A very touching day.
Dearest Sean,
The Ultrasound this morning went wonderfully. The gender of the baby was written down on a card and sealed up without me looking! Also included is a picture of the baby. The U/S technician was so wonderful to me when I told him you were deployed that he printed out 5 pictures for me. You remember with Autumn, they would only give you one. The baby's heart rate measured anywhere from 139 to 144 beats per minute. I saw the head, spine, eye sockets, nose, lips, hands, kidneys, stomach, legs, feet, arms and the most astonishing was the heart. All four chambers beating beautifully. The technician seemed to spend a lot of time around the brain area and I don't know if that means anything or not because they spent a lot of time looking around Autumn's heart last time and this time, not so much. I will get to review the results of my U/S with my doctor in two weeks. Here are the pictures:

A foot.

The nose and lips.


Profile again. Someone (Angie I think) made mention that it looks like hair on the head which made me laugh out loud!! Wouldn't that be nice if New Human really did have some hair! Travis says the baby looks like Autumn and I quite agree.
After the U/S, we headed over to toddler time at the H2Oasis water park. As usual, Autumn had a blast.

It was a little bit cold.

I don't know why, but this picture of Autumn going down the slide totally cracks me up!

Autumn walking like her Aunt Julie, all dainty!

Fish face!
I have some photos of Cindy/Dylan and Lisa/Ava, but I'm waiting to hear from them before I post them, so you may check back later for a few additional photos.

Can you tell that Dylan is actually turning blue! Autumn was shivering before we left and her hands and feet were turning blue too! I on the other hand was quite comfortable thanks to chasing the little savage around!

Lisa and her daughter Ava (thank you Lisa, this picture is too cute not to include it!).
I took a video of Autumn going down the slide. It is very short and there isn't really any sound, it is just so you can see how brave she is!
I'm not really sure how to approach this next subject, but your dad called me today wanting to know if you and the guys stationed with you were OK and I told him to the best of my knowledge that you guys are just fine. He said there had been an incident and pointed me in the direction of where to look it up. A TACP, Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24 years old, was killed Sunday near Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. It was an IED. He left behind a wife, Tiffany and a baby girl, Chloe. He was assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron in Fort Riley, Kansas.
It absolutely breaks my heart to know that someone in the TACP community died. My thoughts and prayers are with SrA Smith's family.
Praying for you, Mike, Jimmy and all the other service member's in harms way.
I love you and miss you very much.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
65 days without you.
The Ultrasound this morning went wonderfully. The gender of the baby was written down on a card and sealed up without me looking! Also included is a picture of the baby. The U/S technician was so wonderful to me when I told him you were deployed that he printed out 5 pictures for me. You remember with Autumn, they would only give you one. The baby's heart rate measured anywhere from 139 to 144 beats per minute. I saw the head, spine, eye sockets, nose, lips, hands, kidneys, stomach, legs, feet, arms and the most astonishing was the heart. All four chambers beating beautifully. The technician seemed to spend a lot of time around the brain area and I don't know if that means anything or not because they spent a lot of time looking around Autumn's heart last time and this time, not so much. I will get to review the results of my U/S with my doctor in two weeks. Here are the pictures:
A foot.
The nose and lips.
Profile again. Someone (Angie I think) made mention that it looks like hair on the head which made me laugh out loud!! Wouldn't that be nice if New Human really did have some hair! Travis says the baby looks like Autumn and I quite agree.
After the U/S, we headed over to toddler time at the H2Oasis water park. As usual, Autumn had a blast.
It was a little bit cold.
I don't know why, but this picture of Autumn going down the slide totally cracks me up!
Autumn walking like her Aunt Julie, all dainty!
Fish face!
I have some photos of Cindy/Dylan and Lisa/Ava, but I'm waiting to hear from them before I post them, so you may check back later for a few additional photos.
Can you tell that Dylan is actually turning blue! Autumn was shivering before we left and her hands and feet were turning blue too! I on the other hand was quite comfortable thanks to chasing the little savage around!
Lisa and her daughter Ava (thank you Lisa, this picture is too cute not to include it!).
I took a video of Autumn going down the slide. It is very short and there isn't really any sound, it is just so you can see how brave she is!
I'm not really sure how to approach this next subject, but your dad called me today wanting to know if you and the guys stationed with you were OK and I told him to the best of my knowledge that you guys are just fine. He said there had been an incident and pointed me in the direction of where to look it up. A TACP, Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24 years old, was killed Sunday near Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. It was an IED. He left behind a wife, Tiffany and a baby girl, Chloe. He was assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron in Fort Riley, Kansas.
It absolutely breaks my heart to know that someone in the TACP community died. My thoughts and prayers are with SrA Smith's family.
Praying for you, Mike, Jimmy and all the other service member's in harms way.
I love you and miss you very much.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
65 days without you.