Too many kids and not enough adults.
One thing that I always struggle with when you leave is remembering to drive both vehicles.
I do better if I pick a day of the week and just drive the other vehicle (the Jeep) on that day.
I picked Thursday, but this Thursday, I completely forgot. It isn't part of my routine yet.
I'm going to give myself a little phone reminder.
I think the girls must have been playing around in the Jeep and pushing buttons because when I got in it today and started it

The windshield wipers were going. The radio was loud. It just sounded weird.
I looked down and saw the squiggly lined car light, the (ABS) light and the ESP something or another light.
#1. I'm not sure what on earth that squiggly lined car light is. I pushed that circle button in front of the gear shifter not knowing what it was either since all the words are rubbed off it and that went away.
#2 (ABS) means Antilock Brake System doesn't it? Should I drive with that light on?
#3 ESP- I don't really care if the Jeep has extra sensory perception OR that it must speak Spanish.
I drove down the street and decided I should pull over, shut the Jeep off and start over.
All the lights went off.
While we were driving, Millie drew a picture for Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn is the queen. Millie is in blue and that black thing in the corner? Well, that would be a black widow.
After seeing Millie's spider, I suddenly remembered why I didn't want to drive the Jeep.
((Before Sean left, he discarded our old pool. He saw a spider in the pool. He put it, spider and pool, in the Jeep. He figured out after the fact it was a brown recluse. It is probably making a million babies in the Jeep right now. They will probably crawl over the back seat and make me wreck the Jeep out.))
As I pulled in to the drive way, I saw something under the pedals.
Minor freak out.
It was a frog.
Poor guy.
The weather was a little wild today.
I thought this morning when I woke up that I would walk to Autumn's school this afternoon, but...

This is how it looked about 20 minutes prior to time to leave.
I don't think so.

The pool complete with pool cover. Great timing too. It started pouring!!
Fast forward to this evening.
Melanie was supposed to come over, but just before, she got a call from her doctor that they needed to do an ultrasound on her. I told her to bring the kids to me, go to her appointment and then come back and have dinner. I also invited Alison over. Alison brought us some cupcakes!!
I did feel a little bad, but thank goodness Alison was here. Dinner would have been a disaster without her help!

The older girls got along quite well. They all played nicely. There was some sibling squabbling, but we got that all under control pretty quickly.
Katie is Melanie's oldest and she is six. Anna is 4 and 1/2 and they are sitting next to Autumn on the couch.
Anna hit Katie for some unknown reason to me. I asked her why she did it, but she wouldn't say.
I asked Anna if she knew how to do push ups. She looked a little bewildered, but shook her head no. Can you do jumping jacks? Yes.
She did her jumping jacks, but she sure did look at me like I as completely insane!!
No one else put their hands on anyone else this evening!!

Ella Grace is Melanie's youngest. She will be two the day before your birthday. She is A HANDFUL!! She loved Millie!
Millie liked her too.
Millie did something I never ever would have expected from her.
Ella Grace loves to put things in her mouth.
Millie.... The slobbiest slob in our home...
Followed behind Ella Grace with baby wipes cleaning everything that Ella Grace touched.
When I asked Millie what she was doing she said,
"We don't want Ella Grace's germs all over our stuff."
Ella Grace: Huh?
Millie wasn't doing it in a mean way at all, but it gave me quite the chuckle!!
Ella Grace wanted to see and do all the things Millie was doing.

