Lu Young Park and Portage Pass
We got up early this morning to go on a kayak/hike.
We were planning to meet Chris and Miranda at the Whittier tunnel by 8:30 am.
Miranda sent me this picture of Adler:

I love his expressions!
You want me to do what so early?!?!

My kids did surprisingly well on the ride down.
As soon as we arrived to the put in (Lu Young Park) for Sean and Chris, it was quite evident that we were going to have to change our plans.
The girls, Miranda, Adler and I were supposed to go hike Emerald Cove with the intent to stop at Bight cove.
The road to the Emerald Cove trail head was blocked off and covered in snow.
We stayed at the put in for awhile and then left to go hike Portage Pass (the girls and I did that one over the summer).

Even though it wasn't the hike I had in mind, it is a pretty area.

We explored around while waiting on the tide to go out.
I'm pretty sure at this point we all had wet feet.

Sean and Chris getting ready to head out.

Sean in his new to him touring boat.

Chris in my boat.
Man, everyone has been in my boat more than me!

The girls being silly.

I mustache you a question!

Miranda and Adler.
I do believe motherhood agrees with her!

Off they go.
While the guys were on their way out, we noticed a:

Sea star!
I didn't think we would see one.

Autumn and Millie.
Millie was smart enough to wear rain boots!

Off with Sean and Chris.

The greens were so bright down there!
During the summer, the salmon run up even this part of the park.

I don't know what is with that little hand gesture she does.
I guess she is framing her face?!

Millie was willing to cross here on her own, but later, I'd have to carry her!

This water is so pretty!
It's a short drive over to Portage Pass.
Parking was easy.
We were the only cars around.
I right away spotted bear scat on the road.

There is snow.
I did not wear the right shoes for this!

I recall the first bit the trail is up.
We took our time.

Miranda did very well and so did Adler!

Autumn saw this tree and said, "That is bigger than that Charlie Brown tree dad bought."

The sky is pretty.
I notice that snow is giving way to rock here which should be easier to walk on.

Not far from this spot I tell everyone to just wait there.

I was going to go the rest of the way up and see if it was 1. Doable for them. 2. Worth it for them.

We started to see bear activity on the trail.
I went on to the top and there was a sport or two where I had to use my hands to get up.
Although there was a lot of snow and we were not post holing, it was slushy and often slippery.
The kind of slippery where I don't even think microspikes would have been helpful.
I text Miranda and told her that they should head down and I would catch back up with them.

The views were pretty amazing.

Portage Glacier.


Portage Glacier again.

The view back toward the sound.

The girls and I have been right here before.

The bench.

It wasn't far from here that Autumn nearly caught a shrew!

I really could not believe there was so much snow!

Portage Pass 800 feet.

Can you hear me now?
I took a slide or two down the mountain (I may post that video later) and met up with everyone else.
They were at the car.
Miranda was feeding Adler.
Autumn said they liked taking a break, so I guess it worked out for everyone.
I got to go up and they got to take a break.
Once Adler was fed and changed, we went back to Lu Young Park.
There were more cars and more people now.

We started walking out where the tide had left behind rocks.
As long as you avoided the "hairy" rocks, the wet rocks, or rocks with green on them.....
You could stand upright.
Every so often, I slipped or Miranda did.
I'm pretty sure my heart rate bounced up pretty high a few times.
I remember exactly what it felt like to walk with Autumn or Millie on my chest and I know how scary it is to fall with your baby on you!
Miranda did great.

I really like this picture of Miranda and Adler.

There were waterfalls too!

And weird rock formations.

We saw Sean and Chris.
Apparently they saw Stellar Sea Lions, Seals and a ton of starfish.

Cheese waterfall behind me.


I like this photo of us too!

Such a pretty place.

We collect Autumn and Emelia from this rock they stopped at and start heading back towards the park.

A picture with my girls.
Autumn is getting so tall!
She is standing on a rock here, but it won't be long before she is my height.

Standing on one leg!
We didn't realize it, but the tide started coming back in.
It was coming in fast too.
We tried to get back quickly, but safely.
Millie had several meltdowns on the way back.
She was tired.
She didn't like the slippery, slimey green stuff!

That girls is totally having a melt down.
Thankfully we all made it back in one piece.

Chris, Miranda and Adler.

After leaving Lu Young Park, we were in the line at the tunnel, behind Chris and Miranda when the girls said they really wanted to do a slide they had seen on the trail, so we left the tunnel line, went back to Portage Pass and slid down the mountain.
It really scared Autumn, but she did it.
It was a long drive home because some moron was driving about 2 miles an hour on the Seward highway, but we made it home.
Ordered a Pizza Man pizza and called it a night.
I say goodnight sir.
The Jordan's.
Happy Mother's Day.
We were planning to meet Chris and Miranda at the Whittier tunnel by 8:30 am.
Miranda sent me this picture of Adler:

I love his expressions!
You want me to do what so early?!?!

