Eagle River and pictures at home.
This day included a walk to the girls school to check on the ice rink, but also down to the river.
Dingo is so brave (read dumb).
He goes right out on the ice and then the next thing you know, he falls through.
He always lives.....
I ordered some ornaments for an ornament exchange party with my bible study.
Melanie made them for me and they were so beautiful, I couldn't part with them.
Man alive, I love my back porch.
Then we have an insane Millie..... Going outside in the snow with no shoes on.
Our day in pictures:

Dingo is so brave (read dumb).
He goes right out on the ice and then the next thing you know, he falls through.
He always lives.....
I ordered some ornaments for an ornament exchange party with my bible study.
Melanie made them for me and they were so beautiful, I couldn't part with them.
Man alive, I love my back porch.
Then we have an insane Millie..... Going outside in the snow with no shoes on.
Our day in pictures:
