The Imaginarium and a walk.
This weekend we headed out to the Imaginarium and boy did we have a blast. Check it out.

I think she mostly does this.

You will see over the next few photos, Autumn monopolized this exhibit.


Stealing the balls and what the heck is Sean doing in the background??

WOW, finally got a picture of me in!

With no belly!!

Emelia. OK, I can admit it, this is a little creepy.

Autumn waving to infared Autumn.

Hot air balloon.

Autumn was actually chasing the fish/whales/other across the wall.

Autumn in the ocean.

Making bubbles. We were all unsuccessful at making the big bubble.

Sean made some decent ones at this exhibit though. Forgive the blurriness of this photo, no flash allowed (and my flash is broken).

A crab, or "Gary Bider" if your name is Autumn Hope.

Sean trying to get Autumn to touch anything in the touch tank.

Star fish.

Autumn making a volcano.

Emelia Grace.
We decided to go for a walk, from our house, down to Cottownwood Park. It is just 4 miles round trip.

Synching up.

Sean and I both have our GPS's on. What you should know about my GPS is this. Sean thought that for Mother's Day, a wonderful gift for me would be a cable that hooks up the GPS to the computer. You can track where you've been, how long it took you to get there, etc. SO, I'd like to say to Sean. Thank you for my cable (that I received about a month after Mother's day). :-)

After playing for awhile, we headed home. I think we were all feeling a little tired. We have a lot going on this week. Emelia has her two week check up tomorrow and Sean heads back to work on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous about taking care of both Autumn and Emelia by myself, but I'm sure we will survive. Check back later this week to find out how it went!!

Everyone, including ROWWW feeling a little tired.
I think she mostly does this.
You will see over the next few photos, Autumn monopolized this exhibit.
Stealing the balls and what the heck is Sean doing in the background??
WOW, finally got a picture of me in!
With no belly!!
Emelia. OK, I can admit it, this is a little creepy.
Autumn waving to infared Autumn.
Hot air balloon.
Autumn was actually chasing the fish/whales/other across the wall.
Autumn in the ocean.
Making bubbles. We were all unsuccessful at making the big bubble.
Sean made some decent ones at this exhibit though. Forgive the blurriness of this photo, no flash allowed (and my flash is broken).
A crab, or "Gary Bider" if your name is Autumn Hope.
Sean trying to get Autumn to touch anything in the touch tank.
Star fish.
Autumn making a volcano.
Emelia Grace.
We decided to go for a walk, from our house, down to Cottownwood Park. It is just 4 miles round trip.
Synching up.
Sean and I both have our GPS's on. What you should know about my GPS is this. Sean thought that for Mother's Day, a wonderful gift for me would be a cable that hooks up the GPS to the computer. You can track where you've been, how long it took you to get there, etc. SO, I'd like to say to Sean. Thank you for my cable (that I received about a month after Mother's day). :-)
After playing for awhile, we headed home. I think we were all feeling a little tired. We have a lot going on this week. Emelia has her two week check up tomorrow and Sean heads back to work on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous about taking care of both Autumn and Emelia by myself, but I'm sure we will survive. Check back later this week to find out how it went!!
Everyone, including ROWWW feeling a little tired.