It seems like around this time of the year I always have a hodgepodge post. I guess that is how it goes when you have so much to catch up on.
I guess I shall start with the eldest.

The bed in the kids room at the cabin. The girls LOVED it! Everyone was up and down the stairs. I fussed at all the kids a few times about being careful on those stairs, but then I left it alone. I was standing outside when I heard the screaming. I told my mom I thought it was Autumn and she said she thought it was Jordan. Turns out we were both right.
Autumn was upside down and on her back near the bottom of the steps with her arms and legs spread out to stop herself from falling any further. Every step she slid down left a bruise.
Jordan came running out of the room screaming she was sorry that she did not mean to hurt Autumn. It was not until much later that Autumn told my mom what happened. My mom asked her if she had a good time this week except for falling down the stairs and Autumn said, "I did not fall down the stairs Grandma." My mom asked her how did she end up on the stairs and Autumn says, "Jordie pushed me." She has stuck to that the entire time. I think Jordan did push her, although I don't think she meant for Autumn to get hurt.

I took this photo just after it happened. The bruises near her ribs are almost gone, but they concerned me. Then the next day, her lower back swelled and the bruising became large near her kidney. Autumn was walking funny, but she insisted she was not in any pain. Now the swelling has gone down, but there feels like there is a knot near her kidney. She says it only hurts when someone touches it. She seems to be OK. I did not realize it until she was in the bath, but the bruises extend down to her buttocks. I was thinking about taking her to get looked at since I am taking Millie about her burn, but I think everything is alright.
Now for Millie.

I was in the kitchen cooking (I think this is obvious by the burning on my stuffing muffins). Those muffins were good, I enjoyed them, but I would like to make them at home and try them non-burned. Millie had just woken up from a nap and was being a major, major grouch. I was not at a stopping point with my muffins.
Millie was on her way out of the kitchen, my mom was pulling the mashed potatoes from the oven. It was a huge roasting pan full of mashed potatoes. A part of the pan touched my mom's forearm and her instinct (probably mine too) was to let go of the whole thing. It hit the ground and mashed potatoes shot out across the room. A glop landed on Millie's calf, ran down her leg and went into her shoe.

We scooped her up, took her to the sink, turned the water on and started to get the mashed potatoes off. Millie was screaming. We didn't realize it at the time, but the mashed potatoes went down into her shoes and was on the heel of her foot. While we were cleaning her up in the sink, Millie said in the most pathetic voice, "I got burned." It nearly sent me over the edge with tears, but I knew I could not do that because it would make Millie more upset. I did not know it at the time, but my mom was crying. Once we thought we got all the potatoes off, I took her to the bedroom to undress her. I wanted to get a good look and make sure we got all the potatoes off of her. Once I removed her dress, I took her shoes off and that is when I saw that she had burns on her feet as well. The heel of her foot is still swollen today, Sunday, three days later.

The blisters have been popping, oozing and getting dirty (this is Millie we are talking about). I have been cleaning it with an antiseptic specifically for burns and sterile gauze. I am putting triple antibiotic ointment on it, covering it with nonstick gauze and loosely wrapping it with that nonstick tape stuff. I am going to go see Dr Iris on Monday because she can give me a prescription cream to put on it to help prevent scarring.

This is how it looked yesterday. This was prior to cleaning it and keeping it covered is minimizing the amount of dirt getting into the wound. After cleaning it, it bled. Millie cringed and cried when we were cleaning it, but she let us do it. She is still walking funny because her heel is still swollen, but the heel is not blistering or oozing or anything like that, so I haven't messed with it much.
As for the rest of the time we were there.....

Jordie and Autumn.

Autumn, Kaitlyn and Jordie.

Millie, Autumn and Jordie. I love the goofy look on Jordie's face.

I don't know why Autumn must tempt fate.

Ring toss!
We walked down to the lake to look around.

It was positively beautiful at sunset and sunrise.


Silly Millie.

Sweet Autumn.

I kept looking for gators.

The three little pigs.


I love those kind of trees.

Three bumps on a log.

Millie looks like a space cadet.

I thought it looked a little like fall, but we weren't even wearing coats.

Do you have any decent sunsets?

The moon!

I thought the cement block was strange.

Cheese lake.

My sweet tattoo.

The morning after Thanksgiving, Autumn was so excited to see Aurora. I think she looks this way in the photo because some of her cousins kept trying to touch Aurora. Autumn was not happy about that. She enjoyed her polar breakfast and her letter from Santa. After I read her letter to her, she turned to Millie and said, "I am sorry for being a bad girl to you sometimes Millie." It took everything in me not to burst out laughing at that!

I think Millie was just happy about donuts. Funny girl!
I have more pictures from our weekend, but this is it for today.
Saturday morning, after we checked out, we went over to Mrs Connie's RV and the kids played at the park there. It was noon when we left there and I stopped for lunch. My mom and dad, Connie and Cecil came over and met us. My dad needed to leave first because he had to get to work and when he said goodbye, Millie pitched a huge fit. She said she did not want him to leave. I know that partly she was extremely over tired. The next hour was full of kicking, screaming, hitting. Finally, I got angry and spanked her. My mom got upset and took Millie into the store for a few minutes and when Millie came out, she had a stuffed puppy dog and lollipops and great big grin on her face. Well, I guess that is what grandma's are for. She was calm enough to be put in the car. I would say that she cried more than she did anything else on the way home because it hurt to sit in her car seat.

Poor girl.

This moment brought to you by two solid hours of crying.
I was going to stop and see Angie, but right as we crossed the bridge into Georgia, Millie fell asleep. I just did not want to wake her up. It took all my strength not to cry. I know Autumn really wanted to see Riley and I really wanted to visit with all of them. Angie was so understanding and made me feel better about not stopping to visit.
The traffic on I-95 was horrible and Millie was crying the entire time (except when we passed in to GA). The girls both slept until 5 pm or so. Once Millie woke up, the crying commenced again. That lasted all the way until we got home. I just had to do my best to tune it out. I knew I was getting tired when I missed one of my turns and then I thought I saw a hand move in the passenger seat, so I started calling people to talk to until I got home.
Once we got home, your mom/dad stopped by to help me get Millie fixed up. I will be taking care of that by myself until it is healed. Your dad was going to actually touch the open blisters and he hadn't even washed his hands.
Today will be a day of rest, relaxation and cleaning. We all need showers/baths. I need to do a bunch of laundry. The cats all seem fine although I haven't seen Mr Prince yet. I am sure he is around somewhere.

