Prince William Sound Day 5 ~ Hanning Bay, Montague Island

From the sailing log: "Variable winds 5 kt or less. A chance of rain. Seas around 2 ft. Heading to Hanning Bay, Montague Island. After motoring about 5 miles, we turned off the engine (1/4 tank of fuel). We spent a good hour going about a knot or so. Then we had sustained winds 15-20 kts SW. We sailed 15 miles almost all the way to Anchorage in Hanning Bay. Anchored at 60 ft. There was some rain during the sail."

I took the opportunity to fix some lunch while we motored.

I did a hummus wrap with pickled onions and capers. The pickled onions jar lid broke, but thankfully Sean keeps a few empty containers aboard.

Sean's pickled onions are better, but these did the job.

It was a wet gray day.

We got some decent sailing in though!

Approaching Hanning Bay. We anchored in 60 ft. We had to keep away from shore to some bit due to kelp.

Dingo being a good dog.

For dinner we had lachs.

Again, Dingo being a good dog.

Autumn's fogged up glasses! HA!

Sean and I went to shore with Dingo and Sean found the biggest jellyfish I think I have ever seen.

It was bigger than my foot!

Dwarf fireweed.

Ulu in the background.

Sean and Dingo beachcombing.

Montague Island is the only island around this area that has brown bears. This made me a little nervous when we went to shore, but I didn't see any bears at all. We did have bear spray and other forms of protection though.

Once we got back to Ulu, we played some phase 10 and then went to bed. 

Coming up: checking the weather and figuring out whether or not to make our pass through the Blying Sound open ocean or hold off one more day.


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