Melanie made it back over as we finished up dessert.
Everyone ate, played and had a good time.
I think we are all worn out now.
During all the hustle and bustle of the night, Autumn's Nabi Charger cord ended up in Ella Grace's mouth. It doesn't work now. I have it in a baggie of rice, but I don't think the problem is moisture. I can see teeth marks on the metal. I think I will need to replace it. I already looked. It is only $15. Thank goodness! Next time they come over, the Nabi needs to get put in the closet or something.
I hope all is well with you.
I love you and I miss you very much.
I hope that comms at the next place are as good or better than the comms at the last place. It felt like you were right next to me when you called me today.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 4.
I do better if I pick a day of the week and just drive the other vehicle (the Jeep) on that day.
I picked Thursday, but this Thursday, I completely forgot. It isn't part of my routine yet.
I'm going to give myself a little phone reminder.
I think the girls must have been playing around in the Jeep and pushing buttons because when I got in it today and started it

The windshield wipers were going. The radio was loud. It just sounded weird.
I looked down and saw the squiggly lined car light, the (ABS) light and the ESP something or another light.
#1. I'm not sure what on earth that squiggly lined car light is. I pushed that circle button in front of the gear shifter not knowing what it was either since all the words are rubbed off it and that went away.
#2 (ABS) means Antilock Brake System doesn't it? Should I drive with that light on?
#3 ESP- I don't really care if the Jeep has extra sensory perception OR that it must speak Spanish.
I drove down the street and decided I should pull over, shut the Jeep off and start over.
All the lights went off.
While we were driving, Millie drew a picture for Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn is the queen. Millie is in blue and that black thing in the corner? Well, that would be a black widow.
After seeing Millie's spider, I suddenly remembered why I didn't want to drive the Jeep.
((Before Sean left, he discarded our old pool. He saw a spider in the pool. He put it, spider and pool, in the Jeep. He figured out after the fact it was a brown recluse. It is probably making a million babies in the Jeep right now. They will probably crawl over the back seat and make me wreck the Jeep out.))
As I pulled in to the drive way, I saw something under the pedals.
Minor freak out.
It was a frog.
Poor guy.
The weather was a little wild today.
I thought this morning when I woke up that I would walk to Autumn's school this afternoon, but...

This is how it looked about 20 minutes prior to time to leave.
I don't think so.

The pool complete with pool cover. Great timing too. It started pouring!!
Fast forward to this evening.
Melanie was supposed to come over, but just before, she got a call from her doctor that they needed to do an ultrasound on her. I told her to bring the kids to me, go to her appointment and then come back and have dinner. I also invited Alison over. Alison brought us some cupcakes!!
I did feel a little bad, but thank goodness Alison was here. Dinner would have been a disaster without her help!

The older girls got along quite well. They all played nicely. There was some sibling squabbling, but we got that all under control pretty quickly.
Katie is Melanie's oldest and she is six. Anna is 4 and 1/2 and they are sitting next to Autumn on the couch.
Anna hit Katie for some unknown reason to me. I asked her why she did it, but she wouldn't say.
I asked Anna if she knew how to do push ups. She looked a little bewildered, but shook her head no. Can you do jumping jacks? Yes.
She did her jumping jacks, but she sure did look at me like I as completely insane!!
No one else put their hands on anyone else this evening!!

Ella Grace is Melanie's youngest. She will be two the day before your birthday. She is A HANDFUL!! She loved Millie!
Millie liked her too.
Millie did something I never ever would have expected from her.
Ella Grace loves to put things in her mouth.
Millie.... The slobbiest slob in our home...
Followed behind Ella Grace with baby wipes cleaning everything that Ella Grace touched.
When I asked Millie what she was doing she said,
"We don't want Ella Grace's germs all over our stuff."
Ella Grace: Huh?
Millie wasn't doing it in a mean way at all, but it gave me quite the chuckle!!
Ella Grace wanted to see and do all the things Millie was doing.

Melanie made it back over as we finished up dessert.
Everyone ate, played and had a good time.
I think we are all worn out now.
During all the hustle and bustle of the night, Autumn's Nabi Charger cord ended up in Ella Grace's mouth. It doesn't work now. I have it in a baggie of rice, but I don't think the problem is moisture. I can see teeth marks on the metal. I think I will need to replace it. I already looked. It is only $15. Thank goodness! Next time they come over, the Nabi needs to get put in the closet or something.
I hope all is well with you.
I love you and I miss you very much.
I hope that comms at the next place are as good or better than the comms at the last place. It felt like you were right next to me when you called me today.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 4.