Crazy Woman!
Last night the girls were so wound up. I guess the hiking and being outdoors and such just gave them an abundance of energy. They made an "airfort."

I thought they did a decent job. Looks like most of the airforts I made growing up.

That look on Autumn's face is killing me!

Hi there crooked eye.

Crazy hair.
Finally got the girls off to bed and then I proceeded to neti pot my face for 45 minutes. That is how long it took for any water to make it out the other nostril. EW! I hope this neti pot thing is actually helping me. As of yet, I'm not sure.
I woke up this morning feeling just plain awful. I had a wicked headache and I knew there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to go to church. I did laundry, cleaned the house, did some packing for my mom's house. The girls let me nap off and on. They were so good, I let them go on and make their sugar cookies.

Millie added the egg.

Autumn was in charge of the flour.

Autumn made moose cookies, reindeer cookies and flowers.

Millie made polar bears, pumpkins and flowers.
After making cookies, we did some more packing. We ate dinner and then headed to church for iguana's. Autumn earned another patch tonight! Now I am super happy that I didn't skip it tonight. Anyway, there is about a half hour between dropping Autumn off and church starting. Millie was sitting in the pew writing on the bulletin. I asked her what she was writing and she said, "you are a craaaaazy woman." I was somewhat dumbfounded and then asked her where did she learn that and she looked up at me very innocently and said, "grandma." It made me laugh so hard! That girl is hilarious.
We plan to leave just whenever in the morning. I am hoping everyone sleeps in at least a little bit. I am so exhausted. My mom will be at work by the time I arrive in Charleston, so I am not in a really big rush to get there early.
I am hoping you will have internet connection and can call me on the I-16 portion of the trip because that part is SO boring.
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 16 days of being without you.
I thought they did a decent job. Looks like most of the airforts I made growing up.
That look on Autumn's face is killing me!
Hi there crooked eye.
Crazy hair.
Finally got the girls off to bed and then I proceeded to neti pot my face for 45 minutes. That is how long it took for any water to make it out the other nostril. EW! I hope this neti pot thing is actually helping me. As of yet, I'm not sure.
I woke up this morning feeling just plain awful. I had a wicked headache and I knew there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to go to church. I did laundry, cleaned the house, did some packing for my mom's house. The girls let me nap off and on. They were so good, I let them go on and make their sugar cookies.
Millie added the egg.
Autumn was in charge of the flour.
Autumn made moose cookies, reindeer cookies and flowers.
Millie made polar bears, pumpkins and flowers.
After making cookies, we did some more packing. We ate dinner and then headed to church for iguana's. Autumn earned another patch tonight! Now I am super happy that I didn't skip it tonight. Anyway, there is about a half hour between dropping Autumn off and church starting. Millie was sitting in the pew writing on the bulletin. I asked her what she was writing and she said, "you are a craaaaazy woman." I was somewhat dumbfounded and then asked her where did she learn that and she looked up at me very innocently and said, "grandma." It made me laugh so hard! That girl is hilarious.
We plan to leave just whenever in the morning. I am hoping everyone sleeps in at least a little bit. I am so exhausted. My mom will be at work by the time I arrive in Charleston, so I am not in a really big rush to get there early.
I am hoping you will have internet connection and can call me on the I-16 portion of the trip because that part is SO boring.
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 16 days of being without you.