Georgia's House.
On my run/walk with you this morning I found:

A turtle.

He seemed like he was having a hard time, so I picked him up and put him in the grass.
I think he was trying to get up the curb.
After showering and getting ready, we went to Alison's house and picked her up to take her to Atlanta.
On the way up there, Millie decided to give Alison "Twigs".
It is a little giraffe that she received for her birthday. It has a little clip to it, so easy to carry around.
Millie asked Alison if she could take twigs on an adventure.
Alison happily obliged.
We stopped in Newnan to grab lunch at the Chickfila Dwarf house.
Did you know that it has a sit down restaurant, with an extended menu and wait staff??
I ordered the chickfila sandwich on a whole wheat bun with a side of collards and a side of fried okra.
The girls had grill cheese.
I bet there aren't many chickfila's that offer that!
Once we got to the airport,
Autumn became very upset.
She cried that Alison was taking Twigs, but I think we all know what was really going on.
Alison felt terrible and didn't want to leave with Autumn so beside herself, but really, there was nothing she could say or do that would have helped Autumn.
I hugged her and told her to have a nice trip and that we were just going to head on to the next thing we were going to do that day.
A little while later, I received a picture from Alison.

Twigs passing through security.
We managed to get down to Centennial Olympic Park.
Found parking and then headed over to the fountains.
Not to sound racist or anything, but we were practically the ONLY white people there.
On the one hand, it made it easy to spot the girls.

At 330 pm, there was a musical at the fountains.
The water danced to several different songs.
The girls LOVED it!!
On our way to this park, the girls wanted to know if they could see Georgia's house....
I thought, why the heck not. We are right here after all.
I got another message from Alison.

Twigs is on the plane and ready to go!!

Once we were done checking out Georgia's house, we headed home.
OK, OK to the Fresh Market.
I picked up the Saturday wine special.
Autumn told some woman who was walking around that section, "My mom loves wines and beers."
Uhm, thanks Autumn.....
Then we headed straight for church.
The girls had dress rehearsal.
I was informed that the kids would be fed dinner there.
That left me alone for two whole entire gloriously quiet hours.
I came home, unloaded the car, ran some laundry, reheated dinner, ate some brownies and realized the only other thing that would make this better would be beers....
I headed over to the liquor store (which by the way isn't all that convenient to patron with small kids) and bought myself some Fat tire.....
Then I reminded myself it is illegal to drink and drive, so I took my six pack to church to pick up the girls....
Now they are in bed, I'm writing you and enjoying my beer!!
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
68 Days.

A turtle.

He seemed like he was having a hard time, so I picked him up and put him in the grass.
I think he was trying to get up the curb.
After showering and getting ready, we went to Alison's house and picked her up to take her to Atlanta.
On the way up there, Millie decided to give Alison "Twigs".
It is a little giraffe that she received for her birthday. It has a little clip to it, so easy to carry around.
Millie asked Alison if she could take twigs on an adventure.
Alison happily obliged.
We stopped in Newnan to grab lunch at the Chickfila Dwarf house.
Did you know that it has a sit down restaurant, with an extended menu and wait staff??
I ordered the chickfila sandwich on a whole wheat bun with a side of collards and a side of fried okra.
The girls had grill cheese.
I bet there aren't many chickfila's that offer that!
Once we got to the airport,
Autumn became very upset.
She cried that Alison was taking Twigs, but I think we all know what was really going on.
Alison felt terrible and didn't want to leave with Autumn so beside herself, but really, there was nothing she could say or do that would have helped Autumn.
I hugged her and told her to have a nice trip and that we were just going to head on to the next thing we were going to do that day.
A little while later, I received a picture from Alison.

Twigs passing through security.
We managed to get down to Centennial Olympic Park.
Found parking and then headed over to the fountains.
Not to sound racist or anything, but we were practically the ONLY white people there.
On the one hand, it made it easy to spot the girls.

At 330 pm, there was a musical at the fountains.
The water danced to several different songs.
The girls LOVED it!!
On our way to this park, the girls wanted to know if they could see Georgia's house....
I thought, why the heck not. We are right here after all.
I got another message from Alison.

Twigs is on the plane and ready to go!!

Once we were done checking out Georgia's house, we headed home.
OK, OK to the Fresh Market.
I picked up the Saturday wine special.
Autumn told some woman who was walking around that section, "My mom loves wines and beers."
Uhm, thanks Autumn.....
Then we headed straight for church.
The girls had dress rehearsal.
I was informed that the kids would be fed dinner there.
That left me alone for two whole entire gloriously quiet hours.
I came home, unloaded the car, ran some laundry, reheated dinner, ate some brownies and realized the only other thing that would make this better would be beers....
I headed over to the liquor store (which by the way isn't all that convenient to patron with small kids) and bought myself some Fat tire.....
Then I reminded myself it is illegal to drink and drive, so I took my six pack to church to pick up the girls....
Now they are in bed, I'm writing you and enjoying my beer!!
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
68 Days.