Domestic Diva?
Tomorrow is Millie's class party. I volunteered to bring cookies for the kids to decorate. There are only four kids in Millie's class, so I donned my apron...

Picked up my rolling pin and prepared for battle. Oh, I'm just kidding. It was pretty easy. Just sugar cookies. I decided to do it without the girls because we shall do it again sometime later this year (probably Christmas Eve).

I had to hop on the counter for two reasons. 1. This is how the girls cook. 2. So that you could see that I was bare foot. What is it about being bare foot, wearing your pretty apron that makes you feel like a domestic diva? I don't know, maybe it was the rolling pin.

I made about 30 cookies. Autumn and Millie have already stolen four! Now they are hiding. I am going to slip this comment in for Miss Angie because I know she reads from time to time, but she is weaved into our lives in all sorts of ways and I hope she notices that in my photos! I love her in all sorts of ways that are hard to put into words.
My coffee date went splendidly this morning. There were four of us, two mom's with kids in Autumn/Millie's classes and one brought her sister. We got to talking for so long that before I knew it, it was time to go. We chatted and laughed and just talked about so much and I learned a lot about them all. I really hope that after the holidays, we can do it again.

Miss Millie is killing me with that calendar. We are missing dates off of it. I have no idea what she does with them. I think she might be eating them.
Neither one of our girls slept well last night. Millie woke up once wanting to take her pull up off and put a new one on. I did that. She woke again around 2 am, but she wasn't crying for anything specific and I waited a few minutes and she went back to sleep.

Autumn joined me in the bed around midnight. She told me she wasn't feeling well, that her stomach hurt. I asked her if she needed to throw up and she said no. I told her to lay down with me. About an hour later she started having a coughing fit. She sounded like she was going to throw up. I picked her up and took her to the kitchen. Throw up is easier to clean off of tile in my opinion. Once she got calm, I asked her if she was OK. I could hear her stomach making horrible noises. She said she needed some water. I gave her some and we went back to sleep.
Late this afternoon (after school and nap time), Autumn had some stomach issues that involve the bathroom but do not involve throwing up. She had two episodes of that and she seems much better now. Her eating has returned to normal this evening, so I am crossing my fingers that was just something random. I don't know yet if I will keep her home from school tomorrow. I do not want to miss Millie's class party so if we have no other issues tonight or tomorrow, Autumn will go to school tomorrow as she is supposed to.
Well, there is our day in a nutshell. I love you and I miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 12 days of watching Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman (the versions I watched as a kid) continuously since pulling them from the attic, without you.
Picked up my rolling pin and prepared for battle. Oh, I'm just kidding. It was pretty easy. Just sugar cookies. I decided to do it without the girls because we shall do it again sometime later this year (probably Christmas Eve).
I had to hop on the counter for two reasons. 1. This is how the girls cook. 2. So that you could see that I was bare foot. What is it about being bare foot, wearing your pretty apron that makes you feel like a domestic diva? I don't know, maybe it was the rolling pin.
I made about 30 cookies. Autumn and Millie have already stolen four! Now they are hiding. I am going to slip this comment in for Miss Angie because I know she reads from time to time, but she is weaved into our lives in all sorts of ways and I hope she notices that in my photos! I love her in all sorts of ways that are hard to put into words.
My coffee date went splendidly this morning. There were four of us, two mom's with kids in Autumn/Millie's classes and one brought her sister. We got to talking for so long that before I knew it, it was time to go. We chatted and laughed and just talked about so much and I learned a lot about them all. I really hope that after the holidays, we can do it again.
Miss Millie is killing me with that calendar. We are missing dates off of it. I have no idea what she does with them. I think she might be eating them.
Neither one of our girls slept well last night. Millie woke up once wanting to take her pull up off and put a new one on. I did that. She woke again around 2 am, but she wasn't crying for anything specific and I waited a few minutes and she went back to sleep.
Autumn joined me in the bed around midnight. She told me she wasn't feeling well, that her stomach hurt. I asked her if she needed to throw up and she said no. I told her to lay down with me. About an hour later she started having a coughing fit. She sounded like she was going to throw up. I picked her up and took her to the kitchen. Throw up is easier to clean off of tile in my opinion. Once she got calm, I asked her if she was OK. I could hear her stomach making horrible noises. She said she needed some water. I gave her some and we went back to sleep.
Late this afternoon (after school and nap time), Autumn had some stomach issues that involve the bathroom but do not involve throwing up. She had two episodes of that and she seems much better now. Her eating has returned to normal this evening, so I am crossing my fingers that was just something random. I don't know yet if I will keep her home from school tomorrow. I do not want to miss Millie's class party so if we have no other issues tonight or tomorrow, Autumn will go to school tomorrow as she is supposed to.
Well, there is our day in a nutshell. I love you and I miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 12 days of watching Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman (the versions I watched as a kid) continuously since pulling them from the attic, without you.