
We've had a pretty busy weekend. Friday we went to a military appreciation picnic that was sponsored by the local community. At the picnic, Autumn enjoyed jumping around in a bounce house and then free food.

There were chips.

Free drinks.

Ice cream
Autumn enjoyed "cream" as she calls it (ice cream).

Big smile
Cream makes Autumn happy.

Emelia sleeping some more
Emelia did her favorite thing.

There was also free entertainment..... Autumn dancing. We actually did get stopped by a reporter for a local newspaper. They took Autumn and Emelia's photo and asked me about Sean's job, deployment and military life in general. After what felt like forever, Sean finally made it to the picnic.

Going through
Which made Autumn very happy.

Der Ride
Autumn's favorite thing in the whole wide world- the "der ride" aka shoulder ride.

After making it home from the picnic, it became clear to me that Autumn, Emelia and I were all getting sick. Nothing serious, just a summer cold I think, but by late Friday night, Sean was feeling under the weather too. I guess at least we all got it at the same time and hopefully we will all recover the same too. It is so sad to hear little Emelia coughing. At least the rest of us can take Tylenol or Benadryl, poor Emelia just has to suffer.

Saturday proved to be a gorgeous day (at least in the morning), so we thought maybe it was a good idea to get outside, get some fresh air and see if it didn't make us feel better.

Emelia at ship creek
We headed over to ship creek to take a look at the Salmon run. Unfortunately, the tide was going out which meant, no salmon to look at.

Up close
Emelia..... still sleeping!

Spaced out Autumn
Autumn looking spaced out. You can tell by looking at her eyes that she isn't feeling so hot.

Ship creek
Ship creek, downtown Anchorage.

Grouchy face, crazy hair
I need some kind of double jogger/stroller and haven't been able to make up my mind on which one to purchase, so in the mean time, Autumn has come up with this system. Yeah, it is a little scary. Point of note. You see that little red spot on Autumn's face (top left temple), she got a little too rowdy with Mr Prince James and well, he got her!

Caught by the train
On the way back to the car, we got caught by the train.

Autumn Hope
Autumn and Sean's head.

So here it is Sunday and we are all still feeling a bit under the weather. Seems like we are on the tail end of things. At this point, we are just trying to sleep when we can, drink lots of water and tea and just:

Cover up
Take care of each other.

Autumn and Emelia
Autumn and Emelia.

I have the sweetest girls around.

The Jordan's.


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