Puzzling Autumn.
I guess it isn't very difficult to puzzle the girl.

What is Walden holding? Where is Walden?

Is daddy making Walden shower? Did daddy help Walden brush his teeth? Why is Walden's bathroom so ugly? Should we send daddy my purple paint so he can have a purple bathroom?
These pictures are from a few days ago. We haven't been able to go swimming because of all the rain.

Miss Millie wearing Autumn's old swimsuit.

She is just having a grand time out there.
I had a better day today. I spent the first half of it just relaxing and lounging around. I had a hard time deciding if I felt better or not. I have been feeling very tired. I'm thinking some of that is the weather.
Finally around 4 pm this afternoon I decided I should move a little bit. I did my insanity workout and I broke it down into 3 segments. That worked for me. Between segments, I did house work.

I think you can tell by my face that I've been feeling funky. My arms however, they are looking pretty good aren't they?

Millie looks so sweet. They have picture day tomorrow and I have a feeling that she'll be wearing this again.

There we go! Now we have glasses. Millie broke her glasses today. I was able to fix them myself somehow. SHHH!!!
Autumn and I had it out again. She has been having accidents again. This time I told her until she could use the toilet properly there would be no TV, no computer and no books (what kind of evil ass mom takes away books?). I have never threatened to take away TV before, that I can recall. Ten minutes later, Autumn comes and gets me and says that she wants to show me something. I was thinking, "oh great, what did she do now?" She brought me to the bathroom and showed me that she used it. Thank goodness! She then says, "can I watch TV now?" Yes, Autumn!

The count: 74 days of counting for you.
What is Walden holding? Where is Walden?
Is daddy making Walden shower? Did daddy help Walden brush his teeth? Why is Walden's bathroom so ugly? Should we send daddy my purple paint so he can have a purple bathroom?
These pictures are from a few days ago. We haven't been able to go swimming because of all the rain.
Miss Millie wearing Autumn's old swimsuit.
She is just having a grand time out there.
I had a better day today. I spent the first half of it just relaxing and lounging around. I had a hard time deciding if I felt better or not. I have been feeling very tired. I'm thinking some of that is the weather.
Finally around 4 pm this afternoon I decided I should move a little bit. I did my insanity workout and I broke it down into 3 segments. That worked for me. Between segments, I did house work.
I think you can tell by my face that I've been feeling funky. My arms however, they are looking pretty good aren't they?
Millie looks so sweet. They have picture day tomorrow and I have a feeling that she'll be wearing this again.
There we go! Now we have glasses. Millie broke her glasses today. I was able to fix them myself somehow. SHHH!!!
Autumn and I had it out again. She has been having accidents again. This time I told her until she could use the toilet properly there would be no TV, no computer and no books (what kind of evil ass mom takes away books?). I have never threatened to take away TV before, that I can recall. Ten minutes later, Autumn comes and gets me and says that she wants to show me something. I was thinking, "oh great, what did she do now?" She brought me to the bathroom and showed me that she used it. Thank goodness! She then says, "can I watch TV now?" Yes, Autumn!
The count: 74 days of counting for you.