My kids did surprisingly well on the ride down.
As soon as we arrived to the put in (Lu Young Park) for Sean and Chris, it was quite evident that we were going to have to change our plans.
The girls, Miranda, Adler and I were supposed to go hike Emerald Cove with the intent to stop at Bight cove.
The road to the Emerald Cove trail head was blocked off and covered in snow.
We stayed at the put in for awhile and then left to go hike Portage Pass (the girls and I did that one over the summer).

Even though it wasn't the hike I had in mind, it is a pretty area.

We explored around while waiting on the tide to go out.
I'm pretty sure at this point we all had wet feet.

Sean and Chris getting ready to head out.

Sean in his new to him touring boat.

Chris in my boat.
Man, everyone has been in my boat more than me!

The girls being silly.

I mustache you a question!

Miranda and Adler.
I do believe motherhood agrees with her!

Off they go.
While the guys were on their way out, we noticed a:

Sea star!
I didn't think we would see one.

Autumn and Millie.
Millie was smart enough to wear rain boots!

Off with Sean and Chris.

The greens were so bright down there!
During the summer, the salmon run up even this part of the park.

I don't know what is with that little hand gesture she does.
I guess she is framing her face?!

Millie was willing to cross here on her own, but later, I'd have to carry her!

This water is so pretty!
It's a short drive over to Portage Pass.
Parking was easy.
We were the only cars around.
I right away spotted bear scat on the road.

There is snow.
I did not wear the right shoes for this!

I recall the first bit the trail is up.
We took our time.

Miranda did very well and so did Adler!

Autumn saw this tree and said, "That is bigger than that Charlie Brown tree dad bought."

The sky is pretty.
I notice that snow is giving way to rock here which should be easier to walk on.

Not far from this spot I tell everyone to just wait there.

I was going to go the rest of the way up and see if it was 1. Doable for them. 2. Worth it for them.

We started to see bear activity on the trail.
I went on to the top and there was a sport or two where I had to use my hands to get up.
Although there was a lot of snow and we were not post holing, it was slushy and often slippery.
The kind of slippery where I don't even think microspikes would have been helpful.
I text Miranda and told her that they should head down and I would catch back up with them.

The views were pretty amazing.

Portage Glacier.


Portage Glacier again.

The view back toward the sound.

The girls and I have been right here before.

The bench.

It wasn't far from here that Autumn nearly caught a shrew!

I really could not believe there was so much snow!

Portage Pass 800 feet.

Can you hear me now?
I took a slide or two down the mountain (I may post that video later) and met up with everyone else.
They were at the car.
Miranda was feeding Adler.
Autumn said they liked taking a break, so I guess it worked out for everyone.
I got to go up and they got to take a break.
Once Adler was fed and changed, we went back to Lu Young Park.
There were more cars and more people now.

We started walking out where the tide had left behind rocks.
As long as you avoided the "hairy" rocks, the wet rocks, or rocks with green on them.....
You could stand upright.
Every so often, I slipped or Miranda did.
I'm pretty sure my heart rate bounced up pretty high a few times.
I remember exactly what it felt like to walk with Autumn or Millie on my chest and I know how scary it is to fall with your baby on you!
Miranda did great.

I really like this picture of Miranda and Adler.

There were waterfalls too!

And weird rock formations.

We saw Sean and Chris.
Apparently they saw Stellar Sea Lions, Seals and a ton of starfish.

Cheese waterfall behind me.


I like this photo of us too!

Such a pretty place.

We collect Autumn and Emelia from this rock they stopped at and start heading back towards the park.

A picture with my girls.
Autumn is getting so tall!
She is standing on a rock here, but it won't be long before she is my height.

Standing on one leg!
We didn't realize it, but the tide started coming back in.
It was coming in fast too.
We tried to get back quickly, but safely.
Millie had several meltdowns on the way back.
She was tired.
She didn't like the slippery, slimey green stuff!

That girls is totally having a melt down.
Thankfully we all made it back in one piece.

Chris, Miranda and Adler.

After leaving Lu Young Park, we were in the line at the tunnel, behind Chris and Miranda when the girls said they really wanted to do a slide they had seen on the trail, so we left the tunnel line, went back to Portage Pass and slid down the mountain.
It really scared Autumn, but she did it.
It was a long drive home because some moron was driving about 2 miles an hour on the Seward highway, but we made it home.
Ordered a Pizza Man pizza and called it a night.
I say goodnight sir.
The Jordan's.
Happy Mother's Day.