Some days are just stupid.
From start to finish, this was not my favorite day.

This morning we headed out around 740 am for Atlanta.
We stopped at KK for donuts.
All I ordered was the box of doughnut holes.
While I was chatting with you, the minions ate them ALL.
There was not a single one left for me.
How could they do that to me?!?
It was a fairly uneventful ride to the mall.
I decided we should go there first so that I didn't worry about someone stealing Autumn's brand new bike.
I told the girls we were going to walk around and LOOK....
We were not BUYING anything today, but that we would have lunch and just window shop.
We needed the walking after sitting in the car for two hours.
We look around Macy's and make our way out into the mall when Autumn says she wants to go to the Disney store.
OK. Here is where I clearly must have lost my mind.
We go into the Disney store.
Autumn tells me she wants to see if they have any Minnie mouse towels (like what Millie got for her birthday).
I say, sure, lets go look.
Thinking that if they had any, they'd surely be on sale by now. Your mom and I picked up that towel wrap back in April (During a follow up appointment for Millie's eye balls).
Guess what?
They didn't have Minnie mouse, but they had an Ariel wrap for $14.
I'm debating whether to get this thing or not.
Then the super magical sales clerk tells me they are 40% off that $14 price.
OK, we are getting this.
I find goggles for Millie $4.99 and 40% off. I pick those up.
Autumn hands Millie a stuffed cat and tells her to ask me to buy it.
I tell Millie if she really wants something, she needs to pick from the clearance bin.
Millie doesn't want anything from the clearance bin.
I put the stuffed cat ($10.95, not on sale %0 off) back.
Then begins the biggest meltdown I have ever seen a 7 year old have.
Millie tells me she wants some lip gloss, because the 1000 tubes of lip gloss at home are not enough for this chick.
I look at the back, $10.95 and gently put it back.
Now Millie is crying too.
The sales clerk is smiling at me.
I'm trying to get out of there.
Autumn is screaming, Just throw the towel thing away. I DON'T WANT IT!
I'll give it to someone else then, this is too good a price to pass up (and besides, I Know she wants it. She's been asking and we've been looking for months for something).
The clerk hands me bag and says, "Have a magical weekend."
I look the clerk in the eye and just stare that eat crap and die stare.
We get out of the Disney store with both children crying.
Millie is now screaming, "I hate you. GO AWAY. You are a stupid mother."
Then she runs up and hits me in the back.
She hit me so hard, it stung.
We go to the food court, we were right near it.
I tell them to sit down.
I needed a second to gather my thoughts and regain my composure.
People are staring.
Millie gets in my face with teeth/fists clenched and growls at me.
Sit down.
Sit down now.
She sits.
I really want something from the store.
Millie. You cannot have anything from the store. You behaved horribly and you hit me.
I'm sorry.
You aren't getting anything.
Screaming: I SAID I WAS SORRY. I want something now.
No. Just HELL NO.

I get up.
We march straight to the bathroom.
People are still staring at us.
I find the family restroom.
I go in and lock the door.
I spank Millie.
4 times.
I tell her she is to never hit me again. She is not going to call me stupid ever again.
I look at Autumn, do you need a spanking?
Stop crying. NOW.
I tell the girls that Christmas is not happening. We are never going to the mall again. From now on, the answer to anything that begins with I want or can I have, is NO!
I tune them out and take a few more minutes to compose myself.
I'm really upset at this point.
I want to murder our children.
I feel serious about cancelling Christmas.
They HAVE to learn that you cannot get what you want by behaving this way.
I tell them to be quiet.
We are leaving the mall now.
You do not know how to behave properly, so we cannot stay.
You will be quiet. There will be no more crying.
We leave.
We go to REI.
Seriously, do we have to give her this bike?
I don't want to anymore.
We've already paid for it though.

