Insert frowny face.
I grabbed my Garmin today because I was cooking on the grill and I wanted to sit down and not move a whole lot.
There was nothing on the face of the watch, so I figured it must have died (which it has NEVER done before).
Even on a super low battery, it will tell me the time.
So I plug it in and nothing happened.
I plug it in to the computer, nothing happens.
I google, "My garmin forerunner 10 won't turn on" and push all the magical buttons in a super secret sequence and IT STILL WON'T TURN ON!!!!!!!!
I might cry!!!
I'm going to leave it alone for tonight and see if maybe it will work tomorrow.
Last night we were feeling lonely and sad, so we went to Grandma's house.
The girls cheered right up.

Autumn told your mom she was going to be in the talent show at school.
Your mom asked her what she was going to do.
Autumn said, "Knock. Knock jokes."
Phyllis: Let's hear one.
Autumn: Knock. Knock.
Phyllis: Who's there?
Autumn: Joe.
Phyllis: Joe who?
Autumn: Jo' Momma.
Phyllis: Well that isn't very funny, we should work on this.
It went down hill from there.
I may accidentally forget to fill out the paperwork for the talent show.
Your mom went on and on about how bad Autumn's jokes were though, but Autumn didn't care. She thinks she is funny.

Scary faces.

This picture is going to give me nightmares!!
So today, Millie lost her glasses.
I threw a big giant mom fit.
I even spanked her.
Mostly, I spanked her because she called me stupid.
Things were pretty tense and Autumn did not like that.
She started helping look for them.
Autumn comes and gets me and is holding Millie's glasses case, with Millie's missing glasses in them.
Autumn: Mom, I found Millie's glasses. They were in this case. In the bathroom. Where they are supposed to be. You owe Millie an apology, don't you think?
How dare you be so calm and logical and tell me I'm wrong!!!
I apologized to Millie.
I felt really terrible.
It is easy to have a mom fail when you are so tired, and doing things all by yourself.
Millie told me she forgave me.
Thank goodness.
Early this morning we had a knock at the door.

A special delivery from you.
Autumn was certain they were for her. She even informed me that today was not mother's day.
I knew I was making some food for Brett and Alice tonight and that one of the items (Candied bacon) was going to require the oven.
I try not to run the oven in the evening, so I got to it this morning right after I woke up.

Autumn had a small bite of it and said,
"I would trade 1000 burgers for this bacon."
On the way to drop that bacon off, she said
"Is MR Brett allergic to anything?"
Me: I don't know, why?
Autumn: Maybe he can be allergic to bacon.
POOR GIRL!! I'm going to make her a batch in the morning.
Once we were done with the cooking,
We went to Mrs Daisy's (Autumn's/Millie's Preschool helper) store "Veggies and Blooms."
Autumn and Millie both picked out plants.
One is called an Angel Trumpet (Autumn's pick) and Millie picked out an Autumn Joy sedums.
Mrs Daisy told me to get a big put for the Angel's trumpet. That it would need to come inside for the winter.

We found this pot at Walmart.

Here is the Angel trumpet. It looked sad because it needed water. It's OK. It perked right up once I watered it.

Millie's Autumn Joy Sedum.
Once I seal the deck, I will put this guy out there.
I promptly got to work on the fence again. I redid a section of the front yard

because it looked like I missed some areas once it was dry.
It looks really good now, even when dry! It will be ready to go by tomorrow for sealing.

I worked on the back yard until the pressure washer ran out of gas.

It is such dirty work.
I came in, took a shower and then fixed the Peters family the Hawaiian Grilled Chicken and coconut rice.
Delivered that.
Checked on Alison's tomato plant (it needed water in a bad, bad way).
Came home and cooked my own dinner.

