Thunderbird Falls- CHECK!
Thunderbird Falls is so close to our house and such an easy hike.
Seems silly to not go ahead and check it off the list.
It was 2.25 miles round trip (and that was adding some exploring on the end).
You could definitely make it shorter.

This is a momma moose and calf in our neighborhood.
She actually has twins.
She's in the wooded area at the end of our street and between Walmart.
We often walk that way when we walk to Walmart.
Not for awhile!

The tulips Millie and I planted last fall.
OK... on to Thunderbird Falls.


Boy and his dog.

Millie asked if she could put her cellphone in my bag.
The price for doing that is a silly selfie!!
Once we wrapped up Thunderbird Falls, we went and picked my Outback up from the dealership and then headed to ER town square for a special showing of F22's.

The Jordan's.
Seems silly to not go ahead and check it off the list.
It was 2.25 miles round trip (and that was adding some exploring on the end).
You could definitely make it shorter.

This is a momma moose and calf in our neighborhood.
She actually has twins.
She's in the wooded area at the end of our street and between Walmart.
We often walk that way when we walk to Walmart.
Not for awhile!

The tulips Millie and I planted last fall.
OK... on to Thunderbird Falls.


Boy and his dog.

Millie asked if she could put her cellphone in my bag.
The price for doing that is a silly selfie!!
Once we wrapped up Thunderbird Falls, we went and picked my Outback up from the dealership and then headed to ER town square for a special showing of F22's.

The Jordan's.