Freckles and dirt
Sean and I were out in town in the Jeep (Outback was getting serviced).
Sean hit a curb or something and I swear...

I think he broke my collar bone some more! Yeouch!
I'm not riding on the passenger side if I can avoid it.
I take that back, I'm not riding in the Jeep.
The Jeep just hurts!

Even with my old mastectomy pillow, the Jeep and a broken collar bone just do not mix.
One of my favorite mother's day gifts are trees.
This year we bought four!

A baby blue Colorado Spruce.

Three white spruce.

In the ground.

We planted two of the white spruce in the "front" yard and one in the back yard behind the fence.

Millie and I planted these tulips in the fall. I think they will flower any day now.
Sean and I have been working hard in the yard.
I mean, Sean much harder than I.

Before. I have no idea why they would have planted these things so close to the house, but I aimed to get all the leaves out so Sean could prune and then one of us mulch.

After. I hate it when my before and after looks like I did nothing!

Before. There were SO many leaves.
I removed dead branches too.

At some point, I stabbed myself in the eye with a branch. YEOUCH!

I lived.

My mom made all of us some masks.
These have coffee filters in them.
I really like my peacock mask the best!
My little photobomber.

It's weird how about two days ago, the deciduous trees looked dead.
Today they are just about to explode with green.

I walked 5.5 miles.
I've been having stomach issues again.
Thank you chemo pill.
At this point I am trying to just drink a bunch of water because we have special plans for tomorrow that involve:

My long boat has never looked small until today.
I cannot wait to post about our Mother's day adventures tomorrow.
Hopefully I get some great photos.
Now, to discuss why I titled this post the way I did....
Millie and I took a drive to Sonic.
Sonic is up in Wasilla and takes like 30 minutes to get there one way.
It was nice to have this one on one time with her.
She was looking in the mirror when she says to me:

Millie: Why do I have so many freckles?
*Licks fingers and starts vigorously rubbing face.
Me: Are you trying to rub your freckles off or do you think that is dirt?
Millie: Dirt.
HA HA!!!!
Compared to some of her cousins (Coleman side), Millie doesn't have many freckles!
Regardless, I think she is a beautiful girl.
The Jordan's.
Sean hit a curb or something and I swear...

I think he broke my collar bone some more! Yeouch!
I'm not riding on the passenger side if I can avoid it.
I take that back, I'm not riding in the Jeep.
The Jeep just hurts!

Even with my old mastectomy pillow, the Jeep and a broken collar bone just do not mix.
One of my favorite mother's day gifts are trees.
This year we bought four!

A baby blue Colorado Spruce.

Three white spruce.

In the ground.

We planted two of the white spruce in the "front" yard and one in the back yard behind the fence.

Millie and I planted these tulips in the fall. I think they will flower any day now.
Sean and I have been working hard in the yard.
I mean, Sean much harder than I.

Before. I have no idea why they would have planted these things so close to the house, but I aimed to get all the leaves out so Sean could prune and then one of us mulch.

After. I hate it when my before and after looks like I did nothing!

Before. There were SO many leaves.
I removed dead branches too.

At some point, I stabbed myself in the eye with a branch. YEOUCH!

I lived.

My mom made all of us some masks.
These have coffee filters in them.
I really like my peacock mask the best!
My little photobomber.

It's weird how about two days ago, the deciduous trees looked dead.
Today they are just about to explode with green.

I walked 5.5 miles.
I've been having stomach issues again.
Thank you chemo pill.
At this point I am trying to just drink a bunch of water because we have special plans for tomorrow that involve:

My long boat has never looked small until today.
I cannot wait to post about our Mother's day adventures tomorrow.
Hopefully I get some great photos.
Now, to discuss why I titled this post the way I did....
Millie and I took a drive to Sonic.
Sonic is up in Wasilla and takes like 30 minutes to get there one way.
It was nice to have this one on one time with her.
She was looking in the mirror when she says to me:

Millie: Why do I have so many freckles?
*Licks fingers and starts vigorously rubbing face.
Me: Are you trying to rub your freckles off or do you think that is dirt?
Millie: Dirt.
HA HA!!!!
Compared to some of her cousins (Coleman side), Millie doesn't have many freckles!
Regardless, I think she is a beautiful girl.
The Jordan's.