Lazy Sunday
Autumn woke up at 3 am this morning and didn't go back to sleep until 5 am. I made her get up at 730 because I really don't want to repeat this, but I did get a chance to look in her mouth and she is cutting at least one molar. We were so tired from lack of sleep last night that I didn't make it to church this morning. We may try to go this evening instead though.
Autumn and I had to run to the commissary this morning for just a few items so we could have taco salad today. Autumn was so well behaved in the store (she walked the entire time and even carried our basket until she just got to tired to do it) that I picked her up some M&M's. If you want Autumn to do something, M&M's are the way to go!

She loves them! When I threatened to take them away, she said:

No WAY!!

Autumn has graduated from taking video with her nose to taking video with her mouth.

Even though she is cutting some teeth, she is just as sweet as peas today. Thank goodness because we are both so tired, she tends to be cranky when tired.
I made Autumn her own Taco Salad, but of course:

She wanted mine. I didn't mind sharing- I made too much, I always do. It is so easy to do that with Taco Salad.

Taking a big ol' bite. I think I have told you this before, but Autumn loves salad. I'm not sure if that is weird or not because I don't think I've seen any other children her age really eat any, but I've been craving salad myself, so we eat one every day. I figure it is healthy and she likes it, why not!

Proof that she enjoyed it!
I haven't heard anything new about your Grandma Edna other than she is still at the hospital awaiting an MRI. When I get an update, I will let you know. My hope is that maybe they just need to adjust her medication or something simple like that.
**UPDATE** Your dad called me this afternoon about Grandma Edna. They are keeping her at least one more night at the hospital. Apparently she has congestive heart failure. Your dad said that for now it could be controlled to some degree with medication, but it isn't clear how long term that will be. Grandma Edna will be in our prayers.
Autumn and I are going to take a nap together now. I know, I should put her in her own bed, but she sleeps so much better when she is with me and I don't feel like fighting with her over nap time. I love you and miss you dearly.
91 Days wishing you were here.
Autumn and I had to run to the commissary this morning for just a few items so we could have taco salad today. Autumn was so well behaved in the store (she walked the entire time and even carried our basket until she just got to tired to do it) that I picked her up some M&M's. If you want Autumn to do something, M&M's are the way to go!
She loves them! When I threatened to take them away, she said:
No WAY!!
Autumn has graduated from taking video with her nose to taking video with her mouth.
Even though she is cutting some teeth, she is just as sweet as peas today. Thank goodness because we are both so tired, she tends to be cranky when tired.
I made Autumn her own Taco Salad, but of course:
She wanted mine. I didn't mind sharing- I made too much, I always do. It is so easy to do that with Taco Salad.
Taking a big ol' bite. I think I have told you this before, but Autumn loves salad. I'm not sure if that is weird or not because I don't think I've seen any other children her age really eat any, but I've been craving salad myself, so we eat one every day. I figure it is healthy and she likes it, why not!
Proof that she enjoyed it!
I haven't heard anything new about your Grandma Edna other than she is still at the hospital awaiting an MRI. When I get an update, I will let you know. My hope is that maybe they just need to adjust her medication or something simple like that.
**UPDATE** Your dad called me this afternoon about Grandma Edna. They are keeping her at least one more night at the hospital. Apparently she has congestive heart failure. Your dad said that for now it could be controlled to some degree with medication, but it isn't clear how long term that will be. Grandma Edna will be in our prayers.
Autumn and I are going to take a nap together now. I know, I should put her in her own bed, but she sleeps so much better when she is with me and I don't feel like fighting with her over nap time. I love you and miss you dearly.
91 Days wishing you were here.