The Pool Fail that never ends!
Everyone slept through the night last night.
This morning was going well until it was time to go.
Millie took about 15 minutes to decide what shoes to wear.
She made us grouchy and late this morning.
By the time we all got to the car, I was completely frazzled.
Then you called.
Autumn was so excited to talk to you.
"Are you shooting people yet?"
Then Millie cries,
"I love you daddy. Daddy, I love you. Daddy, can you hear me?"
She begins to cry hysterically.
I told her to give me the phone. I put you on speaker.
Everyone in the car is crying now.
"Daddy, I love you so much."
After getting the girls to school, I came home and let the water out of the pool.
While the pool was draining, I did a little 5 mile run.

This pool is just not going to work.

Getting all the water and air out of the pool.....
I called K-mart and asked them if I could even return a pool. The chick said yes, but I needed a receipt and all the parts.
Check, check!

I spent a good hour trying to get the pool folded back up and in the box. This is as good as it gets.

I get to Kmart and the chick says that the pool has to be in the box to get a refund.
I told her that pool was never going to go back in that box!
I thought I was going to cry.
I said to her, "well, can you help me then?"
She did all the same things I tried to do. She didn't get it in any further than I did, but because she was invested in it.......
I got my refund! HOOTIE HOO for Jesus!

Next up is Max the fish.

He needs to get his home cleaned.

He was not a happy fish. I'm pretty sure if Max the fish could talk, he would be cussing like a sailor.
Millie and I did some chores. Went to grab Autumn. Hit Walmart. Got the new pool. ($80 score!). Went to gymnastics.
Grabbed a pizza. Ate.
Got to work.
Somewhere in all that mess I found out that Megan had baby Harlen this morning! He was 8 pounds 7 oz and 20.5 inches long (almost as big as Autumn was).

Is that not the sweetest picture. I cannot hardly believe that little Megan has a baby now! WAH!!!!
Aunt Bee passes her love to you.
Anyway, after some blisters, blood, sweat and tears....

One pool!
Tomorrow I need to finish up some housework. Melanie is finally coming over for a play date. I am hoping they will stay for dinner.
I love you Sean the Bomb James Jordan.
I miss you very, very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 3.
This morning was going well until it was time to go.
Millie took about 15 minutes to decide what shoes to wear.
She made us grouchy and late this morning.
By the time we all got to the car, I was completely frazzled.
Then you called.
Autumn was so excited to talk to you.
"Are you shooting people yet?"
Then Millie cries,
"I love you daddy. Daddy, I love you. Daddy, can you hear me?"
She begins to cry hysterically.
I told her to give me the phone. I put you on speaker.
Everyone in the car is crying now.
"Daddy, I love you so much."
After getting the girls to school, I came home and let the water out of the pool.
While the pool was draining, I did a little 5 mile run.

This pool is just not going to work.

Getting all the water and air out of the pool.....
I called K-mart and asked them if I could even return a pool. The chick said yes, but I needed a receipt and all the parts.
Check, check!

I spent a good hour trying to get the pool folded back up and in the box. This is as good as it gets.

I get to Kmart and the chick says that the pool has to be in the box to get a refund.
I told her that pool was never going to go back in that box!
I thought I was going to cry.
I said to her, "well, can you help me then?"
She did all the same things I tried to do. She didn't get it in any further than I did, but because she was invested in it.......
I got my refund! HOOTIE HOO for Jesus!

Next up is Max the fish.

He needs to get his home cleaned.

He was not a happy fish. I'm pretty sure if Max the fish could talk, he would be cussing like a sailor.
Millie and I did some chores. Went to grab Autumn. Hit Walmart. Got the new pool. ($80 score!). Went to gymnastics.
Grabbed a pizza. Ate.
Got to work.
Somewhere in all that mess I found out that Megan had baby Harlen this morning! He was 8 pounds 7 oz and 20.5 inches long (almost as big as Autumn was).

Is that not the sweetest picture. I cannot hardly believe that little Megan has a baby now! WAH!!!!
Aunt Bee passes her love to you.
Anyway, after some blisters, blood, sweat and tears....

One pool!
Tomorrow I need to finish up some housework. Melanie is finally coming over for a play date. I am hoping they will stay for dinner.
I love you Sean the Bomb James Jordan.
I miss you very, very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 3.