The quiet.
The girls have been playing without incident.
They went to bed last night and slept well.
Autumn awoke at her normal time and woke Katie up.
They sat on the couch and watched cartoons, ate breakfast and Katie remarks,
"It is so quiet here."
I'm guessing that with a family of 7 living at her house, quiet is a luxury.
I'm grateful that I can provide this refuge for her every summer.
The house seems odd without Millie in it.
It is really, the quiet.
The kind of quiet that can break your heart.
I spoke to Millie on the phone today.
She told me that she had to show Grandma how to do her glasses.
I'm grateful that she is equip enough to handle herself.

After church this morning, we went out to lunch at IHOP.
Autumn sat with me and Katie across from us.
We were carrying on a normal level decibel conversation when some old geezer behind us, turned around and shushed Autumn.
I was this close <> to flipping out.
It immediately angered me because she was speaking in a softer tone than he.
Who the heck was he to shush my kid.
He was sitting at a table with three other adults and I was alone, so I figured rather than pick a fight with this jerk, I just ignored it, but it made me MAD!
I told Autumn to continue on with what she was saying.
I also told her that not everyone had good manners like she did and to excuse his poor behavior.
I think that if you had been there, I would have yelled at him.
Maybe not the right way to handle that situation, but seriously, that was SO rude!
After lunch, we picked up some junk food for a movie night.
The girls rented Paddington bear to watch and we ate:

This for dinner.
Katie says to me, "Is this our dinner?"
Me: Sure, why not? It is summer after all.
Katie: Can I stay here the rest of the summer?
It made me laugh!!

Autumn wanted a picture of Roww.
The girls are currently out swimming in the pool.
Here is a picture from Millie's day.

I suspect her day went very much like mine.
She went to church, went to lunch and then went to the pool.
We are going to spend the day at Callaway.
I think I'm going to take the Jeep so we can bring the bikes.
Once we tire of the bikes, we will swim at the "beach."
I'm going to pack a lunch too.
Our sermon this morning was on marriage.
It just so happened that way and wasn't intentionally planned to coincide with the gay pride stuff going on here.
Have you seen all the hoopla about it?
Anyway, the Pastor talked about the secret to a good marriage and I found it to be very thought provoking.
It very much mirrors a lot of what we have going on in our own marriage, but I'll share more about that tomorrow.
Just too deep a subject for my brain tonight.
I find that I miss you terribly.
I'm still sleeping poorly.
It isn't that I'm up all night worried sick over you or anything, but just your absence in general bothers me.
It is funny how you grow up all your life not wanting to depend on anyone, or to be touched and then you find yourself at the vulnerability of another human.
On a surface level, you appreciate (or not so much) all the things they do for you, but when you (you, Sean) go away, you realize that you haven't had the proper amount of appreciation for just all the things the person does.
That is because when you aren't here, I have to pick up the slack.
There is a lot of slack when you are picking it up all by yourself.
You don't realize how every thought, every action has your future well being and happiness at the center of it.
If I could just wrap that around my brain all the time, I would understand you so much better.
It is funny because I believe that is a common goal we are both trying to attain and if we would both remember that that principle (the future well being of our family) is at the center of almost EVERYTHING we say or do, maybe there would be less misunderstandings.
I love you Sean the bomb Jordan.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
They went to bed last night and slept well.
Autumn awoke at her normal time and woke Katie up.
They sat on the couch and watched cartoons, ate breakfast and Katie remarks,
"It is so quiet here."
I'm guessing that with a family of 7 living at her house, quiet is a luxury.
I'm grateful that I can provide this refuge for her every summer.
The house seems odd without Millie in it.
It is really, the quiet.
The kind of quiet that can break your heart.
I spoke to Millie on the phone today.
She told me that she had to show Grandma how to do her glasses.
I'm grateful that she is equip enough to handle herself.

After church this morning, we went out to lunch at IHOP.
Autumn sat with me and Katie across from us.
We were carrying on a normal level decibel conversation when some old geezer behind us, turned around and shushed Autumn.
I was this close <> to flipping out.
It immediately angered me because she was speaking in a softer tone than he.
Who the heck was he to shush my kid.
He was sitting at a table with three other adults and I was alone, so I figured rather than pick a fight with this jerk, I just ignored it, but it made me MAD!
I told Autumn to continue on with what she was saying.
I also told her that not everyone had good manners like she did and to excuse his poor behavior.
I think that if you had been there, I would have yelled at him.
Maybe not the right way to handle that situation, but seriously, that was SO rude!
After lunch, we picked up some junk food for a movie night.
The girls rented Paddington bear to watch and we ate:

This for dinner.
Katie says to me, "Is this our dinner?"
Me: Sure, why not? It is summer after all.
Katie: Can I stay here the rest of the summer?
It made me laugh!!

Autumn wanted a picture of Roww.
The girls are currently out swimming in the pool.
Here is a picture from Millie's day.

I suspect her day went very much like mine.
She went to church, went to lunch and then went to the pool.
We are going to spend the day at Callaway.
I think I'm going to take the Jeep so we can bring the bikes.
Once we tire of the bikes, we will swim at the "beach."
I'm going to pack a lunch too.
Our sermon this morning was on marriage.
It just so happened that way and wasn't intentionally planned to coincide with the gay pride stuff going on here.
Have you seen all the hoopla about it?
Anyway, the Pastor talked about the secret to a good marriage and I found it to be very thought provoking.
It very much mirrors a lot of what we have going on in our own marriage, but I'll share more about that tomorrow.
Just too deep a subject for my brain tonight.
I find that I miss you terribly.
I'm still sleeping poorly.
It isn't that I'm up all night worried sick over you or anything, but just your absence in general bothers me.
It is funny how you grow up all your life not wanting to depend on anyone, or to be touched and then you find yourself at the vulnerability of another human.
On a surface level, you appreciate (or not so much) all the things they do for you, but when you (you, Sean) go away, you realize that you haven't had the proper amount of appreciation for just all the things the person does.
That is because when you aren't here, I have to pick up the slack.
There is a lot of slack when you are picking it up all by yourself.
You don't realize how every thought, every action has your future well being and happiness at the center of it.
If I could just wrap that around my brain all the time, I would understand you so much better.
It is funny because I believe that is a common goal we are both trying to attain and if we would both remember that that principle (the future well being of our family) is at the center of almost EVERYTHING we say or do, maybe there would be less misunderstandings.
I love you Sean the bomb Jordan.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo