Christmas Eve
The past few years we've been doing French Toast Casserole.
This year, Sean had the brilliant idea of swapping out milk for for eggnog and it was FABULOUS!!
The other thing about this recipe is that it reheats really well.
Everyone eats it, but Emelia!!

Autumn and Emelia were still not up to a hike, but I had my eyes set on a hike from a few weeks ago.
There are water falls at the Greenbelt access trail and to get to them from this side of Eagle River,
You have to cross an Ice Bridge.
About two weeks ago when we went out there, the bridge was forming, but it was not complete.
Since that hike, we've had many days below freezing and even a few days below zero:

Yikes that is cold!!
Sean and I geared up and headed out.

Frost on an evergreen.

That was pretty sloshy!

I'm always bringing up the rear.

It can tend to be monochromatic out on the this part of the trail, so whenever I see color, I have to capture it.

Are you coming woman?

Once we hit this part of the trail, I know my favorite part is just around the corner.

I don't know what this is called, but I call it the burnt forest.

This is ever so near where I broke my collar bone this summer.

This was icy and not so sloshy. On the right of this trail is private property.

Aha! The ice bridge!

Sean and Dingo crossing the ice bridge. It doesn't look like anything here, but we were sure to cross it one at a time just in case!

Another shot from the ice bridge.

Pretending to be scared.

I think it is simply stunning.

We walked for about 3/4 of a mile and make to an actual bridge.
This photo was from one side of the bridge.

And then the other side.

Right before I took this photo, I fell.
Even though I had my micro spikes on, my left foot didn't find traction and down I went.
I was so shocked I didn't really hurt my knee.
I sat on the ground for a few minutes because my butt hurt some, but it wasn't my tailbone.
I eventually got up and took a selfie and we moved along.

More frost.

Ice falls, but not Barbara Falls.

Random person in my photo.
The group she was with, strike that, This ENTIRE group was a hot mess.
They were not geared up properly.
They were slipping, falling and just all over the place!

It's hard to capture how spectacular these fall are.
Tomorrow, we are making the girls go!

Sean and I!

I think if you look hard enough, you can see the bridge in the background.

On the way back, I recognize this spot because I was on the other side of the river on the way to the falls and wanted to get a picture of this area, but the ice was too thin on the other side.
I asked Sean if he thought it was thick enough to walk across when I realize, we can see where someone had already walked across right there.
Sean starts making his way across when we both hear the ice start cracking!

Sean turns around and heads back, even Dingo was getting out of there!

Another view of the ice bridge.

It was so cold, my water bottle froze.
Crazy thing is, it was in my pack!!
A video from the falls:
After our 7- ish mile hike, we came home and I ate chocolate cake and then got super duper cold!!
I took a hot shower and that helped a lot.
We all sat down and the girls started decorating their gifts from my mom:

I don't know, I think it's pretty obvious the girl doesn't feel well.

Painting her ornament.

The inside of Autumn's wood ornament.

Millie working on her ornament.

Millie's wood ornament.

Autumn's wood ornament completed.

Millie's glass ornament.

Autumn's glass ornament.
I think the girls did a great job.
After we cleaned up that mess, we ate dinner.
We had leftovers.
It's been snowing this evening and it looks beautiful out.

I cannot wait to see how it looks tomorrow.
And to all a good night!
This year, Sean had the brilliant idea of swapping out milk for for eggnog and it was FABULOUS!!
The other thing about this recipe is that it reheats really well.
Everyone eats it, but Emelia!!

Autumn and Emelia were still not up to a hike, but I had my eyes set on a hike from a few weeks ago.
There are water falls at the Greenbelt access trail and to get to them from this side of Eagle River,
You have to cross an Ice Bridge.
About two weeks ago when we went out there, the bridge was forming, but it was not complete.
Since that hike, we've had many days below freezing and even a few days below zero:

Yikes that is cold!!
Sean and I geared up and headed out.

Frost on an evergreen.

That was pretty sloshy!

I'm always bringing up the rear.

It can tend to be monochromatic out on the this part of the trail, so whenever I see color, I have to capture it.

Are you coming woman?

Once we hit this part of the trail, I know my favorite part is just around the corner.

I don't know what this is called, but I call it the burnt forest.

This is ever so near where I broke my collar bone this summer.

This was icy and not so sloshy. On the right of this trail is private property.

Aha! The ice bridge!

Sean and Dingo crossing the ice bridge. It doesn't look like anything here, but we were sure to cross it one at a time just in case!

Another shot from the ice bridge.

Pretending to be scared.

I think it is simply stunning.

We walked for about 3/4 of a mile and make to an actual bridge.
This photo was from one side of the bridge.

And then the other side.

Right before I took this photo, I fell.
Even though I had my micro spikes on, my left foot didn't find traction and down I went.
I was so shocked I didn't really hurt my knee.
I sat on the ground for a few minutes because my butt hurt some, but it wasn't my tailbone.
I eventually got up and took a selfie and we moved along.

More frost.

Ice falls, but not Barbara Falls.

Random person in my photo.
The group she was with, strike that, This ENTIRE group was a hot mess.
They were not geared up properly.
They were slipping, falling and just all over the place!

It's hard to capture how spectacular these fall are.
Tomorrow, we are making the girls go!

Sean and I!

I think if you look hard enough, you can see the bridge in the background.

On the way back, I recognize this spot because I was on the other side of the river on the way to the falls and wanted to get a picture of this area, but the ice was too thin on the other side.
I asked Sean if he thought it was thick enough to walk across when I realize, we can see where someone had already walked across right there.
Sean starts making his way across when we both hear the ice start cracking!

Sean turns around and heads back, even Dingo was getting out of there!

Another view of the ice bridge.

It was so cold, my water bottle froze.
Crazy thing is, it was in my pack!!
A video from the falls:
After our 7- ish mile hike, we came home and I ate chocolate cake and then got super duper cold!!
I took a hot shower and that helped a lot.
We all sat down and the girls started decorating their gifts from my mom:

I don't know, I think it's pretty obvious the girl doesn't feel well.

Painting her ornament.

The inside of Autumn's wood ornament.

Millie working on her ornament.

Millie's wood ornament.

Autumn's wood ornament completed.

Millie's glass ornament.

Autumn's glass ornament.
I think the girls did a great job.
After we cleaned up that mess, we ate dinner.
We had leftovers.
It's been snowing this evening and it looks beautiful out.

I cannot wait to see how it looks tomorrow.
And to all a good night!