Eagle Lake and Symphony Lake via South Fork
Maybe it's obvious, maybe it's not.
I LOVE South Fork, Eagle River.
I've been out on this trail a lot, but today, I went to Eagle and Symphony lakes.
I've had my eyes on these two lakes all summer and today, we finally did the nearly 12 mile hike.
It was a bit snowy out and I find the beginning of the trail to be a little boring (now because I've been on it so much).
We ran into some Army folks that I assume spent the night out there.
I will just go on and apologize right now, there are a million photos (or close to a million).
It was hard to not take pictures.
Once we got past the part of the trail I've done a lot, we get to a more challenging part.
There was a rock field.
I don't know if there is an official name for this type of terrain, but think literally climbing over rocks.
There was a small bridge and then something that Sean called the "Hut".
Don't get excited, it wasn't really a hut.
It didn't even have walls I don't think.
Apparently, once upon a time, my husband snow shoed out here and ate lunch on top the "Hut".
Once we made it out there, I took a seat on a rock and shared my lunch with Dingo.
If memory serves, Eagle Lake is the blue one and Symphony Lake is the clear one.
During the summer time, these lakes are busy with fishermen/women and campers.
On our way back, Dingo ran over one of the iced lakes and did it in a bee line.
We realized he saw something and started to scan the mountainside trying to figure out what he was up to.
I thought I spotted a moose.
We started to call Dingo back (who wants to have an angry moose follow their dog back and stomp on them?) when we spot some movement not in the area we were looking at.
I blew my whistle.
We saw Dingo and then three bears start hightailing it up the mountain.
My dumb dog went after bears!!
We were to far away to really identify them, but we believe they were probably black bears.
Our day in pictures:

I LOVE South Fork, Eagle River.
I've been out on this trail a lot, but today, I went to Eagle and Symphony lakes.
I've had my eyes on these two lakes all summer and today, we finally did the nearly 12 mile hike.
It was a bit snowy out and I find the beginning of the trail to be a little boring (now because I've been on it so much).
We ran into some Army folks that I assume spent the night out there.
I will just go on and apologize right now, there are a million photos (or close to a million).
It was hard to not take pictures.
Once we got past the part of the trail I've done a lot, we get to a more challenging part.
There was a rock field.
I don't know if there is an official name for this type of terrain, but think literally climbing over rocks.
There was a small bridge and then something that Sean called the "Hut".
Don't get excited, it wasn't really a hut.
It didn't even have walls I don't think.
Apparently, once upon a time, my husband snow shoed out here and ate lunch on top the "Hut".
Once we made it out there, I took a seat on a rock and shared my lunch with Dingo.
If memory serves, Eagle Lake is the blue one and Symphony Lake is the clear one.
During the summer time, these lakes are busy with fishermen/women and campers.
On our way back, Dingo ran over one of the iced lakes and did it in a bee line.
We realized he saw something and started to scan the mountainside trying to figure out what he was up to.
I thought I spotted a moose.
We started to call Dingo back (who wants to have an angry moose follow their dog back and stomp on them?) when we spot some movement not in the area we were looking at.
I blew my whistle.
We saw Dingo and then three bears start hightailing it up the mountain.
My dumb dog went after bears!!
We were to far away to really identify them, but we believe they were probably black bears.
Our day in pictures:
