Autumn broke a cup in the bathroom.
It was an accident.
She was cleaning, a little too vigorously, and knocked it to the floor.
I was going to throw it away, but she freaked out.
Millie, the mastermind,

"Look mommy. I fixed it."
OK, but don't put any water in it.
You can put toothbrushes and such in it.
We met some friends at BK and stayed for quite some time.
It was good to be out and in the company of friends.
On the way home, something fell in the road and splattered on the Outback.
I thought it was dirt, but upon closer inspection, it was sticky.
I decided I should wash it.
While I was cleaning the Outback, Millie comes and says,
E: Mommy I broke something and it was an accident.
C: What did you break?
E: I don't know the words, but follow me.
She leads me by the hand to the bathroom.

C: How did this happen?
E: Well. I was running and slipped in the water and then this just happened.
C: Millie. I think we are missing a few details here.
E: Well, we are missing a few screws.
This girl!!!!!!!
I took the bar apart.
I guess we just won't have a towel rack with Millie around.
I'm grateful that whatever she did, she didn't break herself.
Well I'm off to bed.
Busy cleaning day tomorrow.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
It was an accident.
She was cleaning, a little too vigorously, and knocked it to the floor.
I was going to throw it away, but she freaked out.
Millie, the mastermind,

"Look mommy. I fixed it."
OK, but don't put any water in it.
You can put toothbrushes and such in it.
We met some friends at BK and stayed for quite some time.
It was good to be out and in the company of friends.
On the way home, something fell in the road and splattered on the Outback.
I thought it was dirt, but upon closer inspection, it was sticky.
I decided I should wash it.
While I was cleaning the Outback, Millie comes and says,
E: Mommy I broke something and it was an accident.
C: What did you break?
E: I don't know the words, but follow me.
She leads me by the hand to the bathroom.

C: How did this happen?
E: Well. I was running and slipped in the water and then this just happened.
C: Millie. I think we are missing a few details here.
E: Well, we are missing a few screws.
This girl!!!!!!!
I took the bar apart.
I guess we just won't have a towel rack with Millie around.
I'm grateful that whatever she did, she didn't break herself.
Well I'm off to bed.
Busy cleaning day tomorrow.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO