Our unSUCCESSFUL day of potty traning.
I decided that I would give potty training a go with Autumn this morning. She was so excited to put on her big girl panties (she has Hello Kitty and Tinker Bell panties). As a way to show her what she was supposed to do, we dressed up her kitty cat (that still has no name).

Kitty cat sat on the chair.

Yes, she is wearing hello kitty panties.
I gave Autumn a Capri sun shortly after taking her diaper off and she downed it. Score for me, right? WRONG! Autumn held her pee for more than an hour. She was dancing all around, I could tell she needed to go, but she didn't want to go in her pretty new panties. At one point, she took her panties off and sat down and I thought HOLY COW, she is going to do it, but no. She started to cry for her blanket, so I ran upstairs to get it. When I got back downstairs, she was crying and had grabbed a dish towel from the kitchen and was trying to clean up her accident. She was saying, oh no over and over again. I felt bad for her. I didn't fuss at her, I just told her that we needed to put her diaper back on because she had an accident on the floor. I think we will try again tomorrow and see what happens.

This evening we had to get ready for a spousal meeting at the Beav's house.

Autumn was having a great time building stuff and of course, knocking it over!

I love this picture of Autumn, Riley and Dylan.

Sweet Riley girl. Look at those pig tails.

Autumn and Dylan sharing some popcorn.

Riley and Lila sharing some popcorn!

There were horses!!

No idea what your daughter was doing here. I think she was looking for the horses teeth.

Autumn looked completely freaked out by the horse! I cannot blame her, they freak me out too.

They were talking to and playing with the children in the mirror. It was pretty comical.

Then Autumn got a hold of a light saber.

She looked like she knew what she was doing with it!

Dylan better watch out!!

Once we got home, Autumn at least found a nice and comfortable spot to sit.
So this is what I got out of the meeting. The only person who seems to really be able to call/internet/skype regularly is Davis. All the other wives are experiencing the same thing as me. Phone calls are far and few between. Internet meet ups aren't that great, but we will all take what we can get. I'm glad that Angie and Davis can talk so regularly (and I'm not going to lie, I was jealous), but I know they need that right now. It is hard for me to hear though that he was just deployed 8 months ago when I know that in the almost 11 years we have been married that we have only lived together for 5.5 of it. We have done year long separations, multiple deployments, a couple of technical schools, ALS/NCOA, endless numbers of TDY's away from one another. The days spent away from you far out number the days spent with you. BUT! We will survive, we always do. Anyone who is a TACP/ROMAD or the wife of one knows the toll and heartache that the job dishes out. It is hard for everyone regardless of extenuating circumstances. Eventually you get to a point where hearing from you is just as good as not hearing from you. The most important thing is that there isn't a knock at the door. I suppose in 11 years that is the most important lesson I have learned.
Travis made it to Tok today, in 7 hours!! Still cannot believe they are leaving.
I'm praying for you Sean James Jordan. I hope the camping trip is still going well. I love you and miss you awfully. Thought I would leave you with this photo this evening:

Mr Prince.
76 days without you.
Kitty cat sat on the chair.
Yes, she is wearing hello kitty panties.
I gave Autumn a Capri sun shortly after taking her diaper off and she downed it. Score for me, right? WRONG! Autumn held her pee for more than an hour. She was dancing all around, I could tell she needed to go, but she didn't want to go in her pretty new panties. At one point, she took her panties off and sat down and I thought HOLY COW, she is going to do it, but no. She started to cry for her blanket, so I ran upstairs to get it. When I got back downstairs, she was crying and had grabbed a dish towel from the kitchen and was trying to clean up her accident. She was saying, oh no over and over again. I felt bad for her. I didn't fuss at her, I just told her that we needed to put her diaper back on because she had an accident on the floor. I think we will try again tomorrow and see what happens.
This evening we had to get ready for a spousal meeting at the Beav's house.
Autumn was having a great time building stuff and of course, knocking it over!
I love this picture of Autumn, Riley and Dylan.
Sweet Riley girl. Look at those pig tails.
Autumn and Dylan sharing some popcorn.
Riley and Lila sharing some popcorn!
There were horses!!
No idea what your daughter was doing here. I think she was looking for the horses teeth.
Autumn looked completely freaked out by the horse! I cannot blame her, they freak me out too.
They were talking to and playing with the children in the mirror. It was pretty comical.
Then Autumn got a hold of a light saber.
She looked like she knew what she was doing with it!
Dylan better watch out!!
Once we got home, Autumn at least found a nice and comfortable spot to sit.
So this is what I got out of the meeting. The only person who seems to really be able to call/internet/skype regularly is Davis. All the other wives are experiencing the same thing as me. Phone calls are far and few between. Internet meet ups aren't that great, but we will all take what we can get. I'm glad that Angie and Davis can talk so regularly (and I'm not going to lie, I was jealous), but I know they need that right now. It is hard for me to hear though that he was just deployed 8 months ago when I know that in the almost 11 years we have been married that we have only lived together for 5.5 of it. We have done year long separations, multiple deployments, a couple of technical schools, ALS/NCOA, endless numbers of TDY's away from one another. The days spent away from you far out number the days spent with you. BUT! We will survive, we always do. Anyone who is a TACP/ROMAD or the wife of one knows the toll and heartache that the job dishes out. It is hard for everyone regardless of extenuating circumstances. Eventually you get to a point where hearing from you is just as good as not hearing from you. The most important thing is that there isn't a knock at the door. I suppose in 11 years that is the most important lesson I have learned.
Travis made it to Tok today, in 7 hours!! Still cannot believe they are leaving.
I'm praying for you Sean James Jordan. I hope the camping trip is still going well. I love you and miss you awfully. Thought I would leave you with this photo this evening:
Mr Prince.
76 days without you.