Starting to feel better.
I just finished my third dose of antibiotics and I am starting to feel better, but I am still feeling pretty rough. The medicine makes me so sick to my stomach, but New Human #2 seems to be tolerating things well and I am improving, so hopefully this next two weeks passes quickly.

From our trip the other day to the Oasis. There was a little boy at the bottom of the slide just sitting there. Autumn told him to "go" and he said, "Don't talk to me that way!" I had to laugh a little bit, Autumn only has so many words in her vocabulary, so she took a moment and then said, "OUT!" She makes me laugh so hard!

Then Autumn was taking a video. What isn't overly obvious in this photo is that she has the part your eye is supposed to look through at her:

NOSE!! Not sure why she thinks that is how it works, but hey, she was having fun!

Now I have no idea how it happened,but somehow between the Fort Rich gym and home, Autumn got that scratch under her right eye.
The daycare ladies at the gym have been working with Autumn (as have I) to help her get use to the idea of being around another little human. I have to admit, I didn't think it was going very well, until:

She started bottle feeding her cat! Now, she doesn't quite have the bottle in the right place, but that's OK!

There you go! Good job Autumn!
I know I already shared this story with you, but I think it is important for people to know how much Autumn misses her daddy. While at the Pharmacy yesterday waiting to pick up my medicine, Autumn was saying "daddy" over and over again. She handed me her backpack and I knew she wanted her special Daddy and Me book that I made for her before you left. I handed her the book, she sat down in the chair next to me, opened the book to the last page which is a picture of you and Autumn. She began kissing your face. A lady in the pharmacy started to cry and said how sad it was. I told her no, that it was happy. I'm glad that Autumn takes the time to remember you.
We miss you so much Sean and cannot wait for you to come home.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
82 days without you.
From our trip the other day to the Oasis. There was a little boy at the bottom of the slide just sitting there. Autumn told him to "go" and he said, "Don't talk to me that way!" I had to laugh a little bit, Autumn only has so many words in her vocabulary, so she took a moment and then said, "OUT!" She makes me laugh so hard!
Then Autumn was taking a video. What isn't overly obvious in this photo is that she has the part your eye is supposed to look through at her:
NOSE!! Not sure why she thinks that is how it works, but hey, she was having fun!
Now I have no idea how it happened,but somehow between the Fort Rich gym and home, Autumn got that scratch under her right eye.
The daycare ladies at the gym have been working with Autumn (as have I) to help her get use to the idea of being around another little human. I have to admit, I didn't think it was going very well, until:
She started bottle feeding her cat! Now, she doesn't quite have the bottle in the right place, but that's OK!
There you go! Good job Autumn!
I know I already shared this story with you, but I think it is important for people to know how much Autumn misses her daddy. While at the Pharmacy yesterday waiting to pick up my medicine, Autumn was saying "daddy" over and over again. She handed me her backpack and I knew she wanted her special Daddy and Me book that I made for her before you left. I handed her the book, she sat down in the chair next to me, opened the book to the last page which is a picture of you and Autumn. She began kissing your face. A lady in the pharmacy started to cry and said how sad it was. I told her no, that it was happy. I'm glad that Autumn takes the time to remember you.
We miss you so much Sean and cannot wait for you to come home.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
82 days without you.