Happy Summer
Today marks the longest day of the year. We have over 19 hours of daylight, but after today, we begin losing daylight. That means we are catapulting towards winter (which I cannot even think about right now), in the meantime, we are going to soak up the sun!
Before I get to today's activities, let me share with you how I found my family after diligently updating my blog for you.

Sean and Emelia passed out on the couch.

Autumn passed out on her chair.
I took the girls to the zoo today. On our way there, we saw:

A baby moose.

Momma and baby.

At the zoo I had Autumn in the jogger and Emelia in my Moby. FAIL! Autumn climbed in and out of that stroller so many times, she was making me nuts!
By some miracle, the petting zoo was open today.

Autumn and Riley running towards a bunny.

Having a little giggle over something.

Trying to reach the bunny.

Riley on her tip toes.

I love this picture! Autumn kept covering her mouth to laugh.

That girl cracks me up!

Right here Autumn saw a "gary bider" and tough Riley was trying to kill it.

Both girls looking silly.

Super cute Miss Angie.

Checking out the brown bear (in case I forgot to mention it, that dude is Angie's brother).

Autumn and Riley checking out

The bear.


Two little bumps on a log.
Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, it got up to 71! We had a great time at the zoo, a quiet afternoon at home (which included taking a nap on the back porch) and now Sean is cooking us some flank steak.
The Jordan's.
Before I get to today's activities, let me share with you how I found my family after diligently updating my blog for you.
Sean and Emelia passed out on the couch.
Autumn passed out on her chair.
I took the girls to the zoo today. On our way there, we saw:
A baby moose.
Momma and baby.
At the zoo I had Autumn in the jogger and Emelia in my Moby. FAIL! Autumn climbed in and out of that stroller so many times, she was making me nuts!
By some miracle, the petting zoo was open today.
Autumn and Riley running towards a bunny.
Having a little giggle over something.
Trying to reach the bunny.
Riley on her tip toes.
I love this picture! Autumn kept covering her mouth to laugh.
That girl cracks me up!
Right here Autumn saw a "gary bider" and tough Riley was trying to kill it.
Both girls looking silly.
Super cute Miss Angie.
Checking out the brown bear (in case I forgot to mention it, that dude is Angie's brother).
Autumn and Riley checking out
The bear.
Two little bumps on a log.
Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, it got up to 71! We had a great time at the zoo, a quiet afternoon at home (which included taking a nap on the back porch) and now Sean is cooking us some flank steak.
The Jordan's.