Cherish, Cherish quite contrary. How does your garden grow?
Like the grass, very slowly and steadily.

The front yard is definitely taking longer to green up than the back yard.
I expect it will catch up considering all the rain we've had this week and much more on the way.

My tomatoes.

Autumn's cucumbers.

Autumn's watermelon.
Those curly little vines are the ones the watermelons will grow on. I hope the cats leave it alone. I'm still spraying it every morning with the go away cat spray.
I invited Alison over for dinner. We are having enchilada soup.
Not to brag, but I tasted some.
It was pretty good.

Some of the dinner ingredients.

Dinner was amazing!!! At least I thought so! Autumn liked the chicken, but

Ended up eating the beef. She said the chicken was a little too spicy.
Millie had to be bribed into eating beans. That girl makes me crazy some days.

After dinner, Millie was hiding Easter Eggs about the house

For Alison to find!

Alison left me a gift. She had some glitter glue in the bag and thanked me for being her glue and the sparkles for making her day more sparklier. I thought it was so cute! The girls got some hairbands, clips and I received a candle She is so sweet and I was so surprised!!
Thank you for being my friend Alison!!
What else to tell you?
I kept Autumn home from school today.
She didn't sleep well last night.
She has a very minor cold/cough.
She will have to go to school tomorrow.

Her eye is looking better this evening though.
She told me today that she wanted to talk to you to tell you that she loves you.
She helped me get my workout on!

Autumn is so tough!
I did a very slow, small run today. I didn't have enough water. So my run sucked!
I'm getting ready to head off to bed in a moment. It is currently raining and thundering.
I do enjoy the thunder when it is not accompanied by tornadic activity....
Well, that is all she wrote this evening.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 8

The front yard is definitely taking longer to green up than the back yard.
I expect it will catch up considering all the rain we've had this week and much more on the way.

My tomatoes.

Autumn's cucumbers.

Autumn's watermelon.
Those curly little vines are the ones the watermelons will grow on. I hope the cats leave it alone. I'm still spraying it every morning with the go away cat spray.
I invited Alison over for dinner. We are having enchilada soup.
Not to brag, but I tasted some.
It was pretty good.

Some of the dinner ingredients.

Dinner was amazing!!! At least I thought so! Autumn liked the chicken, but

Ended up eating the beef. She said the chicken was a little too spicy.
Millie had to be bribed into eating beans. That girl makes me crazy some days.

After dinner, Millie was hiding Easter Eggs about the house

For Alison to find!

Alison left me a gift. She had some glitter glue in the bag and thanked me for being her glue and the sparkles for making her day more sparklier. I thought it was so cute! The girls got some hairbands, clips and I received a candle She is so sweet and I was so surprised!!
Thank you for being my friend Alison!!
What else to tell you?
I kept Autumn home from school today.
She didn't sleep well last night.
She has a very minor cold/cough.
She will have to go to school tomorrow.

Her eye is looking better this evening though.
She told me today that she wanted to talk to you to tell you that she loves you.
She helped me get my workout on!

Autumn is so tough!
I did a very slow, small run today. I didn't have enough water. So my run sucked!
I'm getting ready to head off to bed in a moment. It is currently raining and thundering.
I do enjoy the thunder when it is not accompanied by tornadic activity....
Well, that is all she wrote this evening.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 8