Autumn was happy to see that Aurora figured out we were home. She told me this morning, "Mom, you cannot touch Aurora. She will lose her magic and need elf surgery."
I made Autumn and I some coffee, another thing Autumn was super excited about! Me too actually, after having to drink Folgers all week.......
I love you and miss you so much. I am so glad to be home.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 23 days of too many girls and not enough you.
I guess I shall start with the eldest.
The bed in the kids room at the cabin. The girls LOVED it! Everyone was up and down the stairs. I fussed at all the kids a few times about being careful on those stairs, but then I left it alone. I was standing outside when I heard the screaming. I told my mom I thought it was Autumn and she said she thought it was Jordan. Turns out we were both right.
Autumn was upside down and on her back near the bottom of the steps with her arms and legs spread out to stop herself from falling any further. Every step she slid down left a bruise.
Jordan came running out of the room screaming she was sorry that she did not mean to hurt Autumn. It was not until much later that Autumn told my mom what happened. My mom asked her if she had a good time this week except for falling down the stairs and Autumn said, "I did not fall down the stairs Grandma." My mom asked her how did she end up on the stairs and Autumn says, "Jordie pushed me." She has stuck to that the entire time. I think Jordan did push her, although I don't think she meant for Autumn to get hurt.
I took this photo just after it happened. The bruises near her ribs are almost gone, but they concerned me. Then the next day, her lower back swelled and the bruising became large near her kidney. Autumn was walking funny, but she insisted she was not in any pain. Now the swelling has gone down, but there feels like there is a knot near her kidney. She says it only hurts when someone touches it. She seems to be OK. I did not realize it until she was in the bath, but the bruises extend down to her buttocks. I was thinking about taking her to get looked at since I am taking Millie about her burn, but I think everything is alright.
Now for Millie.
I was in the kitchen cooking (I think this is obvious by the burning on my stuffing muffins). Those muffins were good, I enjoyed them, but I would like to make them at home and try them non-burned. Millie had just woken up from a nap and was being a major, major grouch. I was not at a stopping point with my muffins.
Millie was on her way out of the kitchen, my mom was pulling the mashed potatoes from the oven. It was a huge roasting pan full of mashed potatoes. A part of the pan touched my mom's forearm and her instinct (probably mine too) was to let go of the whole thing. It hit the ground and mashed potatoes shot out across the room. A glop landed on Millie's calf, ran down her leg and went into her shoe.
We scooped her up, took her to the sink, turned the water on and started to get the mashed potatoes off. Millie was screaming. We didn't realize it at the time, but the mashed potatoes went down into her shoes and was on the heel of her foot. While we were cleaning her up in the sink, Millie said in the most pathetic voice, "I got burned." It nearly sent me over the edge with tears, but I knew I could not do that because it would make Millie more upset. I did not know it at the time, but my mom was crying. Once we thought we got all the potatoes off, I took her to the bedroom to undress her. I wanted to get a good look and make sure we got all the potatoes off of her. Once I removed her dress, I took her shoes off and that is when I saw that she had burns on her feet as well. The heel of her foot is still swollen today, Sunday, three days later.
The blisters have been popping, oozing and getting dirty (this is Millie we are talking about). I have been cleaning it with an antiseptic specifically for burns and sterile gauze. I am putting triple antibiotic ointment on it, covering it with nonstick gauze and loosely wrapping it with that nonstick tape stuff. I am going to go see Dr Iris on Monday because she can give me a prescription cream to put on it to help prevent scarring.
This is how it looked yesterday. This was prior to cleaning it and keeping it covered is minimizing the amount of dirt getting into the wound. After cleaning it, it bled. Millie cringed and cried when we were cleaning it, but she let us do it. She is still walking funny because her heel is still swollen, but the heel is not blistering or oozing or anything like that, so I haven't messed with it much.
As for the rest of the time we were there.....
Jordie and Autumn.
Autumn, Kaitlyn and Jordie.
Millie, Autumn and Jordie. I love the goofy look on Jordie's face.
I don't know why Autumn must tempt fate.
Ring toss!
We walked down to the lake to look around.
It was positively beautiful at sunset and sunrise.
Silly Millie.
Sweet Autumn.
I kept looking for gators.
The three little pigs.
I love those kind of trees.
Three bumps on a log.
Millie looks like a space cadet.
I thought it looked a little like fall, but we weren't even wearing coats.
Do you have any decent sunsets?
The moon!
I thought the cement block was strange.
Cheese lake.
My sweet tattoo.
The morning after Thanksgiving, Autumn was so excited to see Aurora. I think she looks this way in the photo because some of her cousins kept trying to touch Aurora. Autumn was not happy about that. She enjoyed her polar breakfast and her letter from Santa. After I read her letter to her, she turned to Millie and said, "I am sorry for being a bad girl to you sometimes Millie." It took everything in me not to burst out laughing at that!
I think Millie was just happy about donuts. Funny girl!
I have more pictures from our weekend, but this is it for today.
Saturday morning, after we checked out, we went over to Mrs Connie's RV and the kids played at the park there. It was noon when we left there and I stopped for lunch. My mom and dad, Connie and Cecil came over and met us. My dad needed to leave first because he had to get to work and when he said goodbye, Millie pitched a huge fit. She said she did not want him to leave. I know that partly she was extremely over tired. The next hour was full of kicking, screaming, hitting. Finally, I got angry and spanked her. My mom got upset and took Millie into the store for a few minutes and when Millie came out, she had a stuffed puppy dog and lollipops and great big grin on her face. Well, I guess that is what grandma's are for. She was calm enough to be put in the car. I would say that she cried more than she did anything else on the way home because it hurt to sit in her car seat.
Poor girl.
This moment brought to you by two solid hours of crying.
I was going to stop and see Angie, but right as we crossed the bridge into Georgia, Millie fell asleep. I just did not want to wake her up. It took all my strength not to cry. I know Autumn really wanted to see Riley and I really wanted to visit with all of them. Angie was so understanding and made me feel better about not stopping to visit.
The traffic on I-95 was horrible and Millie was crying the entire time (except when we passed in to GA). The girls both slept until 5 pm or so. Once Millie woke up, the crying commenced again. That lasted all the way until we got home. I just had to do my best to tune it out. I knew I was getting tired when I missed one of my turns and then I thought I saw a hand move in the passenger seat, so I started calling people to talk to until I got home.
Once we got home, your mom/dad stopped by to help me get Millie fixed up. I will be taking care of that by myself until it is healed. Your dad was going to actually touch the open blisters and he hadn't even washed his hands.
Today will be a day of rest, relaxation and cleaning. We all need showers/baths. I need to do a bunch of laundry. The cats all seem fine although I haven't seen Mr Prince yet. I am sure he is around somewhere.
Autumn was happy to see that Aurora figured out we were home. She told me this morning, "Mom, you cannot touch Aurora. She will lose her magic and need elf surgery."
I made Autumn and I some coffee, another thing Autumn was super excited about! Me too actually, after having to drink Folgers all week.......
I love you and miss you so much. I am so glad to be home.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 23 days of too many girls and not enough you.