You learn something new all the time.
Today was Autumn's class party.

It was also Monday which means I was driving the Jeep.

I wonder what sort of socks I have on under there? Only I will ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Millie was so excited to go into Autumn's classroom. She was a little nervous because there were a lot of people around, but as soon as she found Autumn, Millie was just fine.

The children were dressed up as pilgrim's. They went around the room saying what they were all thankful for. The little boy that sits next to Autumn, Boyd, stood up and said,
"I'm thankful for my dad growing a mustache."
ALL the children and most of the adults found that comical!
Autumn said she was grateful for "Mom. Dad and Millie."

Once the eating portion of the party was over, Autumn and Millie were sitting in this chair, talking and writing. Boyd came over and started talking about mustaches again. Autumn and Millie were busting a gut and Boyd was getting such a rise out of it, that he kept going. Then he said, "my dad eats boogers." That made Autumn and Millie laugh even harder. Boyd talked about boogers for a few minutes and then Autumn says, "Boyd. Say boogers." Boyd complies. Boyd's mom comes flying across the room and fusses at Boyd, "we don't say that word Boyd." She drags him away and gives me a look.
WHAT LADY!!!!! Boyd does say that word. He just said that word like 50 times. Autumn knows that word thanks to the Leprechaun prank that Miss Keri pulled last year where the Leprechaun left boogers on the kids things!
I didn't say anything. Personally, I was just glad they didn't say shit. Or damn. Or a million other words that are worse than boogers. Is there even an alternative to the word booger? When did booger become a bad word?
Anyway, like I said. I learn something new all the time!

HI boogers!

Miss Keri getting control of the class. Autumn and the other children counted all the way up to 51. I'll admit, I was impressed.
I feel like I should add in here that I love Miss Keri and the way she handles the children. She does such an excellent job and I'm so grateful that we have her and she has Autumn!

Each day they add a new number to the wall. They will go all the way up to 100.

Millie was very intrigued by Autumn's class. I just know that Millie is going to do great when she gets to Pre-K. She is so interested.

Autumn's crime scene body print. I was able to correctly identify it as her because of the hair.

Millie wanted a picture too!
Well that is my story mr morning glory. I guess I do have one other thing I want to share. I'm adding some Alaska pictures to my google plus. I've posted a question or two on some of them. Can you look and respond please?
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 10 days of cheesing without you.
It was also Monday which means I was driving the Jeep.
I wonder what sort of socks I have on under there? Only I will ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Millie was so excited to go into Autumn's classroom. She was a little nervous because there were a lot of people around, but as soon as she found Autumn, Millie was just fine.
The children were dressed up as pilgrim's. They went around the room saying what they were all thankful for. The little boy that sits next to Autumn, Boyd, stood up and said,
"I'm thankful for my dad growing a mustache."
ALL the children and most of the adults found that comical!
Autumn said she was grateful for "Mom. Dad and Millie."
Once the eating portion of the party was over, Autumn and Millie were sitting in this chair, talking and writing. Boyd came over and started talking about mustaches again. Autumn and Millie were busting a gut and Boyd was getting such a rise out of it, that he kept going. Then he said, "my dad eats boogers." That made Autumn and Millie laugh even harder. Boyd talked about boogers for a few minutes and then Autumn says, "Boyd. Say boogers." Boyd complies. Boyd's mom comes flying across the room and fusses at Boyd, "we don't say that word Boyd." She drags him away and gives me a look.
WHAT LADY!!!!! Boyd does say that word. He just said that word like 50 times. Autumn knows that word thanks to the Leprechaun prank that Miss Keri pulled last year where the Leprechaun left boogers on the kids things!
I didn't say anything. Personally, I was just glad they didn't say shit. Or damn. Or a million other words that are worse than boogers. Is there even an alternative to the word booger? When did booger become a bad word?
Anyway, like I said. I learn something new all the time!
HI boogers!
Miss Keri getting control of the class. Autumn and the other children counted all the way up to 51. I'll admit, I was impressed.
I feel like I should add in here that I love Miss Keri and the way she handles the children. She does such an excellent job and I'm so grateful that we have her and she has Autumn!
Each day they add a new number to the wall. They will go all the way up to 100.
Millie was very intrigued by Autumn's class. I just know that Millie is going to do great when she gets to Pre-K. She is so interested.
Autumn's crime scene body print. I was able to correctly identify it as her because of the hair.
Millie wanted a picture too!
Well that is my story mr morning glory. I guess I do have one other thing I want to share. I'm adding some Alaska pictures to my google plus. I've posted a question or two on some of them. Can you look and respond please?
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 10 days of cheesing without you.