Mile High Saddle
I wish I would have written this closer to when we actually did the hike.
It is mile high saddle.
What I can remember about it was this.
We ran into a baby moose.
We immediately stopped in our tracks and realized there was a mom moose too.
We ended up changing course.
This forced us up the side of a mountain across terrain that wasn't necessarily hard, but it wasn't easy to walk on either.
There wasn't snow, but the blueberry bushes and other shrubs were hard to walk on.
Several times I just sat down on my butt!
I think I do want to do this saddle again and maybe in winter, but I'm not sure what the avalanche danger is here.
Our hike in pictures:

It is mile high saddle.
What I can remember about it was this.
We ran into a baby moose.
We immediately stopped in our tracks and realized there was a mom moose too.
We ended up changing course.
This forced us up the side of a mountain across terrain that wasn't necessarily hard, but it wasn't easy to walk on either.
There wasn't snow, but the blueberry bushes and other shrubs were hard to walk on.
Several times I just sat down on my butt!
I think I do want to do this saddle again and maybe in winter, but I'm not sure what the avalanche danger is here.
Our hike in pictures:
