, I really do need to do better.
Maybe it will help me feel better too (being hydrated).
I don't believe we will be going to church tomorrow.
It isn't because the girls have strep, so much as I think they just need another down day.
Their immune systems have taken a hit and besides, I don't think Millie will be able to be still with how itchy her rash is.
I dosed her up with Benadryl again tonight in hopes to help her with the intense itch.
Guess what else went around VBS??
I've checked their hair a few times, but so far I don't see anything.
They haven't been scratching either.
Well, I'm going to try and go to bed.
I've been having body aches, but I'm pretty sure it is from inactivity.
I think I'll try to get up on time tomorrow and walk before the girls wake up.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
103 days.
I'm grateful that I made her take her medicine when I did because I noticed she was tired and about to fall asleep despite her claim,

"I'm not tired mom. I'm not about to fall asleep."
She said that about two minutes before I snapped the photo.
About ten pm, I headed to bed.
I had been in bed a few minutes when I heard a, "tap, tap, tap."
It sounded like the cat food bowl to me.
I flipped the light on and see that pesky raccoon.
I threw the deadbolt and I guess I scared the crap out the raccoon because he threw the cat food bowl and food went everywhere.
I ran and grabbed my camera and took a few photos and a video to show the girls.

He even looked on the table for food (I have put the cat food up there a few times when I've noticed ants coming up on the porch).
What a bad raccoon.
I guess that
#1 he cleaned up his mess.
#2 he didn't get into my garden.
This morning, Millie woke up at 6 am.
That is very unusual for her.
She typically wakes at 7 or 730 am.
She came in my room with the skeleton key Alice gave her and told me she was searching for the secret door.
At 6 am!!!!
Oh my.
She sounded chipper at least.
Her rash is still bothering her.
We lounged around a good bit of the morning and then headed to Subaru for the oil change.
When I arrived and got checked in, I told the "specialist" that we were expecting the shuttle.
She said, "we don't run a shuttle on Saturday."
Well the person that made my appointment told me they reserved the shuttle for us.
"I don't know who would have told you that, we do not run a shuttle on Saturday."
I was mad!!!
I walked off and went looking for the little play room for the girls, but they got rid of it.
Sat down where the TV's were at and couldn't find the remote to change the trash that was showing on the TV.
The girls looked disappointed.
I told them we would go to the Market and get treats.
The longer I sat there, the angrier I got about it.
I could have easily scheduled a weekday appointment so that we could have used the shuttle service.
I walked up to the service counter and asked to speak to a service manager, NOW.
Not one minute later that snarky "specialist" walks over and says, "We are going to give you a loaner."
That is acceptable.
They gave me a Forester.
Wow, that thing was a piece of garbage.
It was so dirty inside.

The girls were NOT happy about it!!
Autumn said she hated it!!
It made me laugh.
I didn't care though,
we didn't have to wait for an hour and a half at the dealership and we were only driving two minutes down the road to the Fresh Market.
We did our FM shopping and then grabbed some medicine for Max from the pet store.
I'm concerned Max has fin rot.
We are putting a few drops in his water over the next 7 days, change his water out and resume treatment if his fins do not look better.
Sarah Joy (Taylor) sent me a surprise in the mail.

A water bottle that helps you keep track of your water consumption throughout the day.
I've been a bit bad about drinking all the water I need to.
With how hot it has been, I really do need to do better.
Maybe it will help me feel better too (being hydrated).
I don't believe we will be going to church tomorrow.
It isn't because the girls have strep, so much as I think they just need another down day.
Their immune systems have taken a hit and besides, I don't think Millie will be able to be still with how itchy her rash is.
I dosed her up with Benadryl again tonight in hopes to help her with the intense itch.
Guess what else went around VBS??
I've checked their hair a few times, but so far I don't see anything.
They haven't been scratching either.
Well, I'm going to try and go to bed.
I've been having body aches, but I'm pretty sure it is from inactivity.
I think I'll try to get up on time tomorrow and walk before the girls wake up.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
103 days.