Saying Goodbye yet again.
78 days into this deployment and I am just as much a blubbering mess as the first day of deployment. Cindy and Dylan leave on Thursday and most likely today was the last time we will see them for a very long time. Mr Travis and Cindy's dad are in Haines waiting to catch the ferry down to Seattle.
Autumn's last act with Dylan was to hit him repeatedly on the head. I thought it kind of fitting seeing as how they have always had a love hate relationship. Of course by the time I got her buckled into the car she was crying, but I'm feeling pretty sure she was only upset because I was crying. I don't see how she could possibly understand what is happening, just that she won't see Dylan anymore. Anyway, before I start to cry about it all over again, here are our pictures:

Autumn and Dylan banging on the window (Autumn holding Ava's purse). A few minutes later, YOUR daughter was licking the window.

What kind of trouble can we get into now?

Autumn totally stole Ava's purse. As a matter of fact, I hope Lisa got it back because I do not remember seeing it before we left. Autumn and purses.

All of the kids eating. That is Dylan, Autumn, Ava and Victoria. Brunettes vs Blonds! Blue eyes vs. brown eyes!

Cindy is giving Autumn one of Dylan's bikes, I'm not sure which one, but Autumn loves both of them. She was walking this one though.

Finally she sat down and actually rode the bike!

Evil look. I'm pretty sure someone was touching something of "hers".

Happy face.

Cindy and Autumn.
One of Autumn's favorite things to do at Cindy's parents house is play in the people aquarium aka bathroom shower.

Autumn was dancing in there. You know that song Maniac, maniac on the floor... she busted out a move from that. Look at her feet, imagine running in place. That is what it looked like. She is quite hilarious sometimes.

I just liked this photo.
So we say goodbye yet again. Hopefully not for long (and seriously hopefully we DO NOT catch up with them by getting orders to Fort Bliss). You would think as you get older and say goodbye so often that it would get easier, but it really doesn't. I don't know if it is all the hormones from being pregnant, the fact that you are deployed, the knowledge that Autumn and Dylan REALLY are best friends, or the fact that I love Cindy, Travis,and Dylan so much, but that was definitely one of the hardest goodbyes I have ever had to give.
I need to go on vacation! I am seriously thinking about going to sign up for Space A and head out to Hawaii for a couple of days to cheer me up and get my mind off of all this sadness. Can't you picture it now. Autumn and I laying on the beach, toes in the water, drinks in our hands, sun on our face!
I miss you so much and wish you were here with me now. Praying for your safety as always and hope that I get to talk with you soon.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

78 days without you. Please come home soon.
Autumn's last act with Dylan was to hit him repeatedly on the head. I thought it kind of fitting seeing as how they have always had a love hate relationship. Of course by the time I got her buckled into the car she was crying, but I'm feeling pretty sure she was only upset because I was crying. I don't see how she could possibly understand what is happening, just that she won't see Dylan anymore. Anyway, before I start to cry about it all over again, here are our pictures:
Autumn and Dylan banging on the window (Autumn holding Ava's purse). A few minutes later, YOUR daughter was licking the window.
What kind of trouble can we get into now?
Autumn totally stole Ava's purse. As a matter of fact, I hope Lisa got it back because I do not remember seeing it before we left. Autumn and purses.
All of the kids eating. That is Dylan, Autumn, Ava and Victoria. Brunettes vs Blonds! Blue eyes vs. brown eyes!
Cindy is giving Autumn one of Dylan's bikes, I'm not sure which one, but Autumn loves both of them. She was walking this one though.
Finally she sat down and actually rode the bike!
Evil look. I'm pretty sure someone was touching something of "hers".
Happy face.
Cindy and Autumn.
One of Autumn's favorite things to do at Cindy's parents house is play in the people aquarium aka bathroom shower.
Autumn was dancing in there. You know that song Maniac, maniac on the floor... she busted out a move from that. Look at her feet, imagine running in place. That is what it looked like. She is quite hilarious sometimes.
I just liked this photo.
So we say goodbye yet again. Hopefully not for long (and seriously hopefully we DO NOT catch up with them by getting orders to Fort Bliss). You would think as you get older and say goodbye so often that it would get easier, but it really doesn't. I don't know if it is all the hormones from being pregnant, the fact that you are deployed, the knowledge that Autumn and Dylan REALLY are best friends, or the fact that I love Cindy, Travis,and Dylan so much, but that was definitely one of the hardest goodbyes I have ever had to give.
I need to go on vacation! I am seriously thinking about going to sign up for Space A and head out to Hawaii for a couple of days to cheer me up and get my mind off of all this sadness. Can't you picture it now. Autumn and I laying on the beach, toes in the water, drinks in our hands, sun on our face!
I miss you so much and wish you were here with me now. Praying for your safety as always and hope that I get to talk with you soon.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
78 days without you. Please come home soon.