Another day.
We didn't do anything very exciting today. The car did not leave the garage. I did manage to finally mow the backyard and I cannot believe how horrible the ants are. I am going to have to take care of that soon.
I feel like I just need to get this off my chest. I feel sad. We are not even halfway and this just feels overwhelming today. I know the positive side of me should say, almost halfway is close to halfway and then having you home, but the sad part of me just wants you here and I don't want to hear any lame responses about it being halfway. I want it to be over.
The children are driving me nuts. I guess I should have expected that since they have been out of school this week for fall break.
I get tired of feeling so alone. I know that your mom and dad are down the road, but it isn't the same as having you here. I feel like I just need a break and have no one to lean on when I have a day like that.
So enough of my pity party. I feel better just having got that off my chest.
The pictures today are almost all brought to you by the awesome Autumn.

Talking with you on the computer. Autumn and Millie get so excited when you are on the computer. The whole rest of the day they kept asking me if you were in here (the computer room).

Speaking of banana's..... I got text messages today from Jennifer. She wanted me to go somewhere with her and her friend and have Brett stay here, at our house with the triplets, V, Autumn, and Emelia and this other lady's twins. Uh hell to the no. Are you insane? Then she proceeds to complain about your mom and dad. I ignored all the texts about them and asked her what date and was so relieved when she said on Thursday. I told her that day was the girls field trip. SHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad I didn't have to lie my way out of that one.

No idea exactly what Millie is doing, but this is another Autumn picture.

After talking with you, Autumn helped me

with my workout.
It makes me laugh so hard when she "works out" with me. She'll say stuff like, "I need to get my energy."

She would cheer me on.
We were doing suicide drills together and after 10 or 15 seconds, Autumn had to sit down and she says to me, "Mom! You are doing so great! I need to sit, I'm all sweating."

Oh I see!! That just made me laugh.
After I finished insanity, I did an ab challenge and a butt burner workout. THEN, I mowed the back yard.
Speaking of the backyard, last night on my way outside to feed the cats, I came across a spider web. It was weaved across the door way and of course, I did not see it. I stepped right in and threw the cat food all over the back porch all while hopping around and slapping myself silly trying to get the web off me. OY, I must have looked ridiculous. I hate Gary Bider.
The other Gary Bider on the garage door, is for sure dead now. I wish that he wouldn't have died a slow death, but if you mess with my kids, you have to go!
The girls are out in the living room watching Polar Express now. I'm going to go and hang with them and try to decompress from this day today. Secretly, I blame you for how I am feeling because of the news you gave me this morning. I'm still hopeful and all, but I just miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 112 days of just trying to keep it together.
I feel like I just need to get this off my chest. I feel sad. We are not even halfway and this just feels overwhelming today. I know the positive side of me should say, almost halfway is close to halfway and then having you home, but the sad part of me just wants you here and I don't want to hear any lame responses about it being halfway. I want it to be over.
The children are driving me nuts. I guess I should have expected that since they have been out of school this week for fall break.
I get tired of feeling so alone. I know that your mom and dad are down the road, but it isn't the same as having you here. I feel like I just need a break and have no one to lean on when I have a day like that.
So enough of my pity party. I feel better just having got that off my chest.
The pictures today are almost all brought to you by the awesome Autumn.
Talking with you on the computer. Autumn and Millie get so excited when you are on the computer. The whole rest of the day they kept asking me if you were in here (the computer room).
Speaking of banana's..... I got text messages today from Jennifer. She wanted me to go somewhere with her and her friend and have Brett stay here, at our house with the triplets, V, Autumn, and Emelia and this other lady's twins. Uh hell to the no. Are you insane? Then she proceeds to complain about your mom and dad. I ignored all the texts about them and asked her what date and was so relieved when she said on Thursday. I told her that day was the girls field trip. SHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad I didn't have to lie my way out of that one.
No idea exactly what Millie is doing, but this is another Autumn picture.
After talking with you, Autumn helped me
with my workout.
It makes me laugh so hard when she "works out" with me. She'll say stuff like, "I need to get my energy."
She would cheer me on.
We were doing suicide drills together and after 10 or 15 seconds, Autumn had to sit down and she says to me, "Mom! You are doing so great! I need to sit, I'm all sweating."
Oh I see!! That just made me laugh.
After I finished insanity, I did an ab challenge and a butt burner workout. THEN, I mowed the back yard.
Speaking of the backyard, last night on my way outside to feed the cats, I came across a spider web. It was weaved across the door way and of course, I did not see it. I stepped right in and threw the cat food all over the back porch all while hopping around and slapping myself silly trying to get the web off me. OY, I must have looked ridiculous. I hate Gary Bider.
The other Gary Bider on the garage door, is for sure dead now. I wish that he wouldn't have died a slow death, but if you mess with my kids, you have to go!
The girls are out in the living room watching Polar Express now. I'm going to go and hang with them and try to decompress from this day today. Secretly, I blame you for how I am feeling because of the news you gave me this morning. I'm still hopeful and all, but I just miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 112 days of just trying to keep it together.