Field Day

My therapist wants me to do this particular exercise, a lot.
I won't use that weight. Even in this picture, I wasn't fully supporting it with just one hand.
I am slowly getting more bend out of my wrist.
The girls wanted to exercise too.

I'm impressed with Millie.

Look at Autumn though! WOW!
Autumn's class had field day today.

Millie and I met her up there.

We stayed and watched Autumn play for a bit.

Millie wanted to play. She'll do just fine on the playground next year. She knows her way around it better than Autumn did. I guess there are benefits to having an older sister.

When it came time for the water dumping on the students, Autumn hid behind me. She did not want to get wet.

Autumn and her friend, Scout.

Millie got in on the action too!

We left school about noon. We had an extra kid in tow, Megan. She is staying the night with us.

They've been out in the pool already. We had an early dinner because apparently everyone was starving.
I think we might go and grab an ice cream and come back home, watch a movie and go to bed.

The girls had spaghetti. I had a meatball sub. It was delicious.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 18