It turned out that we did have something to do today.

The girls both liked their new coaches.
Millie liked that she got to do new things too.
I'm so impressed with Autumn. She looms so natural out there. I noticed her coach is forcing her to work on her form. He also wants them to build their core muscles.
I think we will do some short workouts together over the summer.
I've been working on the wood floor some.
That spot I thought was a chipped board, was just gum or something.
I'm kind of relieved.
Well, I'm off to bed.
It's been a long day.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
51 days.

The girls both liked their new coaches.
Millie liked that she got to do new things too.
I'm so impressed with Autumn. She looms so natural out there. I noticed her coach is forcing her to work on her form. He also wants them to build their core muscles.
I think we will do some short workouts together over the summer.
I've been working on the wood floor some.
That spot I thought was a chipped board, was just gum or something.
I'm kind of relieved.
Well, I'm off to bed.
It's been a long day.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
51 days.