Harvest Days.
The time change did not seem to bother anyone around here. The girls slept in and we had a nice and relaxing morning before getting ready for church. Before we left, Autumn came up with this super brilliant idea.

Moments like this, all I can say is, "WOW!" And take pictures of course!

I mean honestly, how does she come up with this stuff? Did you show her to do that?

Look at that big smile!

She cracks me up.
We went to church. Had a nice time. Heard the message. Funny, the pastor is doing a series on Genesis. That couldn't work out any better for me. That is what I am studying right now on my own.
After church, we ran over to Publix, where Millie acted completely and totally out of control. She was hungry!!!!!!!!!!!! We picked up a few groceries for this week and then we headed over to Zaxby's. We came home, gobbled down lunch, put groceries away and then headed out to Harvest days.

Autumn found that bib in Millie's drawer and took it back. She informed me that, "It is great for not getting slob on your shirt." Cannot really argue with that.

We went to Patsiliga Museum, Inc. will present “Harvest Days in Old Talbot”. This place was not even on the map! We found it OK. Autumn said she really liked going off road, but that we should go in the Jeep next time.

They had old rail road stuff that we got to check out.

Cheese trains.

Now that was a lot of fun. That little girl is Dakota and she helped me since Autumn wasn't able to do it (or maybe it was more that she wasn't willing). We came back into the covered area going way to fast and almost wrecked out.

I think we could have stayed right there the whole day.

The bell tower.

Millie trying to do it herself.

Two girls together though...

and you can achieve...


Millie's face!

She kept trying though.

This was a beautiful home! Autumn told me that she wanted to live here.

We walked in and turned a corner and found, a band. Millie LOVED it.

Millie was really into it.

One of the band members brought this guy out and the girls loved it.

He dances! Just like the girls!

The girls even got a turn.

This kitchen was awesome. The house had a fireplace in every room.

Can I please have vines like that on my home?

When I saw this room, from one of the bedrooms (there are doors in the bedroom that open to this room) my mouth about hit the floor! This courtyard is awesome! Millie's smile face.

Can you imagine cooking on that?

I think that may have been an out house.

We didn't see momma pig at first, but when she stood up, Autumn and I were both shocked. It was the biggest pig I had ever seen. Both the girls backed up and were a good distance away, I only tell you that because....

Some busy body old man started yelling at me that the girls were too close. Now look at the other picture. They were not even in an arms length near the fence. Then he tells me not to put them in the pig pen. WTH? Why on earth would anyone ever do that?

Inside the mill where they made corn meal.

We got to meet GT. He is a gopher tortoise, hence the name GT.

Then there was Maggie. Autumn and Millie talked about Maggie the entire time!
It was great fun for $5. Now we are headed to iguana or AWANA. I hope you are almost to your destination now and that you are not completely exhausted.
I love you and I miss you so very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 2 days of loving on each other without you.
Moments like this, all I can say is, "WOW!" And take pictures of course!
I mean honestly, how does she come up with this stuff? Did you show her to do that?
Look at that big smile!
She cracks me up.
We went to church. Had a nice time. Heard the message. Funny, the pastor is doing a series on Genesis. That couldn't work out any better for me. That is what I am studying right now on my own.
After church, we ran over to Publix, where Millie acted completely and totally out of control. She was hungry!!!!!!!!!!!! We picked up a few groceries for this week and then we headed over to Zaxby's. We came home, gobbled down lunch, put groceries away and then headed out to Harvest days.
Autumn found that bib in Millie's drawer and took it back. She informed me that, "It is great for not getting slob on your shirt." Cannot really argue with that.
We went to Patsiliga Museum, Inc. will present “Harvest Days in Old Talbot”. This place was not even on the map! We found it OK. Autumn said she really liked going off road, but that we should go in the Jeep next time.
They had old rail road stuff that we got to check out.
Cheese trains.
Now that was a lot of fun. That little girl is Dakota and she helped me since Autumn wasn't able to do it (or maybe it was more that she wasn't willing). We came back into the covered area going way to fast and almost wrecked out.
I think we could have stayed right there the whole day.
The bell tower.
Millie trying to do it herself.
Two girls together though...
and you can achieve...
Millie's face!
She kept trying though.
This was a beautiful home! Autumn told me that she wanted to live here.
We walked in and turned a corner and found, a band. Millie LOVED it.
Millie was really into it.
One of the band members brought this guy out and the girls loved it.
He dances! Just like the girls!
The girls even got a turn.
This kitchen was awesome. The house had a fireplace in every room.
Can I please have vines like that on my home?
When I saw this room, from one of the bedrooms (there are doors in the bedroom that open to this room) my mouth about hit the floor! This courtyard is awesome! Millie's smile face.
Can you imagine cooking on that?
I think that may have been an out house.
We didn't see momma pig at first, but when she stood up, Autumn and I were both shocked. It was the biggest pig I had ever seen. Both the girls backed up and were a good distance away, I only tell you that because....
Some busy body old man started yelling at me that the girls were too close. Now look at the other picture. They were not even in an arms length near the fence. Then he tells me not to put them in the pig pen. WTH? Why on earth would anyone ever do that?
Inside the mill where they made corn meal.
We got to meet GT. He is a gopher tortoise, hence the name GT.
Then there was Maggie. Autumn and Millie talked about Maggie the entire time!
It was great fun for $5. Now we are headed to iguana or AWANA. I hope you are almost to your destination now and that you are not completely exhausted.
I love you and I miss you so very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 2 days of loving on each other without you.