Today, after church (sorry I missed you), I came home and mowed the grass.
When I finished the front yard, I was completely out of gas and decided that it was warm enough to go ahead and put the seal on the fence between us and the two story house.
It had been pressure washed, but not sealed.
I knew it was supposed to rain several days this week, so I figured, with the heat and what not, it would dry quickly.
So, I sealed it and then put another coat on some sections inside the fence.
I filled up the mower with gas, took it to the backyard and for some reason,
I couldn't get the mower to start.
I got the blower and blew off all the loose grass.
I took the spark plug off and cleaned it some.
Still nothing.
After fighting with it for awhile, I called your dad and asked him to come and look at it.
While on the phone with him, I tried one more time and
VOILA! It started.
Not sure what happened there, but I was glad it resolved itself.
While I was mowing the backyard, I felt a few rain drops.
I start praying.
The rain abates, for now.
I'm hoping it does not rain tonight, but I felt the fence this evening, it seems dry.
After taking care of the lawn,
I noticed 4 wasps in the corner of the porch.
Oh good grief....
I really need a man around the house.
I got that home defense stuff from the garage and proceeded to spray the dumb wasps.
I ran away when they flew towards me.
I think they are gone for good!
I got in the pool with the girls, and we played.
After, I started up the charcoal grill.
You would be proud of me.
I wore shoes!!

I made grilled pork tenderloin, jasmine rice and grilled Brussels Sprouts.
Autumn ate the pork under the guise that it was chicken.
I will tell her tomorrow it was PTL.
Millie ate the rice.
She wouldn't try the meat.
After dinner we went to church.
The girls had choir practice.
Their musical is next Sunday.
I cannot remember if I already mentioned this, but Millie and Autumn both have solos.
Once we got home, it was time to walk.
You know,

Our yard doesn't look so bad in the dark!!!
The girls are in bed now.

I was able to snap this picture of Autumn yesterday.
It gets me to thinking...

Hardly ever does anyone ask you, as an adult, if you could have a wish, what would it be?
Without hesitation, I know what I would wish for.
To no longer be separated from you. Especially for the military.
We've been married for 16 years now and I wonder how many years we've been apart from one another.
It is getting to that point that I just cannot stand it anymore.
Seriously, I'm totally over it.
I miss you.
Life is too short to spend this much time away from you.
It isn't that I want to be stuck to you like glue, because that wouldn't make me happy either, but the TDY's, the long work hours, the deployments.
Those things need to end.
I will close with something I found totally comical.
In church this morning, while I was in the choir, Autumn and Millie were sitting with Taylor Rae.
I could tell they were doing something, but I wasn't sure what.
When the choir was finished, I went and sat down.
It was time for the kids to go to kid church and the girls handed me all their papers.
Autumn had passed Millie a note.
It said, "That drink isn't helfey."
Millie had asked for Hawaiian Punch that morning.
Autumn was informing her that it was not a healthy choice.
It cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
62 freaking days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I finished the front yard, I was completely out of gas and decided that it was warm enough to go ahead and put the seal on the fence between us and the two story house.
It had been pressure washed, but not sealed.
I knew it was supposed to rain several days this week, so I figured, with the heat and what not, it would dry quickly.
So, I sealed it and then put another coat on some sections inside the fence.
I filled up the mower with gas, took it to the backyard and for some reason,
I couldn't get the mower to start.
I got the blower and blew off all the loose grass.
I took the spark plug off and cleaned it some.
Still nothing.
After fighting with it for awhile, I called your dad and asked him to come and look at it.
While on the phone with him, I tried one more time and
VOILA! It started.
Not sure what happened there, but I was glad it resolved itself.
While I was mowing the backyard, I felt a few rain drops.
I start praying.
The rain abates, for now.
I'm hoping it does not rain tonight, but I felt the fence this evening, it seems dry.
After taking care of the lawn,
I noticed 4 wasps in the corner of the porch.
Oh good grief....
I really need a man around the house.
I got that home defense stuff from the garage and proceeded to spray the dumb wasps.
I ran away when they flew towards me.
I think they are gone for good!
I got in the pool with the girls, and we played.
After, I started up the charcoal grill.
You would be proud of me.
I wore shoes!!

I made grilled pork tenderloin, jasmine rice and grilled Brussels Sprouts.
Autumn ate the pork under the guise that it was chicken.
I will tell her tomorrow it was PTL.
Millie ate the rice.
She wouldn't try the meat.
After dinner we went to church.
The girls had choir practice.
Their musical is next Sunday.
I cannot remember if I already mentioned this, but Millie and Autumn both have solos.
Once we got home, it was time to walk.
You know,

Our yard doesn't look so bad in the dark!!!
The girls are in bed now.

I was able to snap this picture of Autumn yesterday.
It gets me to thinking...

Hardly ever does anyone ask you, as an adult, if you could have a wish, what would it be?
Without hesitation, I know what I would wish for.
To no longer be separated from you. Especially for the military.
We've been married for 16 years now and I wonder how many years we've been apart from one another.
It is getting to that point that I just cannot stand it anymore.
Seriously, I'm totally over it.
I miss you.
Life is too short to spend this much time away from you.
It isn't that I want to be stuck to you like glue, because that wouldn't make me happy either, but the TDY's, the long work hours, the deployments.
Those things need to end.
I will close with something I found totally comical.
In church this morning, while I was in the choir, Autumn and Millie were sitting with Taylor Rae.
I could tell they were doing something, but I wasn't sure what.
When the choir was finished, I went and sat down.
It was time for the kids to go to kid church and the girls handed me all their papers.
Autumn had passed Millie a note.
It said, "That drink isn't helfey."
Millie had asked for Hawaiian Punch that morning.
Autumn was informing her that it was not a healthy choice.
It cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
62 freaking days!!!!!!!!!!!!!