Christmas Spirit.
I am not sure why it is so hard to get out the door sometimes...

I suppose a random riding your bike in the rain session was in order.

Sweet Millie wearing Autumn's old dress.

I still feel sad when I see Millie's bandage. Even worse is when I have to clean that burn. Gosh, it was so dirty tonight. I just do not think I could ever, ever be a nurse.

I'm adding this picture because you can see Millie's eyes better.

This is how Autumn dressed herself for my birthday dinner last night. I'm not really sure why on earth she needs a headband and a hair bow.
Your mom and dad took me to Cheddar's. I have not been to one since we lived in Texas, so at least five years ago and I'm sure it has been longer than that. I got a cheese burger and Autumn/Millie shared a crabby patty and fries. Afterwards, we all had dessert.

The girls enjoyed some ice cream.

Goofy girl.

This is Millie's leg today. I know it is healing, but I just wish it would stop hurting her so much. I think a little part of me dies when I have to clean it. It was so dirty today. I mean there was dirt all the way on the inside of the bandage. I do NOT understand how that girl does that. Despite having to torture Millie, she still loves me and does not take it out on me. It is so sad though because she grabs hold of my hand, or my pant leg or whatever she can get a hold of and says, "mommy, I need to hold you." It brings me to tears. I don't want to do this part of taking care of Millie, but I know if I don't clean it, she will get worse or be in more pain later.
On to today. The girls had school this morning. I came home and talked with you and my mom. I did not really do anything productive. I grabbed the girls from school and we came home and played, colored, ate lunch and then did nap time.
Once Millie woke up from nap, we went outside to get some sunshine.

Seriously, a goofy girl!

I'm very afraid.

I think sunshine is just what we needed.
I have been trying to figure out what we need in order to hang Christmas lights.

These gutters are throwing me off. I didn't really even realize we had gutters. I mean, I haven't ever paid any attention to them. My mom said, you haven't cleaned them out since you lived there? Uhm NO! So I pulled out the ladder and looked around. They are pretty clean, but my question is, how do you hang Christmas lights on them...

Our neighbor, Kip, saw me on the ladder and made fun of me... He says, "YOU are not going to put up Christmas lights are you?" It made me laugh so hard. How does he know that I should not be on a ladder, hanging Christmas lights. He doesn't know about that time I fell off my mom's roof because I got electrocuted while hanging Christmas lights.

I thought about getting those command hooks and putting them on the underside, but after consulting with Sylvester,

I think I may try to find these hooks. He says they will work with our gutters. I still need Christmas lights though, so I just do not know if this is the year for it or not. It is just that I feel like a bah humbug with nothing up outside.
I had a good talk with Autumn this morning about the Christmas Spirit and I think that she got the message. Maybe I won't need to cancel Christmas after all.
I Love you. I miss you.
By the way, that was super BUSTER of you to call at 1159 pm on my birthday and then say you should get credit for calling me at nearly midnight. NO CREDIT FOR YOU!!!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 26 days of Aurora shenanigans without you.
I suppose a random riding your bike in the rain session was in order.
Sweet Millie wearing Autumn's old dress.
I still feel sad when I see Millie's bandage. Even worse is when I have to clean that burn. Gosh, it was so dirty tonight. I just do not think I could ever, ever be a nurse.
I'm adding this picture because you can see Millie's eyes better.
This is how Autumn dressed herself for my birthday dinner last night. I'm not really sure why on earth she needs a headband and a hair bow.
Your mom and dad took me to Cheddar's. I have not been to one since we lived in Texas, so at least five years ago and I'm sure it has been longer than that. I got a cheese burger and Autumn/Millie shared a crabby patty and fries. Afterwards, we all had dessert.
The girls enjoyed some ice cream.
Goofy girl.
This is Millie's leg today. I know it is healing, but I just wish it would stop hurting her so much. I think a little part of me dies when I have to clean it. It was so dirty today. I mean there was dirt all the way on the inside of the bandage. I do NOT understand how that girl does that. Despite having to torture Millie, she still loves me and does not take it out on me. It is so sad though because she grabs hold of my hand, or my pant leg or whatever she can get a hold of and says, "mommy, I need to hold you." It brings me to tears. I don't want to do this part of taking care of Millie, but I know if I don't clean it, she will get worse or be in more pain later.
On to today. The girls had school this morning. I came home and talked with you and my mom. I did not really do anything productive. I grabbed the girls from school and we came home and played, colored, ate lunch and then did nap time.
Once Millie woke up from nap, we went outside to get some sunshine.
Seriously, a goofy girl!
I'm very afraid.
I think sunshine is just what we needed.
I have been trying to figure out what we need in order to hang Christmas lights.
These gutters are throwing me off. I didn't really even realize we had gutters. I mean, I haven't ever paid any attention to them. My mom said, you haven't cleaned them out since you lived there? Uhm NO! So I pulled out the ladder and looked around. They are pretty clean, but my question is, how do you hang Christmas lights on them...
Our neighbor, Kip, saw me on the ladder and made fun of me... He says, "YOU are not going to put up Christmas lights are you?" It made me laugh so hard. How does he know that I should not be on a ladder, hanging Christmas lights. He doesn't know about that time I fell off my mom's roof because I got electrocuted while hanging Christmas lights.
I thought about getting those command hooks and putting them on the underside, but after consulting with Sylvester,
I think I may try to find these hooks. He says they will work with our gutters. I still need Christmas lights though, so I just do not know if this is the year for it or not. It is just that I feel like a bah humbug with nothing up outside.
I had a good talk with Autumn this morning about the Christmas Spirit and I think that she got the message. Maybe I won't need to cancel Christmas after all.
I Love you. I miss you.
By the way, that was super BUSTER of you to call at 1159 pm on my birthday and then say you should get credit for calling me at nearly midnight. NO CREDIT FOR YOU!!!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 26 days of Aurora shenanigans without you.