It felt like ice!
This morning was the same as the last few. Autumn is grouchy. My mom's theory is that Autumn is upset about Dylan leaving and I'm starting to think she is right. Once we got to daycare, Miss Thea got her calmed down (she cried all the way there) and distracted so I could go to spin class.
I love going to spin class. It is so challenging for me- I don't know if it is because I'm pregnant or stink at the bike, maybe it is both. I always feel so worked out after words.
For the first time since Autumn was born, she wore a:

Bow in her hair. Of course, she kept taking it out!
Once we got home, I put Autumn down for her nap and again, it has been a struggle. She gets up a bunch of times, although today it was only 3 or 4, I'm predicting tonight will go the same way. I find myself frustrated about it. Last night I got so upset about it that I yelled at Autumn and told her to go to bed. It startled her and she began to cry. It made me feel really bad. I shouldn't let her behavior get to me, but sometimes it does. The last thing I want going through Autumn's head before bed time is mommy yelling at her. I will do better.
After nap time, we made our way downtown.

We started off in the jogger. We walked around JC Penny's first- I wanted to check out baby stuff. They didn't have anything I was interested in. SO, we made our way over to Starbucks across from Towne Square. I got my hot chocolate, Autumn got hers and then we shared a doughnut. It was supposed to be our little secret, but Autumn:

Was wearing the evidence on her face! Doesn't she look angelic in this photo?

It was about 20 degrees out, but honestly I didn't really dress Autumn for the weather. You know she hates those boots and was fine walking around in her tennis shoes. I wonder if she would tolerate her snow suit better if I let her wear tennis shoes instead of boots.

Even though she was cold, she was still having a good time. Laughing and just moving around slowly on the ice.

The giant wall of ice.

Green ice.

Sea horses. It amazes me how neat and detailed the ice sculptures are.

Autumn and the sea horses.
Finally Autumn comes up to me and says "Mommy, cold." So I decided we would walk back into JC Penny and get warm while we waited for Angie and Riley.

So sad! As soon as we walked into Penny's, Angie calls, so we made our way back and got some photos of them:

Angie and Riley.

Angie took a photo of me and Autumn (I feel like I look gigantic in this picture).

The only picture I could get of the girls together and they were walking away!!
I made Autumn get back in the stroller and she got really upset. We were ready to head back in and get warm though. Once we got inside, Autumn was still crying and carrying on, Angie was trying to warm up her hands and Autumn dove out of my arms and into Angie's! That child is such a traitor sometimes. I guess she really is getting tired of spending so much time with me!
Once we got Autumn calmed down, we started our walk through the store. Guess where Riley wanted to do some shopping?

At the rings!!! A girl after my own heart!

Autumn wanted in Riley's stroller, she was watching Riley picking out rings.

All the possibilities!!
After just a little while, Autumn got all grouchy again, so I told Angie that we were just going to head on home. Angie and I were parked on different levels of the parking garage and when her and Riley went out the door, Autumn cried like it was the end of the world. I guess people leaving really is bothering her lately. It makes me sad and I don't know how to help her cope.
Today is Dylan's second birthday. Happy Birthday buddy. We miss you and love you!
Since the weather is supposed to get nice by the end of the week I decided that on Friday after nap time, Autumn and I are going to go snow shoeing or just hiking. I'll put her in the backpack. I haven't decided whether I'll just bring the bear spray or also bring the hand gun (which I have no idea where that is). Your thoughts?
We love you and miss you. I want you to know we are both doing better today even though we are struggling with some things. You are right, we are strong and we will survive this. One day at a time.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo

86 days of missing you dearly.
I love going to spin class. It is so challenging for me- I don't know if it is because I'm pregnant or stink at the bike, maybe it is both. I always feel so worked out after words.
For the first time since Autumn was born, she wore a:
Bow in her hair. Of course, she kept taking it out!
Once we got home, I put Autumn down for her nap and again, it has been a struggle. She gets up a bunch of times, although today it was only 3 or 4, I'm predicting tonight will go the same way. I find myself frustrated about it. Last night I got so upset about it that I yelled at Autumn and told her to go to bed. It startled her and she began to cry. It made me feel really bad. I shouldn't let her behavior get to me, but sometimes it does. The last thing I want going through Autumn's head before bed time is mommy yelling at her. I will do better.
After nap time, we made our way downtown.
We started off in the jogger. We walked around JC Penny's first- I wanted to check out baby stuff. They didn't have anything I was interested in. SO, we made our way over to Starbucks across from Towne Square. I got my hot chocolate, Autumn got hers and then we shared a doughnut. It was supposed to be our little secret, but Autumn:
Was wearing the evidence on her face! Doesn't she look angelic in this photo?
It was about 20 degrees out, but honestly I didn't really dress Autumn for the weather. You know she hates those boots and was fine walking around in her tennis shoes. I wonder if she would tolerate her snow suit better if I let her wear tennis shoes instead of boots.
Even though she was cold, she was still having a good time. Laughing and just moving around slowly on the ice.
The giant wall of ice.
Green ice.
Sea horses. It amazes me how neat and detailed the ice sculptures are.
Autumn and the sea horses.
Finally Autumn comes up to me and says "Mommy, cold." So I decided we would walk back into JC Penny and get warm while we waited for Angie and Riley.
So sad! As soon as we walked into Penny's, Angie calls, so we made our way back and got some photos of them:
Angie and Riley.
Angie took a photo of me and Autumn (I feel like I look gigantic in this picture).
The only picture I could get of the girls together and they were walking away!!
I made Autumn get back in the stroller and she got really upset. We were ready to head back in and get warm though. Once we got inside, Autumn was still crying and carrying on, Angie was trying to warm up her hands and Autumn dove out of my arms and into Angie's! That child is such a traitor sometimes. I guess she really is getting tired of spending so much time with me!
Once we got Autumn calmed down, we started our walk through the store. Guess where Riley wanted to do some shopping?
At the rings!!! A girl after my own heart!
Autumn wanted in Riley's stroller, she was watching Riley picking out rings.
All the possibilities!!
After just a little while, Autumn got all grouchy again, so I told Angie that we were just going to head on home. Angie and I were parked on different levels of the parking garage and when her and Riley went out the door, Autumn cried like it was the end of the world. I guess people leaving really is bothering her lately. It makes me sad and I don't know how to help her cope.
Today is Dylan's second birthday. Happy Birthday buddy. We miss you and love you!
Since the weather is supposed to get nice by the end of the week I decided that on Friday after nap time, Autumn and I are going to go snow shoeing or just hiking. I'll put her in the backpack. I haven't decided whether I'll just bring the bear spray or also bring the hand gun (which I have no idea where that is). Your thoughts?
We love you and miss you. I want you to know we are both doing better today even though we are struggling with some things. You are right, we are strong and we will survive this. One day at a time.
Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo
86 days of missing you dearly.