I gave the girls this option, but they asked for grilled cheese.
Which I promptly burned.
I'm sending everyone to bed shortly.
We were all up late last night.
We were all dragging today.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
It feels like a waste of a holiday without you, but I know I must at least put on a happy face for the girls.
Your mom has invited us to lunch out at Callaway, so after church, we are meeting them up there.
I'm debating if we are going to bike or anything around the gardens when we are done.
It will be HOT!!!
We may just drive around.
Well, this was LONG!!!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
33 days.
There was nothing on the face of the watch, so I figured it must have died (which it has NEVER done before).
Even on a super low battery, it will tell me the time.
So I plug it in and nothing happened.
I plug it in to the computer, nothing happens.
I google, "My garmin forerunner 10 won't turn on" and push all the magical buttons in a super secret sequence and IT STILL WON'T TURN ON!!!!!!!!
I might cry!!!
I'm going to leave it alone for tonight and see if maybe it will work tomorrow.
Last night we were feeling lonely and sad, so we went to Grandma's house.
The girls cheered right up.

Autumn told your mom she was going to be in the talent show at school.
Your mom asked her what she was going to do.
Autumn said, "Knock. Knock jokes."
Phyllis: Let's hear one.
Autumn: Knock. Knock.
Phyllis: Who's there?
Autumn: Joe.
Phyllis: Joe who?
Autumn: Jo' Momma.
Phyllis: Well that isn't very funny, we should work on this.
It went down hill from there.
I may accidentally forget to fill out the paperwork for the talent show.
Your mom went on and on about how bad Autumn's jokes were though, but Autumn didn't care. She thinks she is funny.

Scary faces.

This picture is going to give me nightmares!!
So today, Millie lost her glasses.
I threw a big giant mom fit.
I even spanked her.
Mostly, I spanked her because she called me stupid.
Things were pretty tense and Autumn did not like that.
She started helping look for them.
Autumn comes and gets me and is holding Millie's glasses case, with Millie's missing glasses in them.
Autumn: Mom, I found Millie's glasses. They were in this case. In the bathroom. Where they are supposed to be. You owe Millie an apology, don't you think?
How dare you be so calm and logical and tell me I'm wrong!!!
I apologized to Millie.
I felt really terrible.
It is easy to have a mom fail when you are so tired, and doing things all by yourself.
Millie told me she forgave me.
Thank goodness.
Early this morning we had a knock at the door.

A special delivery from you.
Autumn was certain they were for her. She even informed me that today was not mother's day.
I knew I was making some food for Brett and Alice tonight and that one of the items (Candied bacon) was going to require the oven.
I try not to run the oven in the evening, so I got to it this morning right after I woke up.

Autumn had a small bite of it and said,
"I would trade 1000 burgers for this bacon."
On the way to drop that bacon off, she said
"Is MR Brett allergic to anything?"
Me: I don't know, why?
Autumn: Maybe he can be allergic to bacon.
POOR GIRL!! I'm going to make her a batch in the morning.
Once we were done with the cooking,
We went to Mrs Daisy's (Autumn's/Millie's Preschool helper) store "Veggies and Blooms."
Autumn and Millie both picked out plants.
One is called an Angel Trumpet (Autumn's pick) and Millie picked out an Autumn Joy sedums.
Mrs Daisy told me to get a big put for the Angel's trumpet. That it would need to come inside for the winter.

We found this pot at Walmart.

Here is the Angel trumpet. It looked sad because it needed water. It's OK. It perked right up once I watered it.

Millie's Autumn Joy Sedum.
Once I seal the deck, I will put this guy out there.
I promptly got to work on the fence again. I redid a section of the front yard

because it looked like I missed some areas once it was dry.
It looks really good now, even when dry! It will be ready to go by tomorrow for sealing.

I worked on the back yard until the pressure washer ran out of gas.

It is such dirty work.
I came in, took a shower and then fixed the Peters family the Hawaiian Grilled Chicken and coconut rice.
Delivered that.
Checked on Alison's tomato plant (it needed water in a bad, bad way).
Came home and cooked my own dinner.

I gave the girls this option, but they asked for grilled cheese.
Which I promptly burned.
I'm sending everyone to bed shortly.
We were all up late last night.
We were all dragging today.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
It feels like a waste of a holiday without you, but I know I must at least put on a happy face for the girls.
Your mom has invited us to lunch out at Callaway, so after church, we are meeting them up there.
I'm debating if we are going to bike or anything around the gardens when we are done.
It will be HOT!!!
We may just drive around.
Well, this was LONG!!!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
33 days.