Snakes and Biders.

After dropping the girls off, I ran.
I went to bible study. I came home and felt pressured to mow.
Everyone in the neighborhood was doing it.


Whoa, that was so subtle, can you even tell?
When I got done mowing the backyard, I grabbed the weed eater and started hitting the grass along the fence.
That is when I accidentally tagged

This poor snake. Ah man. I hate it when that happens.
I bagged him up and threw him away.
I mowed the front yard and then came back to check on the pool.
When I got the pool cover off, I discovered

This huge spider.
Ugh!!!!!! What is going on here?!?
I grabbed Autumn's flipper and hit him.
He died.
I also killed a wolf spider (not as big as this guy, but very fast) while I was mowing by the back porch.
Please do not let there be any more snakes or spiders!!!!!
After dinner we went to Walmart to get a light bulb for my scentsy warmer.
I also needed to get some cash so that I could buy Autumn's artwork from the school tonight.

Trying to get pictures was a little challenging.

A little better.

Millie photobombed.

Seriously. This is what I have to work with here.

OK, this one of Autumn is cute.

I do not know what on earth was wrong with Millie.

I wanted to tell you that Brett Peters (my Sunday school teacher) had his brain aneurysm removed today. He came through the surgery just fine. He is currently awaiting a room in the ICU and is apparently in a lot of pain, but it looks like he will make a full recovery!
I'm so relieved. I'm going to go and visit them on Thursday.
When we got home this evening, Autumn and Millie were fighting with one another.
I think they were just overtired.
Millie bit the tar out of Autumn.
I came really close to losing my temper, but instead of spanking Millie while I was so angry,
I sent her into her room.
I told her she needed to stay there.
Her response?
"How many years will I be in my room?"
I did not answer her, but I was thinking FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've already told them both they were to stay in their own beds tonight.
I need to get some sleep.
They are terrible to sleep with and my sleep is already poor.
So there you have it.
PS- Happy birthday Crazy Lisa!!!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
Day 15.