I didn't have any major plans for today.
When I woke up this morning, I posted in my fit group and found out that Alice had a match this morning.
I decided that we would go and cheer her on.

It took Millie a minute to decide what she was wearing..... I thought she looked perfectly, "Millie."
On the way out the door, I decided to pull Autumn's Nabi cord out of the rice and plug it in. At first it didn't appear it was working, but a few minutes later

I noticed that the light was on. YAY!
We went over to Cooper Creek.

I think Autumn and Millie made quite an impression.
We had lots of people stop and talk with them, and compliment them.
Millie got a little restless, so we walked around and just explored some.
We've been to Cooper Creek plenty of times, but never really over where the tennis courts are.
Autumn and Millie both decided that they would like to try tennis.

Millie wants to know if Mrs Alice will teach her how to play "Texas."
We bid Alice farewell before her match was over and headed home.
Not very much longer Alice called me and said she had won her match. That was exciting. Now I wish we had stayed!
We came home and lounged around for a bit and then the girls decided they wanted to try out their new pool.

Popsicle mustache!

Millie bo dillie.

I had a Popsicle too and read my book.
The Garden Club is doing a study on Ruth. I'm excited about that!
I felt the water and knew I didn't want to get in.

It didn't take long before Millie was shivering!

So they got out and dried off.

I think they ate all the Popsicles too!

I reheated leftover spaghetti for the girls. I needed to reheat the garlic bread in the oven. I put the bread on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees for about 5 or 6 minutes. I pulled it out and then assembled my dinner, a meatball sub, on the same tray. Then for some unknown reason to me, I grabbed the tray with both my hands. After a second, I realized it was still piping hot. I threw it. I burned both my hands on the soft pad of my thumbs, near my wrists. Why, oh why do I do that to myself. That is the second time in the past week or so that I just grabbed something I pulled off the grill or out of the oven.
Where is my brain at?!?!

Not to rub it in or anything, my dinner was fabulous!
After dinner, while I was talking with my mom on the phone, Millie asked me,
"Is my daddy flying right now?"
Me: No, he is already in Afghanistan.
Millie: Is he alive?
Me: Yes, he is still alive. He is sleeping right now. It is night time where daddy is.
My mom: I would cry everyday if you girls would have asked me questions like that when your dad was underway.
Me: Yes, I have had many heart sinking, body cringing questions over the past few months.
The girls and I are getting ready to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Just going to do a mile or two.
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 5
When I woke up this morning, I posted in my fit group and found out that Alice had a match this morning.
I decided that we would go and cheer her on.

It took Millie a minute to decide what she was wearing..... I thought she looked perfectly, "Millie."
On the way out the door, I decided to pull Autumn's Nabi cord out of the rice and plug it in. At first it didn't appear it was working, but a few minutes later

I noticed that the light was on. YAY!
We went over to Cooper Creek.

I think Autumn and Millie made quite an impression.
We had lots of people stop and talk with them, and compliment them.
Millie got a little restless, so we walked around and just explored some.
We've been to Cooper Creek plenty of times, but never really over where the tennis courts are.
Autumn and Millie both decided that they would like to try tennis.

Millie wants to know if Mrs Alice will teach her how to play "Texas."
We bid Alice farewell before her match was over and headed home.
Not very much longer Alice called me and said she had won her match. That was exciting. Now I wish we had stayed!
We came home and lounged around for a bit and then the girls decided they wanted to try out their new pool.

Popsicle mustache!

Millie bo dillie.

I had a Popsicle too and read my book.
The Garden Club is doing a study on Ruth. I'm excited about that!
I felt the water and knew I didn't want to get in.

It didn't take long before Millie was shivering!

So they got out and dried off.

I think they ate all the Popsicles too!

I reheated leftover spaghetti for the girls. I needed to reheat the garlic bread in the oven. I put the bread on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees for about 5 or 6 minutes. I pulled it out and then assembled my dinner, a meatball sub, on the same tray. Then for some unknown reason to me, I grabbed the tray with both my hands. After a second, I realized it was still piping hot. I threw it. I burned both my hands on the soft pad of my thumbs, near my wrists. Why, oh why do I do that to myself. That is the second time in the past week or so that I just grabbed something I pulled off the grill or out of the oven.
Where is my brain at?!?!

Not to rub it in or anything, my dinner was fabulous!
After dinner, while I was talking with my mom on the phone, Millie asked me,
"Is my daddy flying right now?"
Me: No, he is already in Afghanistan.
Millie: Is he alive?
Me: Yes, he is still alive. He is sleeping right now. It is night time where daddy is.
My mom: I would cry everyday if you girls would have asked me questions like that when your dad was underway.
Me: Yes, I have had many heart sinking, body cringing questions over the past few months.
The girls and I are getting ready to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Just going to do a mile or two.
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 5