Come home!
If there is one thing I know for sure, I'm ready for you to come home. I mean, someone needs to take down these Christmas lights! Seriously though, I know it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but this week has been such an emotional one for me. The death of SrA Smith has bothered me beyond words and if his death is so upsetting to me, I wonder how you guys are handling it. I worry about his wife and daughter and quite frankly, I just cannot imagine receiving news like that about you. I am trying to keep things in perspective, but for some reason that just seems very hard this week. I hope that you know that I am praying for you and all the guys all the time, not just before bed, but when I ever I think about you during the day, which is a lot.
Autumn is providing a wonderful distraction and I have to say, I don't know how I survived previous deployments without her.

She is spelling quite well for her age! Yeah right! Two seconds later, she chucked those blocks halfway across the room!

She wants you to come home soon. It is so hard to hear her ask for you. I honestly think she believes you are somehow in the computer. She keeps pointing at the screen and saying hi daddy.

This shirt has quickly become Autumn's favorite shirt. I bought it with the gift card Grandma Betty sent for Autumn. When Autumn wants to wear it, she starts saying meow, meow. It can get confusing because most of the time when she is referring to a cat, she says meow instead of kitty. She uses those two words (meow and kitty) interchangeably.

Hear no evil. So Autumn picked this up from Home Alone. We probably watched that movie about 20 times during the holiday season. It is really funny when she adds the "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" to it.
Completely off topic, but your mom sent me this photo today:

I'm not sure exactly where that is and maybe you will know, but she is in Indiana and really enjoying the snow. She said they got 6 inches of snow and were expecting another 1 to 3 inches. It does look pretty.

Back to Autumn. She has somewhat taken to posing. Completely spontaneous, not sure what that was all about.
When I really get to missing you, I love to look at photos of the two of you. For example:

Autumn was two months old in this photo. You two look so sweet together.

This is another one of my favorites.
OK, OK, enough of the sappy stuff. I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count:
Autumn is providing a wonderful distraction and I have to say, I don't know how I survived previous deployments without her.
She is spelling quite well for her age! Yeah right! Two seconds later, she chucked those blocks halfway across the room!
She wants you to come home soon. It is so hard to hear her ask for you. I honestly think she believes you are somehow in the computer. She keeps pointing at the screen and saying hi daddy.
This shirt has quickly become Autumn's favorite shirt. I bought it with the gift card Grandma Betty sent for Autumn. When Autumn wants to wear it, she starts saying meow, meow. It can get confusing because most of the time when she is referring to a cat, she says meow instead of kitty. She uses those two words (meow and kitty) interchangeably.
Hear no evil. So Autumn picked this up from Home Alone. We probably watched that movie about 20 times during the holiday season. It is really funny when she adds the "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" to it.
Completely off topic, but your mom sent me this photo today:
I'm not sure exactly where that is and maybe you will know, but she is in Indiana and really enjoying the snow. She said they got 6 inches of snow and were expecting another 1 to 3 inches. It does look pretty.
Back to Autumn. She has somewhat taken to posing. Completely spontaneous, not sure what that was all about.
When I really get to missing you, I love to look at photos of the two of you. For example:
Autumn was two months old in this photo. You two look so sweet together.
This is another one of my favorites.
OK, OK, enough of the sappy stuff. I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count: