Birds and such.
This morning the girls had their well checks.

Did you know that Tricare doesn't cover hearing tests for children over the age of 5....
Autumn did great on her hearing test and vision test. Her iron was 13.7.
She is 47 inches (25th percentile) tall and weighs 47 pounds (25th percentile).
Autumn has stayed on that 25th percentile curve since she turned 4.
I wasn't surprised that she lost weight. She recently grew an inch. She has been eating like crazy. I imagine she will put it back on soon.
Dr Iris gave me a note for school about her lactose intolerance so that Autumn can have water when she does school lunch.

Millie's hearing was good. She could not read the 20/20 line on the vision chart.
She read two lines above that although she could pick out some letters from the line directly above the 20/20 line.
They seemed a little concerned about it, but I assured them we will be seeing the eye doctor in June.
Millie was 43.5 inches (50th percentile) tall.
She weighed 44 pounds (75th percentile).
Dr Iris told me not to be concerned about Millie's weight.
She said Millie was built differently than Autumn and that Millie was also on a very steady growth curve and still in normal range for BMI (although at the upper end of normal).
Millie's iron was 13.4. That is the first time in her whole life she has had a normal iron reading.

After the doctor visit, we picked up some spring water and a small hammer.
One was for Max the fish, the other for bird houses.
Max the fish still isn't acting normal.
I'm worried....

While working on these, a huge storm came in. It was bad!!
What do YOUR children do??

They put on boots and coats, grab a lightening rod and try to march around the backyard!!
I made them come in.
We had heavy winds and a lot of lightening.

Our tree is getting big.
I was thinking about you and how much I miss you while admiring it.

Have you seen our watermelon yet?
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
50 days of terrible, no good sleep.

Did you know that Tricare doesn't cover hearing tests for children over the age of 5....
Autumn did great on her hearing test and vision test. Her iron was 13.7.
She is 47 inches (25th percentile) tall and weighs 47 pounds (25th percentile).
Autumn has stayed on that 25th percentile curve since she turned 4.
I wasn't surprised that she lost weight. She recently grew an inch. She has been eating like crazy. I imagine she will put it back on soon.
Dr Iris gave me a note for school about her lactose intolerance so that Autumn can have water when she does school lunch.

Millie's hearing was good. She could not read the 20/20 line on the vision chart.
She read two lines above that although she could pick out some letters from the line directly above the 20/20 line.
They seemed a little concerned about it, but I assured them we will be seeing the eye doctor in June.
Millie was 43.5 inches (50th percentile) tall.
She weighed 44 pounds (75th percentile).
Dr Iris told me not to be concerned about Millie's weight.
She said Millie was built differently than Autumn and that Millie was also on a very steady growth curve and still in normal range for BMI (although at the upper end of normal).
Millie's iron was 13.4. That is the first time in her whole life she has had a normal iron reading.

After the doctor visit, we picked up some spring water and a small hammer.
One was for Max the fish, the other for bird houses.
Max the fish still isn't acting normal.
I'm worried....

While working on these, a huge storm came in. It was bad!!
What do YOUR children do??

They put on boots and coats, grab a lightening rod and try to march around the backyard!!
I made them come in.
We had heavy winds and a lot of lightening.

Our tree is getting big.
I was thinking about you and how much I miss you while admiring it.

Have you seen our watermelon yet?
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
50 days of terrible, no good sleep.