Today was a good day.
In light of what happened with Autumn yesterday, today was a good day.
The girls were so happy to talk to you.

Sometimes the girls get a little crazy when they talk to you.
They walk all around the house with you.

Sometimes I think that Millie thinks you can see what is happening here when she talks with you.
She "shows you" things.
You almost always manage to give the correct courtesy phrase when this happens, but sometimes, she realizes you don't know what on earth she is talking about and then she gets mad at you.
Sometimes this realization comes hours later.
She gets just as mad though as if it happened right then.
It is part of the reason I don't let her talk to you as much as I might other wise.
She also gets frustrated easily if you do not answer right away.
Try explaining to a five year old that the internet in Afghanistan stinks!!
I thought it was great that you could send Autumn the picture she requested of you.

The following observations were made.
1. You aren't smiling (according to Autumn, Alice and I both agree that you are).
2. Did you cut your spikes off? (You do look especially bald)
3. I'm glad you aren't growing a mustache.

You know how the girls have a hard time with the heat?

Autumn decided it was time to pretend she was a penguin.
A few things from yesterday that I didn't share because of the mood of the previous post.....

At gymnastics, it turned out that Autumn was the only girl there from her class of 8!!
That meant a private lesson with Coach Powers.
Autumn has taken quite a liking to Coach Powers.
After their session, he came out and spoke to me.
He said that Autumn had a lot of potential and that he thinks by the end of the summer, she should progress to a more advanced class.
She has two things she needs to work on and he worked her in those areas yesterday.
None of this surprises me. Autumn (and Millie) look like natural born gymnasts.
After Coach Powers went back into the gym, Autumn turns to me and says,
"Mom, I don't want to go to the Olympics, I just want to have fun."
That cracked me up!! Who on earth said anything about the Olympics!!!!

I know this doesn't look super pretty, but it was dinner yesterday and today. Baked Zucchini Parmesan with Baby Bella mushrooms and carmelized onions. I reheated today and it was really good.
I'm going to mess with the recipe some, because this one I sort of made up out of the top of my head, but it was just very enjoyable and filling.
Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy cutting the grass?

At 5 am this morning, I was sort of wishing that I could get out there and do it before the sun came up.

Well, it is done for this week.
Thank goodness.
This evening we met with Alice and headed over to the dollar theater to see Cinderella.

Millie wanted you to see how cute she looked.

This is what she asked me to do with her hair.
Alice rode with us, and we met Sharon and her crew at the theater.
The movie was so good.
It was magical, and the music was wonderful.
The girls were completely glued to the screen.
Millie talked to Alice some during the movie and it was totally cute!!
On the way home, Millie asked Alice to ask her phone where the secret door was.
Siri answered something like, "The secret door can not be seen with the naked eye."
Millie: What is a Naked eye?
Alice: It is an eye (insert pause)
Cherish: That has no clothes on Millie.
We did our best to explain the naked eye to Millie.
I think she gets it, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure she is going to go to bed dreaming of Cinderella and secret doors and naked eyes....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
73 days and counting.
The girls were so happy to talk to you.

Sometimes the girls get a little crazy when they talk to you.
They walk all around the house with you.

Sometimes I think that Millie thinks you can see what is happening here when she talks with you.
She "shows you" things.
You almost always manage to give the correct courtesy phrase when this happens, but sometimes, she realizes you don't know what on earth she is talking about and then she gets mad at you.
Sometimes this realization comes hours later.
She gets just as mad though as if it happened right then.
It is part of the reason I don't let her talk to you as much as I might other wise.
She also gets frustrated easily if you do not answer right away.
Try explaining to a five year old that the internet in Afghanistan stinks!!
I thought it was great that you could send Autumn the picture she requested of you.

The following observations were made.
1. You aren't smiling (according to Autumn, Alice and I both agree that you are).
2. Did you cut your spikes off? (You do look especially bald)
3. I'm glad you aren't growing a mustache.

You know how the girls have a hard time with the heat?

Autumn decided it was time to pretend she was a penguin.
A few things from yesterday that I didn't share because of the mood of the previous post.....

At gymnastics, it turned out that Autumn was the only girl there from her class of 8!!
That meant a private lesson with Coach Powers.
Autumn has taken quite a liking to Coach Powers.
After their session, he came out and spoke to me.
He said that Autumn had a lot of potential and that he thinks by the end of the summer, she should progress to a more advanced class.
She has two things she needs to work on and he worked her in those areas yesterday.
None of this surprises me. Autumn (and Millie) look like natural born gymnasts.
After Coach Powers went back into the gym, Autumn turns to me and says,
"Mom, I don't want to go to the Olympics, I just want to have fun."
That cracked me up!! Who on earth said anything about the Olympics!!!!

I know this doesn't look super pretty, but it was dinner yesterday and today. Baked Zucchini Parmesan with Baby Bella mushrooms and carmelized onions. I reheated today and it was really good.
I'm going to mess with the recipe some, because this one I sort of made up out of the top of my head, but it was just very enjoyable and filling.
Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy cutting the grass?

At 5 am this morning, I was sort of wishing that I could get out there and do it before the sun came up.

Well, it is done for this week.
Thank goodness.
This evening we met with Alice and headed over to the dollar theater to see Cinderella.

Millie wanted you to see how cute she looked.

This is what she asked me to do with her hair.
Alice rode with us, and we met Sharon and her crew at the theater.
The movie was so good.
It was magical, and the music was wonderful.
The girls were completely glued to the screen.
Millie talked to Alice some during the movie and it was totally cute!!
On the way home, Millie asked Alice to ask her phone where the secret door was.
Siri answered something like, "The secret door can not be seen with the naked eye."
Millie: What is a Naked eye?
Alice: It is an eye (insert pause)
Cherish: That has no clothes on Millie.
We did our best to explain the naked eye to Millie.
I think she gets it, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure she is going to go to bed dreaming of Cinderella and secret doors and naked eyes....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
73 days and counting.