I don't like mash potatoes.
As I was leaving to take Autumn to school this morning, I noticed we had a birds nest in our crepe myrtle.

Personally, I don't think that is a great spot. I guess these birds have not met Mr Pene. Or maybe they have and that is why I don't see them?

After we dropped Autumn off, I was able to get an appointment for Millie with PA Al. We headed right over.

Millie loves it in there and she was such a good girl.

This is how it looks today.
PA Al said that we did a beautiful job with it. She prescribed some silvadene and told me to continue wrapping it, cleaning it when necessary. She said that it would scar but over time the scar would become less visible. She said it would be a flat scar, not a rough looking one. We will need to make sure we sunscreen it during the summer. She also said for future reference in burns this size they want you to come in so they can document it. She took measurements and wrote them down. If something were to ever come up later, it will be in her records that she received a burn, but that we sought medical attention.
Millie informed Al that she does not like mashed potatoes. She has been telling everyone that.
After leaving the doctors office we went straight to Target to pick up the prescription and a few more supplies. This burn is adding up!
On the way home, your mom invited me out to dinner for my birthday. Millie and I unloaded the car and went to grab Autumn from school. We did lunch, then nap, then I worked out.

Can you do that? That is not easy.
Once Millie got up from nap, we decided to trim the tree.

While we were trimming the tree, your mom called and cancelled dinner on me. Your dad had to work late.

In case you are keeping up, that is change of clothes #2 today.

My favorite ornament.

I like this one too.

Autumn has the mistletoe concept all mixed up.

Cheese face.

Inside joke....

The mantle.

I could not get a decent picture of these animals. They just could not sit still.
I think I should tell you that I overheard Autumn sing out, "I like big butts and my eyes."

As good as it gets and change #3 for Millie.

What do you think? Are you homesick?

Sometimes, Autumn is a bad girl.....

Silly faces.

The last week has not been an easy one for me. Sometimes I doubt myself as a mother and then I overhear Millie telling Autumn, "it is alright baby. I love you" and I realize we are all doing alright.
The girls both took a bath tonight. I could tell Millie was in pain, but she did not fuss very much about it. Can I explain to you how much I love that girl? Gosh, I wish that burn was on me instead of her.
I miss you. I love you. I wish you were here.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 24 days of smiley faces without you.
Personally, I don't think that is a great spot. I guess these birds have not met Mr Pene. Or maybe they have and that is why I don't see them?
After we dropped Autumn off, I was able to get an appointment for Millie with PA Al. We headed right over.
Millie loves it in there and she was such a good girl.
This is how it looks today.
PA Al said that we did a beautiful job with it. She prescribed some silvadene and told me to continue wrapping it, cleaning it when necessary. She said that it would scar but over time the scar would become less visible. She said it would be a flat scar, not a rough looking one. We will need to make sure we sunscreen it during the summer. She also said for future reference in burns this size they want you to come in so they can document it. She took measurements and wrote them down. If something were to ever come up later, it will be in her records that she received a burn, but that we sought medical attention.
Millie informed Al that she does not like mashed potatoes. She has been telling everyone that.
After leaving the doctors office we went straight to Target to pick up the prescription and a few more supplies. This burn is adding up!
On the way home, your mom invited me out to dinner for my birthday. Millie and I unloaded the car and went to grab Autumn from school. We did lunch, then nap, then I worked out.
Can you do that? That is not easy.
Once Millie got up from nap, we decided to trim the tree.
While we were trimming the tree, your mom called and cancelled dinner on me. Your dad had to work late.
In case you are keeping up, that is change of clothes #2 today.
My favorite ornament.
I like this one too.
Autumn has the mistletoe concept all mixed up.
Cheese face.
Inside joke....
The mantle.
I could not get a decent picture of these animals. They just could not sit still.
I think I should tell you that I overheard Autumn sing out, "I like big butts and my eyes."
As good as it gets and change #3 for Millie.
What do you think? Are you homesick?
Sometimes, Autumn is a bad girl.....
Silly faces.
The last week has not been an easy one for me. Sometimes I doubt myself as a mother and then I overhear Millie telling Autumn, "it is alright baby. I love you" and I realize we are all doing alright.
The girls both took a bath tonight. I could tell Millie was in pain, but she did not fuss very much about it. Can I explain to you how much I love that girl? Gosh, I wish that burn was on me instead of her.
I miss you. I love you. I wish you were here.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 24 days of smiley faces without you.