It takes some time for them to get everything together, but we finally take possession of the bike.
Now begins Millie crying again.
She wants a bike.
She throws herself over top the purple pixie 1 speed bike.
I told her that I would talk to you about it, but again, the answer to crying to get your way is NO!
We take the bike out and I try to fit the tube top on the bike so I can put it on the bike rack.
The bike isn't big enough for the tube top.
It took some maneuvering to get the bike in the trunk, but we finally get it worked out.
We head home.
We stop in Newnan for lunch. Everyone eats.
We made it home about 2 or 230 pm.
I start doing some housework.
I'm really behind on some things.
I work on the house until 4 pm.
Then we head out to gymnastics sign ups.

We arrive about 430. It doesn't start until 6 pm.
I'm the 9th person in line.
It is over 100 degrees.
I brought the paperwork from the school and sit down and fill it out.
The line behind me grows quickly.
A lady a few people back asks the guy directly behind me what number he is.
He says I don't know.
I turn and tell her that they have not handed out numbers yet.
She says, well you can count the people in front of you.
Seriously lady??
I say to her, do you NEED me to count for you or are you capable?
Then I turn back, put my headphones in my ears and continue on.
Finally at 540 pm, they open the doors and let us all in.
We survive.
When we get home, the girls helped me make

It stormed which means that we won't be able to seal the fence tomorrow.

Not a great picture, but while in the parking lot of REI, I fiddled with the Yakima.
I was able to pry the one side back and shove the other side in with my finger nails.
I guess I was afraid to put too much pressure on it before, but I feel confident that I'm not breaking anything.
I got it back in and it still looks a little loose, but I don't think it is anything to worry about.
I'm headed to bed shortly.
At least the grouchiness seems to be over for the day.
While making the saucer, the following conversation happened.
Millie: What if I get to Kindergarten and my teacher makes me read a book that I don't know how to read?
Cherish: Your teacher's job is to help you learn how to read. You are going to be just fine. Your teacher will help you.
Autumn: Your teacher will read to you and teach you new words. I can teach you some new words.
Millie: OK.
Autumn: Say apropos.
Millie: Apropos.
Autumn is a stinking genius.
I had to look that word up.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
109 days of insanity.

This morning we headed out around 740 am for Atlanta.
We stopped at KK for donuts.
All I ordered was the box of doughnut holes.
While I was chatting with you, the minions ate them ALL.
There was not a single one left for me.
How could they do that to me?!?
It was a fairly uneventful ride to the mall.
I decided we should go there first so that I didn't worry about someone stealing Autumn's brand new bike.
I told the girls we were going to walk around and LOOK....
We were not BUYING anything today, but that we would have lunch and just window shop.
We needed the walking after sitting in the car for two hours.
We look around Macy's and make our way out into the mall when Autumn says she wants to go to the Disney store.
OK. Here is where I clearly must have lost my mind.
We go into the Disney store.
Autumn tells me she wants to see if they have any Minnie mouse towels (like what Millie got for her birthday).
I say, sure, lets go look.
Thinking that if they had any, they'd surely be on sale by now. Your mom and I picked up that towel wrap back in April (During a follow up appointment for Millie's eye balls).
Guess what?
They didn't have Minnie mouse, but they had an Ariel wrap for $14.
I'm debating whether to get this thing or not.
Then the super magical sales clerk tells me they are 40% off that $14 price.
OK, we are getting this.
I find goggles for Millie $4.99 and 40% off. I pick those up.
Autumn hands Millie a stuffed cat and tells her to ask me to buy it.
I tell Millie if she really wants something, she needs to pick from the clearance bin.
Millie doesn't want anything from the clearance bin.
I put the stuffed cat ($10.95, not on sale %0 off) back.
Then begins the biggest meltdown I have ever seen a 7 year old have.
Millie tells me she wants some lip gloss, because the 1000 tubes of lip gloss at home are not enough for this chick.
I look at the back, $10.95 and gently put it back.
Now Millie is crying too.
The sales clerk is smiling at me.
I'm trying to get out of there.
Autumn is screaming, Just throw the towel thing away. I DON'T WANT IT!
I'll give it to someone else then, this is too good a price to pass up (and besides, I Know she wants it. She's been asking and we've been looking for months for something).
The clerk hands me bag and says, "Have a magical weekend."
I look the clerk in the eye and just stare that eat crap and die stare.
We get out of the Disney store with both children crying.
Millie is now screaming, "I hate you. GO AWAY. You are a stupid mother."
Then she runs up and hits me in the back.
She hit me so hard, it stung.
We go to the food court, we were right near it.
I tell them to sit down.
I needed a second to gather my thoughts and regain my composure.
People are staring.
Millie gets in my face with teeth/fists clenched and growls at me.
Sit down.
Sit down now.
She sits.
I really want something from the store.
Millie. You cannot have anything from the store. You behaved horribly and you hit me.
I'm sorry.
You aren't getting anything.
Screaming: I SAID I WAS SORRY. I want something now.
No. Just HELL NO.

