French Toast and Hemp.
What a combination!
We will get there.
It's been raining a lot.
This morning, after less than 5 hours of sleep, I noticed that it looked like the sun was coming out.

Maybe it won't rain today??

The cucumber is getting big.

The watermelon too!
I have been trying to check the plants every day or every other day for vermin. I've been burned on average, once every summer by some sort of pest.
Green horned tomato caterpillars, etc.
Today I noticed something,

A snail.
I picked it up and took his picture.
Set him on the ground and then went inside to tell the girls I had found a snail.
We headed back outside and at first, I couldn't find him.
Then I noticed something...

What? We have our own real life Turbo here! In less than a minute he climbed from the spot on the ground, nowhere near the pot, to the pot!! What?!? I'm guessing he likes some watermelon.
I set my phone inside and went back out to inspect the other plants and decided maybe I should remove the snail from the watermelon.
I mean, he was hanging out on a leaf.
I couldn't find him again!!!

I went back in the house to feed all the people, starting with this one!
Autumn has been asking for French Toast since before you left.
You know your French Toast is her absolute favorite.

I thought mine turned out really well.
I mean, Autumn asked for seconds.
I got a message from you on my cell phone, but Autumn was playing on my tablet.

She was getting the messages too.
Next thing I know....

"Mommy French Toast is horrible"
Oh the infamy!!
Then your response!!!!!!!
After "chatting" with you for a bit, we headed to Sam's.

Sho'nuff they have a grinder.
I sat in that aisle perplexed for a bit. Which coffee do I get?
We do not normally get coffee from Sam's.
I'm kind of picky about my coffee.
I'm sitting there staring at all the options.
The prices.
When YOUR daughter shouts,
"Just get the French Roast already woman."
I look around and all the other patrons are completely dumbfounded at what just happened.
I was on the fence about the French Roast and the morning blend.
I know it just looked like my 7 year old just bossed me completely around, but...
She was very adamant on the French Roast.
Maybe people DO realize what a monster you have created!!!
After taking care of the shopping, we headed home.
I googled the best way to store bulk coffee.
The consensus was airtight in a dark, cold place.
The Starbucks French Roast Coffee was $17 for 2 lbs.

It made 3 freezer bags (each bag contains one large mason jars worth of coffee), 1 mason jar full and 1/2 mason jar.
That is a lot of coffee and way cheaper than how we have been doing it.
I do think I will get the breakfast blend next time though.
This coffee is very dark!
After Sam's, we picked up some test strips for the pool and some 97 cent floats.
What happened next, I'm not sure there are really words for.

I was one the phone with my mom when I look in the living room....
What on earth!!!

No, they haven't had the hemp yet..... They are trying to blow up their floaties though.
I had to assist on this. They couldn't do it!

We fixed everybody's hair and headed to a birthday party.
It was loud, but we had a nice time.
After the party, we headed home so I could wash my hair.
I was headed to Alison's and she was going to give Autumn and Millie their first ever trims.
I went first so that the girls would know what to expect.
We saw the hempz on the smock and Alison asked me if I wanted it turned around.
Uhm, I don't really care about all that. Please proceed.

She trimmed the dead, split ends.
All the while, Millie is very intently watching.
Millie: I'm not getting my hair cut.
Me: It doesn't hurt at all.
Millie: Oh. I'm getting my hair cut.

The joker with the phone.

Initially she gave me just a small trim, but I asked her if she would cut some more off after she did the girls.
I didn't want Millie to think Alison was going to cut a bunch of her hair off.

Millie climbed up. Sat so very still and had her first ever trim!

Can you see how beautiful her eyes look??? It makes me want to cry.

The after shot!
This girl has gorgeous hair.

She loved getting her hair trimmed.
As a side note. Do you notice anything on her shirt?
She keeps stealing my carabiner and today, she hooked it to her shirt!
Next up is,

Autumn also has beautiful hair.

This is also her first hair cut!
Yep, she is 7 and this is her first hair cut!

The finished product!
Her curls look so much better.
I posted just two of these pictures to my facebook, but that Hempz logo was pretty well spotted.
I wish I had thought to say something witty about that prior to posting the photos!
Alison cooked us a meal with scallops and I must say,

I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I will be making it for my mom/family since I know you are not a huge scallop eater.
What a sweet friendship I have with her.
We are eating with each other and seeing/visiting each other multiple times a week.
It really does pass the time away and helps me not be focused on being sad with missing you.
Well that is our day in a nutshell... from French Toast all the way to hemp!
I love you and miss you bunches.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 12....
We will get there.
It's been raining a lot.
This morning, after less than 5 hours of sleep, I noticed that it looked like the sun was coming out.

