I've been thinking.
I know, I know....
I get into trouble when I start thinking....
The flower beds (which I've brought up several times to you) are bothering me.
They are overgrown.
The rocks are spilling out.
The termite guy said the current edging is attracting termites, but not only that, it is flat out falling apart.
I have an idea.....
I think starting here:

At the mailbox,
I want to lay out a tarp on the drive way.
Shovel out all the rocks.
Pull out all the vegetation.
Lay out some of that stupid fabric stuff.
Install some steel edging.
^^Click that link.
I found that at Lowe's in the color brown, which I think we should use.
It says it is easy to install....
Each 8 foot section is $9.
I felt it. It is bendable/shapeable yet still sturdy.
I guess I would want to know if we decide to use that and you give me the go ahead, do we run it along the sidewalk/street edges too?
I'm inclined towards yes because we get a lot of weeds along those edges and maybe it will keep the rocks contained to the bed (I'm always sweeping up rocks back into the beds at the side of the road and on the sidewalk in front of the house).
Once the steel edging is in, plant some variegated liriope and one lantana flower.
I'd put the lantana smack in the middle and some variegated liriope around the edges.
I've been looking around in others yards on our street, so the same amount of sun in the yard and those plants are doing well.
Once I've got the new stuff planted, throw the rocks back in.

This bed would be project #2.

Project #3. Do you see where the edging just completely broke off here.

Project #4.

Project #5.

Project #6.
All the way around the house until it is done.
Some of these beds don't need the rocks completely removed from them.
It seems that the stand alone beds are the worst ones.
The sides of the house are bad too, so I would definitely want to pull the rocks out of those and relay some of that fabric stuff.
I know people say that stuff doesn't work well, but it kept our beds looking pretty good for probably the last nine years.
I'm also wondering if we should plant something on the sides of the house???
Those beds are unsightly to me.
I'm not in a big rush to plant there and since those and the back of the house would happen last, there is lots of time to think about it.
I know this is not a little project, but I'm thinking if I take it a bed at a time and give myself a week or two between beds, maybe I can get them done before we move????
Please give me the go ahead on this.
You are the professional landscaper, I want to know your thoughts and opinions.
For real... these beds are bothering me.
Don't get me started on the backyard.
It is REALLY bad!!!
The stepping stones out to the pool.... I'm not even sure what we can do to make that better.
I am thinking though that some tall bushes along the sides of the house might provide a buffer from the sun and help with energy efficiency.
Even if you don't want me to put in the new edging, what about shoveling out the rocks to get rid of the overgrowth???

So Knox came and did our first treatment on Tuesday and I have to tell you, the grass is already looking better.
I noticed today that some of the crab grass is already starting to die and some of the grass is greening up very nicely.
I realize that it partly looks so much better because I cut it yesterday, but I looked very closely and see dying weeds and grasses.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
74 days.
I know, I know....
I get into trouble when I start thinking....
The flower beds (which I've brought up several times to you) are bothering me.
They are overgrown.
The rocks are spilling out.
The termite guy said the current edging is attracting termites, but not only that, it is flat out falling apart.
I have an idea.....
I think starting here:

At the mailbox,
I want to lay out a tarp on the drive way.
Shovel out all the rocks.
Pull out all the vegetation.
Lay out some of that stupid fabric stuff.
Install some steel edging.
^^Click that link.
I found that at Lowe's in the color brown, which I think we should use.
It says it is easy to install....
Each 8 foot section is $9.
I felt it. It is bendable/shapeable yet still sturdy.
I guess I would want to know if we decide to use that and you give me the go ahead, do we run it along the sidewalk/street edges too?
I'm inclined towards yes because we get a lot of weeds along those edges and maybe it will keep the rocks contained to the bed (I'm always sweeping up rocks back into the beds at the side of the road and on the sidewalk in front of the house).
Once the steel edging is in, plant some variegated liriope and one lantana flower.
I'd put the lantana smack in the middle and some variegated liriope around the edges.
I've been looking around in others yards on our street, so the same amount of sun in the yard and those plants are doing well.
Once I've got the new stuff planted, throw the rocks back in.

This bed would be project #2.

Project #3. Do you see where the edging just completely broke off here.

Project #4.

Project #5.

Project #6.
All the way around the house until it is done.
Some of these beds don't need the rocks completely removed from them.
It seems that the stand alone beds are the worst ones.
The sides of the house are bad too, so I would definitely want to pull the rocks out of those and relay some of that fabric stuff.
I know people say that stuff doesn't work well, but it kept our beds looking pretty good for probably the last nine years.
I'm also wondering if we should plant something on the sides of the house???
Those beds are unsightly to me.
I'm not in a big rush to plant there and since those and the back of the house would happen last, there is lots of time to think about it.
I know this is not a little project, but I'm thinking if I take it a bed at a time and give myself a week or two between beds, maybe I can get them done before we move????
Please give me the go ahead on this.
You are the professional landscaper, I want to know your thoughts and opinions.
For real... these beds are bothering me.
Don't get me started on the backyard.
It is REALLY bad!!!
The stepping stones out to the pool.... I'm not even sure what we can do to make that better.
I am thinking though that some tall bushes along the sides of the house might provide a buffer from the sun and help with energy efficiency.
Even if you don't want me to put in the new edging, what about shoveling out the rocks to get rid of the overgrowth???

So Knox came and did our first treatment on Tuesday and I have to tell you, the grass is already looking better.
I noticed today that some of the crab grass is already starting to die and some of the grass is greening up very nicely.
I realize that it partly looks so much better because I cut it yesterday, but I looked very closely and see dying weeds and grasses.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
74 days.