I get up.
We march straight to the bathroom.
People are still staring at us.
I find the family restroom.
I go in and lock the door.
I spank Millie.
4 times.
I tell her she is to never hit me again. She is not going to call me stupid ever again.
I look at Autumn, do you need a spanking?
Stop crying. NOW.
I tell the girls that Christmas is not happening. We are never going to the mall again. From now on, the answer to anything that begins with I want or can I have, is NO!
I tune them out and take a few more minutes to compose myself.
I'm really upset at this point.
I want to murder our children.
I feel serious about cancelling Christmas.
They HAVE to learn that you cannot get what you want by behaving this way.
I tell them to be quiet.
We are leaving the mall now.
You do not know how to behave properly, so we cannot stay.
You will be quiet. There will be no more crying.
We leave.
We go to REI.
Seriously, do we have to give her this bike?
I don't want to anymore.
We've already paid for it though.

It takes some time for them to get everything together, but we finally take possession of the bike.
Now begins Millie crying again.
She wants a bike.
She throws herself over top the purple pixie 1 speed bike.
I told her that I would talk to you about it, but again, the answer to crying to get your way is NO!
We take the bike out and I try to fit the tube top on the bike so I can put it on the bike rack.
The bike isn't big enough for the tube top.
It took some maneuvering to get the bike in the trunk, but we finally get it worked out.
We head home.
We stop in Newnan for lunch. Everyone eats.
We made it home about 2 or 230 pm.
I start doing some housework.
I'm really behind on some things.
I work on the house until 4 pm.
Then we head out to gymnastics sign ups.

We arrive about 430. It doesn't start until 6 pm.
I'm the 9th person in line.
It is over 100 degrees.
I brought the paperwork from the school and sit down and fill it out.
The line behind me grows quickly.
A lady a few people back asks the guy directly behind me what number he is.
He says I don't know.
I turn and tell her that they have not handed out numbers yet.
She says, well you can count the people in front of you.
Seriously lady??
I say to her, do you NEED me to count for you or are you capable?
Then I turn back, put my headphones in my ears and continue on.
Finally at 540 pm, they open the doors and let us all in.
We survive.
When we get home, the girls helped me make

It stormed which means that we won't be able to seal the fence tomorrow.

Not a great picture, but while in the parking lot of REI, I fiddled with the Yakima.
I was able to pry the one side back and shove the other side in with my finger nails.
I guess I was afraid to put too much pressure on it before, but I feel confident that I'm not breaking anything.
I got it back in and it still looks a little loose, but I don't think it is anything to worry about.
I'm headed to bed shortly.
At least the grouchiness seems to be over for the day.
While making the saucer, the following conversation happened.
Millie: What if I get to Kindergarten and my teacher makes me read a book that I don't know how to read?
Cherish: Your teacher's job is to help you learn how to read. You are going to be just fine. Your teacher will help you.
Autumn: Your teacher will read to you and teach you new words. I can teach you some new words.
Millie: OK.
Autumn: Say apropos.
Millie: Apropos.
Autumn is a stinking genius.
I had to look that word up.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
109 days of insanity.