Maybe it won't rain today??

The cucumber is getting big.

The watermelon too!
I have been trying to check the plants every day or every other day for vermin. I've been burned on average, once every summer by some sort of pest.
Green horned tomato caterpillars, etc.
Today I noticed something,

A snail.
I picked it up and took his picture.
Set him on the ground and then went inside to tell the girls I had found a snail.
We headed back outside and at first, I couldn't find him.
Then I noticed something...

What? We have our own real life Turbo here! In less than a minute he climbed from the spot on the ground, nowhere near the pot, to the pot!! What?!? I'm guessing he likes some watermelon.
I set my phone inside and went back out to inspect the other plants and decided maybe I should remove the snail from the watermelon.
I mean, he was hanging out on a leaf.
I couldn't find him again!!!

I went back in the house to feed all the people, starting with this one!
Autumn has been asking for French Toast since before you left.
You know your French Toast is her absolute favorite.

I thought mine turned out really well.
I mean, Autumn asked for seconds.
I got a message from you on my cell phone, but Autumn was playing on my tablet.

She was getting the messages too.
Next thing I know....

"Mommy French Toast is horrible"
Oh the infamy!!
Then your response!!!!!!!
After "chatting" with you for a bit, we headed to Sam's.

Sho'nuff they have a grinder.
I sat in that aisle perplexed for a bit. Which coffee do I get?
We do not normally get coffee from Sam's.
I'm kind of picky about my coffee.
I'm sitting there staring at all the options.
The prices.
When YOUR daughter shouts,
"Just get the French Roast already woman."
I look around and all the other patrons are completely dumbfounded at what just happened.
I was on the fence about the French Roast and the morning blend.
I know it just looked like my 7 year old just bossed me completely around, but...
She was very adamant on the French Roast.
Maybe people DO realize what a monster you have created!!!
After taking care of the shopping, we headed home.
I googled the best way to store bulk coffee.
The consensus was airtight in a dark, cold place.
The Starbucks French Roast Coffee was $17 for 2 lbs.

It made 3 freezer bags (each bag contains one large mason jars worth of coffee), 1 mason jar full and 1/2 mason jar.
That is a lot of coffee and way cheaper than how we have been doing it.
I do think I will get the breakfast blend next time though.
This coffee is very dark!
After Sam's, we picked up some test strips for the pool and some 97 cent floats.
What happened next, I'm not sure there are really words for.

I was one the phone with my mom when I look in the living room....
What on earth!!!

No, they haven't had the hemp yet..... They are trying to blow up their floaties though.
I had to assist on this. They couldn't do it!

We fixed everybody's hair and headed to a birthday party.
It was loud, but we had a nice time.
After the party, we headed home so I could wash my hair.
I was headed to Alison's and she was going to give Autumn and Millie their first ever trims.
I went first so that the girls would know what to expect.
We saw the hempz on the smock and Alison asked me if I wanted it turned around.
Uhm, I don't really care about all that. Please proceed.

She trimmed the dead, split ends.
All the while, Millie is very intently watching.
Millie: I'm not getting my hair cut.
Me: It doesn't hurt at all.
Millie: Oh. I'm getting my hair cut.

The joker with the phone.

Initially she gave me just a small trim, but I asked her if she would cut some more off after she did the girls.
I didn't want Millie to think Alison was going to cut a bunch of her hair off.

Millie climbed up. Sat so very still and had her first ever trim!

Can you see how beautiful her eyes look??? It makes me want to cry.

The after shot!
This girl has gorgeous hair.

She loved getting her hair trimmed.
As a side note. Do you notice anything on her shirt?
She keeps stealing my carabiner and today, she hooked it to her shirt!
Next up is,

Autumn also has beautiful hair.

This is also her first hair cut!
Yep, she is 7 and this is her first hair cut!

The finished product!
Her curls look so much better.
I posted just two of these pictures to my facebook, but that Hempz logo was pretty well spotted.
I wish I had thought to say something witty about that prior to posting the photos!
Alison cooked us a meal with scallops and I must say,

I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I will be making it for my mom/family since I know you are not a huge scallop eater.
What a sweet friendship I have with her.
We are eating with each other and seeing/visiting each other multiple times a week.
It really does pass the time away and helps me not be focused on being sad with missing you.
Well that is our day in a nutshell... from French Toast all the way to hemp!
I love you and miss you bunches.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Day 12....