We aren't monkeying around!
I am sorry I'm late on this post. I just completely forgot and by the time I remembered, I just wanted to go to bed.
Let me see.

A picture of us on our way to Cherry Berry. I suppose this was on Sunday.

At service on Sunday night, Millie grabbed the hymnal, opened it up and told me, "my music." Millie blows my mind.
Bear with me, this is going to be a very random post today and is going to take you all over the recesses of my mind!
You know how sometimes I am really nosy and like to pick through your wallet? Well, Autumn's purse was sitting in front of me and I just had to know, what does an Autumn find absolutely necessary to have in her purse?

There was money. There was a spider man ring and a huge purple ring.

No little princess could expect to go around without her princess dental floss! We are going to have to get some more of those things. Not that she needs to floss her teeth right now (the dentist said there was enough spacing between her teeth), but it develops good and healthy habits.
Millie and I went on a 5 miler Monday. After which, I discovered that our "computer" aka DVD player, was not working properly.

I was hoping it was going to be simple and just need to be plugged in (the battery was low) or that Millie pushed some weird button on it, but I don't think so. The screen just doesn't look right. I will be looking into a new one this week.

Why am I running?

Autumn showed me what Millie did in her room. Look closely around Millie height. There is also some on the door!

The culprit!

Monday night it rained and rained!!! I made some grilled chicken thighs that I enjoyed very much but the girls really do prefer the breast meat. Lesson learned. We also had asparagus (which Millie loves) and mashed potatoes. The asparagus came from a can (that I did NOT buy, but that we acquired through our neighbor) and I have to tell you. I didn't enjoy it very much.
Anyway, it was still raining this morning when we woke up.

Heading to school.

Millie was upset that I forgot her purse so I told her that when we got home from dropping Autumn off, we would pick up her purse. That calmed her down. Once Millie and I arrived at home, I got things together for the commissary and told Millie to go and grab her purse so we could get her off to school. She came in about 5 minutes later, but she was carrying Autumn's purse. I said,
"Millie, that is Autumn's purse."
Millie replied with a devilish grin if I ever saw one, "yeah!!!!!!!!!!!"
Then she said, "Autumn's money. Millie's."
That girl is hysterical!!!!!!!!
I got Millie off to school and then went to BOA, then the commissary. It is so strange yet lovely to do that all by myself. I came home, unloaded the car, grabbed socks (for Monkey Joes), made sandwiches to eat in the car before we went in to bounce around.

Autumn loves this place. I didn't pay for Millie to bounce because she won't do it.

Autumn can get pretty wild on the slide. Case in point:
Did you see how far down the slide she went before she made contact with it?

She lived.

Autumn wasted her $1 she earned on this machine. I tried to convince her to do something else, that those are a waste of money, but I guess she had to learn that on her own.

She didn't get anything.

About 10 minutes in, I got Millie this far. I was so excited....

Then disappointed because she backed right out and ended up over here.

I decided to leave it alone and not do anything in regards to getting Millie to bounce. Ahhhh a massage. Yes I'm wearing workout clothes and carrying my coach purse again.

Millie relaxing with me.

It felt nice.

Autumn's turn.

Millie climbed up there and then was afraid to get back down!

After watching Autumn "drive," she is never, ever allowed to drive a real car!

Finally!!! Autumn was able to

Convince Miss Millie to get on one of the inflatables.

Silly girl.

It's funny. Autumn has been doing the inflatables as long as I can remember, but she really had to work at it, right? Millie did all of those inflatables on her first try! Even the really hard obstacle course one, in a dress and with absolutely no help from anyone!

These girls played for two solid hours straight!

So proud of Miss Millie.
On the way home, both girls fell asleep. I decided to pick up a movie or two (Megamind) since it is raining. We will have tacos for dinner.
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 88 days of blowing my mind!
Let me see.
A picture of us on our way to Cherry Berry. I suppose this was on Sunday.
At service on Sunday night, Millie grabbed the hymnal, opened it up and told me, "my music." Millie blows my mind.
Bear with me, this is going to be a very random post today and is going to take you all over the recesses of my mind!
You know how sometimes I am really nosy and like to pick through your wallet? Well, Autumn's purse was sitting in front of me and I just had to know, what does an Autumn find absolutely necessary to have in her purse?
There was money. There was a spider man ring and a huge purple ring.
No little princess could expect to go around without her princess dental floss! We are going to have to get some more of those things. Not that she needs to floss her teeth right now (the dentist said there was enough spacing between her teeth), but it develops good and healthy habits.
Millie and I went on a 5 miler Monday. After which, I discovered that our "computer" aka DVD player, was not working properly.
I was hoping it was going to be simple and just need to be plugged in (the battery was low) or that Millie pushed some weird button on it, but I don't think so. The screen just doesn't look right. I will be looking into a new one this week.
Why am I running?
Autumn showed me what Millie did in her room. Look closely around Millie height. There is also some on the door!
The culprit!
Monday night it rained and rained!!! I made some grilled chicken thighs that I enjoyed very much but the girls really do prefer the breast meat. Lesson learned. We also had asparagus (which Millie loves) and mashed potatoes. The asparagus came from a can (that I did NOT buy, but that we acquired through our neighbor) and I have to tell you. I didn't enjoy it very much.
Anyway, it was still raining this morning when we woke up.
Heading to school.
Millie was upset that I forgot her purse so I told her that when we got home from dropping Autumn off, we would pick up her purse. That calmed her down. Once Millie and I arrived at home, I got things together for the commissary and told Millie to go and grab her purse so we could get her off to school. She came in about 5 minutes later, but she was carrying Autumn's purse. I said,
"Millie, that is Autumn's purse."
Millie replied with a devilish grin if I ever saw one, "yeah!!!!!!!!!!!"
Then she said, "Autumn's money. Millie's."
That girl is hysterical!!!!!!!!
I got Millie off to school and then went to BOA, then the commissary. It is so strange yet lovely to do that all by myself. I came home, unloaded the car, grabbed socks (for Monkey Joes), made sandwiches to eat in the car before we went in to bounce around.
Autumn loves this place. I didn't pay for Millie to bounce because she won't do it.
Autumn can get pretty wild on the slide. Case in point:
Did you see how far down the slide she went before she made contact with it?
She lived.
Autumn wasted her $1 she earned on this machine. I tried to convince her to do something else, that those are a waste of money, but I guess she had to learn that on her own.
She didn't get anything.
About 10 minutes in, I got Millie this far. I was so excited....
Then disappointed because she backed right out and ended up over here.
I decided to leave it alone and not do anything in regards to getting Millie to bounce. Ahhhh a massage. Yes I'm wearing workout clothes and carrying my coach purse again.
Millie relaxing with me.
It felt nice.
Autumn's turn.
Millie climbed up there and then was afraid to get back down!
After watching Autumn "drive," she is never, ever allowed to drive a real car!
Finally!!! Autumn was able to
Convince Miss Millie to get on one of the inflatables.
Silly girl.
It's funny. Autumn has been doing the inflatables as long as I can remember, but she really had to work at it, right? Millie did all of those inflatables on her first try! Even the really hard obstacle course one, in a dress and with absolutely no help from anyone!
These girls played for two solid hours straight!
So proud of Miss Millie.
On the way home, both girls fell asleep. I decided to pick up a movie or two (Megamind) since it is raining. We will have tacos for dinner.
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 88 days of blowing my mind!