Prince William Sound Day 3 ~ Mallard Bay

 After we finished at Port Audrey, there was this little secluded area that we took the dingy over to and we were treated with a small waterfall and some seals.

There was a bit of a current coming through this part and unfortunately, the battery to the motor on the dingy died and Sean had to row us back to Ulu.

This was the entrance to Barnes Cove and where we originally wanted to anchor, but as we got closer, we realized there was already a boat anchored in there and because it was such a small space, Ulu was not going to fit there with another boat.

At this point, we pressed on to Mallard Bay and were crossing our fingers for a good anchorage.

I'm not sure if that piece is at all related to the Cannery ruins or not, but it looked cool.

On the way to Mallard Bay, we saw Puffins on Chase Island.

After anchoring, we did dinner and bed.

The plan the next day was to do some tide pooling in Mallard Bay.


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