A visit with the 'Rents.

I'm pretty sure that Millie believes she is a princess.

Do you recognize what she drew?
There was some drama involved with our little sleepover last night.
All I will say is that when Megan went home, I secretly did a happy dance.
We had a pretty boring day, but I decided it was time to

Wash that gray right out of my hair.
Around 3 pm I got a call from your sister, she wanted us to come over early so we could visit.

So after I got my henna all washed out,

Took some more cute pictures of Millie,

Found my phone after Millie stole it,

I got my hair all finished up and

Took a picture with Autumn.
We headed over to Sam's which was a hot mess!
After about 20 minutes, I Finally got my rotisserie chickens.
I had to tell people to calm down, there would be plenty of chickens for everyone.
We spent the early evening until just a few minutes ago with your sister.
We had a pretty significant storm roll through, so I was checking on things in the backyard.

That is when I saw two eyes staring at me.
Initially this fat frog was hanging out on the door frame.
I guess I scared it.
The girls thought it was cool.
While we were at your parents house,
I told Brandon he was acting like a baby.
Basically Winston and Holly were hitting people and Julie/Brandon were not disciplining them.
I didn't say anything until Holly put her hands on Millie.
Brandon said very sarcastically, "did she break your arm off Millie?"
I replied, that if that was the way he wanted to handle things, I would instruct Millie to "handle" Holly the next time she laid a hand on her and lets see if he liked those results.
Julie said that someone should hit them and teach them a lesson.
He acted like a jerk the rest of the evening.
When I finally had enough of his crap, I just told him he was acting like a woman and to knock it off.
He took Winston and left.
He didn't come back until everyone was leaving.
He didn't say boo to me.
While we were at your parents house,

Your dad took all the kids on an adventure.
Now that we are home,
the girls fell fast asleep.
They were up late last night and now tonight.
Autumn asked me as I was tucking her in,
"Mommy? Can you send daddy in?"
OH, did you hear my heart break?
Not how I thought I would end the day, but there you have it.
Little reminders that pull on your heart.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 19