I've had a busy day.
Monday's usually are.
After dropping thedemons children off to school, I went to Occupational Therapy.
Next up was a run.
It was raining off and on since last night, so I went to the Smith Gym and hopped on a dreadmill.

This run puts me up to 20 miles so far this month.

It was hot.
Anyway, I left the gym and went to the Commissary.
That is when you video called me.
Everyone in the produce section was staring! HA!!
Aren't you glad you had clothes on!!
When you called me the second time, I was on I-185 just outside the Benning gate and I wish I could have taken a screen shot of you laid across the bed!
I thought I was going to wreck the car, but it was hysterical!
Thank you for that!
On the way to pick up Millie,
Autumn's school called.
It was the nurse.
First thought- Is she throwing up?
Nurse: Her eye is red. Did you notice anything this morning?
Me: Well, Autumn has been battling a minor cold and her eyes have been a little red, but nothing concerning.
Nurse: This is just one eye.
Me: Do you want me to come get her from school for a red eye?
Nurse: Uhm... Uhm... Do you work?
Me: (completely ignoring that question) Look, does her eye hurt? Is it leaking any fluid?
Nurse: No and no.
Me: OK.
Nurse: Can you just come up here and look at it.
Me: Yes I can. I will be there by 1215.
I go to Autumn's classroom, but they are at PE.
Ms Vaughn says that Autumn's eye was just a little bit red this morning, but as the day progressed, it looked worse.
I head over to PE and take one look at Autumn and know that she does have pink eye.

We went back to her classroom and headed home.
I had to wait until 1 pm when our Doc's office opens back up after lunch, but they didn't have anything until tomorrow.
I didn't want pink eye to sit in her eye overnight, so we took a little trip to Ft Benning.
The ER looked a little busy, but not many kids. They have a Pediatric ER doctor, so we stay.
After about 30 minutes go by and we haven't even been triaged, I started to wonder if this was a mistake.
Triage finally calls us back and he says, we are going to get you in and out.
The Doctor walked into the triage room.
Doctor: Have you ever dealt with pink eye before?
Me: No, not with the kids.
Doctor: Congratulations Autumn on making it to 7 without pink eye!!
Diagnosed pink eye and prescribed erythromycin ointment and discharged us.
I told her I was allergic to erythromycin and she handed me a huge box of gloves!
We got in and out Fort Benning in just under an hour!
Dr Iris' office called me back and said they would call in a prescription, but I told them we already had it taken care of.
The rest of the evening will be spent just relaxing.
I'm eating a meal from the freezer.
I think we are all ready for bed.

Especially this Ken doll.
It isn't even 5 pm yet!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 7
Monday's usually are.
After dropping the
Next up was a run.
It was raining off and on since last night, so I went to the Smith Gym and hopped on a dreadmill.

This run puts me up to 20 miles so far this month.

It was hot.
Anyway, I left the gym and went to the Commissary.
That is when you video called me.
Everyone in the produce section was staring! HA!!
Aren't you glad you had clothes on!!
When you called me the second time, I was on I-185 just outside the Benning gate and I wish I could have taken a screen shot of you laid across the bed!
I thought I was going to wreck the car, but it was hysterical!
Thank you for that!
On the way to pick up Millie,
Autumn's school called.
It was the nurse.
First thought- Is she throwing up?
Nurse: Her eye is red. Did you notice anything this morning?
Me: Well, Autumn has been battling a minor cold and her eyes have been a little red, but nothing concerning.
Nurse: This is just one eye.
Me: Do you want me to come get her from school for a red eye?
Nurse: Uhm... Uhm... Do you work?
Me: (completely ignoring that question) Look, does her eye hurt? Is it leaking any fluid?
Nurse: No and no.
Me: OK.
Nurse: Can you just come up here and look at it.
Me: Yes I can. I will be there by 1215.
I go to Autumn's classroom, but they are at PE.
Ms Vaughn says that Autumn's eye was just a little bit red this morning, but as the day progressed, it looked worse.
I head over to PE and take one look at Autumn and know that she does have pink eye.

We went back to her classroom and headed home.
I had to wait until 1 pm when our Doc's office opens back up after lunch, but they didn't have anything until tomorrow.
I didn't want pink eye to sit in her eye overnight, so we took a little trip to Ft Benning.
The ER looked a little busy, but not many kids. They have a Pediatric ER doctor, so we stay.
After about 30 minutes go by and we haven't even been triaged, I started to wonder if this was a mistake.
Triage finally calls us back and he says, we are going to get you in and out.
The Doctor walked into the triage room.
Doctor: Have you ever dealt with pink eye before?
Me: No, not with the kids.
Doctor: Congratulations Autumn on making it to 7 without pink eye!!
Diagnosed pink eye and prescribed erythromycin ointment and discharged us.
I told her I was allergic to erythromycin and she handed me a huge box of gloves!
We got in and out Fort Benning in just under an hour!
Dr Iris' office called me back and said they would call in a prescription, but I told them we already had it taken care of.
The rest of the evening will be spent just relaxing.
I'm eating a meal from the freezer.
I think we are all ready for bed.

Especially this Ken doll.
It isn't even 5 pm yet!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 7